Chapter 20

"Now sleep" and he covered my eyes with his hand.

He's telling me to sleep after spouting those words?! He expect me to sleep?!


Oh my god, i've like this guys for years, he's either aloof, quite or pissed and sometimes he just let you do whatever you like but he never, i repeat he never said sweet words to me!

He comforted me when i needed it but his ways are different and now, suddenly.....

I think my heart just sank.


I don't how it happen but i did sleep.

But up till now my head is still grogy.

My heart is beating crazily whenever i recall what he said and I THINK OF IT ALL THE DAMN TIME!

He's finally seeing me as woman? his woman?

When i woke up we already arrived in our destination but it  wasn't him that i first saw. It's Blake, he helped me with my things after saying everyone is already inside the hotel and that Creed was ordered to buy a 'cooking oil'

I nearly roll my eyes with that.

Silver will forever be Silver.

I waited for him in our hotel, The boys booked a room enough for all of us, a room with five rooms inside of it.  Blake and Blaze will share a room because there is no way in hell i will sleep with Maze.

Don't get me wrong, i love her but seriously, sleeping beside her is a nightmare.  You can never sleep! she snores a lot and she punches people while asleep!

I experienced that once, when we were still in highschool and i don't plan to repeat it again.

While waiting for all of them, i arrange the table and our foods. Put the fruits, eggs and other take out foods in the fridge.

Maze told me they bought hotdogs in the convenience store and they will fry it later.

Funny how the hotel doesn't have a cooking oil, they could've ask for it but the cousin of mine decided to play with Creed, and the later didn't even think twice about it.

We never call for room service unless the hotel we check in suit our taste.

I didn't want to eat but still can't let my belly empty so i just grab a sandwich.

After that i walked myself in the balcony where i could see the amazing view.

It's not that bad, my friends are just picky. They're used with flashy and expensive things that's why.

In my opinion, it's not their fault that they- i mean-we are born with privilege. We have it so we use it.

But sometimes i wish we could just be a normal average kid.


"Where did your thoughts take you?" Someone muttured.

I jump because of his sudden voice.

'C'mon Naya, stop being shy! you are never shy! not now when you can finally have him!' said the back of my mind.

Right, why would i even be shy?!

"Hey" i pouted. Can't help it, sarre.

He smiled at me, gosh. How can he be so attractive?

I swear, a well dress man is wayyyyy more attractive than a half naked with 6 pack abs guy!

Well, yeah they are hot but i prefer. . This one.

I smiled with that thought.

"You're thinking of something absurd again" His brow slightly knotted. I chuckled.

And we just stared at each others eyes.

Wow, i never thought  this will happen.

'Naya, it's not a dream anymore'

I know.

Suddenly i teared up. Drop of tear fell from my eyes, i saw how his eyes panicked.

He looks like he doesn't know what to do, he raised both of his hands to embrace my face but he was still hesitating.

I nod my head and with that he embrace my whole body.

I heard his shaking sigh.

''I really can't take it when you cry" he said like he was having a hard time.

"Im not crying because im sad, im crying because im too happy" i chukled and then sniff.

"You brat" He muttered.

I hugged him back, still sniffing but i don't care. It always feels good to be cared anyway.

This moment made me realize that the one i like is falling for me too.

The years of chasing him paid off.

I could never be happier than this.

But when i remembered something i pulled out.

My eyes grew wide, Arghh.

"W-what?" he asked.

I look at him in the eye, C'mon don't stare at me like that! i have a problem here!

"We're not together yet, right?!"

He looked at me with a 'Huh?' on his face.

"I.. I mean you still need to court me!" Oh gosh, im fidgeting.

I bit my lip when he didn't answer but a moment later he burst into laugh.

My mouth parted and my face turn grim.

I glared at him.