Chapter 5

"How dare you make me wait for hours!" she's furious but i only laughed at her. I know she's not mad... well just pissed.

"I'm sorry, you know how busy i am these days" Law school is fckng my whole system up.

"You're not the only one who's busy, I AM TOO! but bitch i can spare my time for you and you wasted some of it"

I pouted then approached her to cling on her arms.

"Don't be mad, miss you" Even if i don't look at her, i know what her reaction will be.

"We're with my cousin, she just gone to the restroom"

"Creed?!" i exclaimed

"Of course not!" i pouted

"My cousin on my dad side" i only nodded.

"Have you seen Alex at school?" she asked which made my mood lit up.

"Yas!" sigh "but we never talked" making my voice even sadder than the normal.

"That guy" she exclaimed.

sigh "Let's grab a bite first, i'm famished" i whined which she indulge.

"I told him to treat you better" she said with knotted brows.

"He's good to me" trying to defend him but i know it's useless.

"Ignoring you? yeah right" she rolled her eyes. "The next time he visit me he must drag you with him or else i won't accept him in my house"

I giggled. "I'm looking forward to that!But i don't think he'll agree with you"

"He won't obey me but mom will scold him if he won't visit me, he needs to take care of my necessities you know, and he can never visit me unless you're with him"

I smiled widely. "You're the best!!!" and i hugged her tight.

I'm her sister/ cousin-in-law. I knew from the buttom of my heart, I'm the only acceptable in law for her.

Seriously, one of the reason why it seems i can never find someone other than Creed is because of his family. All them know how crazy i am with him, of course not that they push us with each other. They're silent in fact, but they know i like Creed annndd, luckily they indulge me with my feelings.

Maze is a med student and she's on her 3rd year now. She's a cousin of Creed and she's the reason why i found the love of my life.

I giggled with that thought. Maze look at me and gave me the 'What-are-you-laughing-at' look. I merely shrugged.

We were org mates back in college and when she held a party, she invited me. Creed living in their roof was there, trying his best to socialize (Thanks to her cousin who forced him to do so).

Creed Alexander doesn't have a family, and being Maze first cousin. The Morgan family adopted him. His mother and Maze mother are siblings but his parents died and i don't know why. I don't wanna pry with his past, especially that part.

But to my surprise, the moment we entered the caffé my eyes automatically zoomed in to the particular man at the back of the coffee shop and he's with someone. A girl.

I squized Maze's hand and signaled her to look at that side of the caffé.

She squirted her eyes and like a kid, her lips form an 'O'

I can feel my chest tightening but i don't want others to see it.

"Who's that white girl? this is my second time on seeing her" I'm so pissed.

"Ah~ Alex classmate she's been in our house a couple of times---''


Who cares if they saw me! she's been in my in-law house!

"Shut it, they might hear us, Alex always stay in the house, he doesn't like going out so when there are group projects and shts, they do it most of the time in our home"

"Ohh" but still! i have this feeling. A bad feeling! that whitey is an enemy! Ever since i saw her at the books store, trying so much to talk to Creed, opening all topic she could open. My goodness, i don't like her.

We ordered, then i held her hand.

"Txt your cousin, make her watch a movie" I'll shoulder the movie ticket.

"Why?" i din't answer her.

"Let's go" i said. It's time for them to notice our presence.