
The Letter

(Third person P.O.V)

All the gang is sitting on their table eating their lunch while talking.

"Can you all believe it's our last year here," Aman said smiling.

"I know, time goes on by fast, at least I will get to stay with you," Himani said with a smile.

"Come here," Aman said while grabbing her and kissing her.

"Who had ever thought that Aman would have made it this far," Akhil commented.

"Heyy," Aman said narrowing his eyes at him not happy with his comment.

"Hey, but he is telling truth," Alisha said while taking a seat next to Himani.

"No one asks for your opinion," Aman shout at her getting angry.

"Colm down babe," Himani said while kissing him and giggling.

"Okay, I am calm," Aman said kissing her forehead.

"So, Ali where is your 'boyfriend' ?" Aman asks Alisha.

"Now that you mention it, I haven't seen him since the class end," Alisha said looking around the lunchroom.

"I wonder where he could be---" Alisha said but cut herself off when a mischievous smile pulled up on her face.

"Huh, wait a minute are you afraid of him? is that why are you asking where is he?" She asks with a smirk on her face.

"Me..afraid of him? ha... don't make me laugh, just because he is big, muscular and tough didn't make him scary, I am not afraid to anyone not even---" Aman said but cut off by a hard voice.

"Who is afraid of who?" Alex asks walking behind them.

"U-um no one, no one a-afraid of a-a-anyone," Aman said while shuttering and laugh nervously.

"Okay?" Alex said not believing anything he said to him and walk towards his 'girlfriend'.

"Hey, there cutie pie," Alex said hugging Alisha from behind.

"Hey, handsome" Alisha said turning and kissed him. And they started making out with each other until someone interrupt them.

"Um, guys we are still here you know," Aman said scrunching his face in disgust.

"And we are still in the school," Anil said.

"ugh, fine" Alex said whispering something in her ear.

"Ok," Alisha said giggling.

"Awe you guys are so into a relationship," Ankita said walking and taking a seat next to Anil.

"Thanks," Alisha said. *If only we were dating* she whispers under her breath.

"So, Alex do you remember the letter from middle school? you know we are going to get them today." Aman said. Alex lifts his head looking at the ceiling trying to remember the letter.

(Flashback to the 10th grade)

"Alright, students today we will be going to do something different. Today we are going to write a letter to yourself." The teacher said.

"You can write whatever you want to write on it, what you want to do before or after graduation, or what are your goals in your life, what do you want to accomplish in your life, etc," the teacher explained.

"So I can write whatever I want huh?" 15 years old Alex asks.

"Yes, Alex anything you want to write," the teacher said.

"This letter will be sent out when you enter your senior year, you may begin now," she said and everyone began to do as said.

"Hmm, ". Alex said thinking.

"Oh, I get it," he said to himself while smirking and start writing.

This is what, he right in the letter.

"Alex Williams,

What I want to accomplish before my graduation is to sleep with every girl, every last one of them, even the ugliest girl in this school so that they can get the taste of me,".

He writes it and gives it to the teacher after putting it in the envelope and seal it with the gum.

(Flashback ends)