
The bet

"What letter is he talking about?" Alisha asks him.

"Just the letter we have written in Miss. Green class in 10th grade," Aman explains.

"Oh, the letter we wrote to yourself, I forgot that we got it today," Anil said laughing nervously.

"Soo..did you do it?" Aman asks Alex.

"Hell, yeah I did," he said smirking.

"What did you have written in the letter? " Ankita asks.

"Oh just that I will sleep with every girl in the school before I get to graduate from the school," he said shrugging his shoulder.

"You have sex with my girl?!" Anil exclaimed getting angry.

"Oh, hell no," Alex said with a wide eye.

"You know I don't roll like that, from it I mean I slept with every girl in the school except by friend girlfriend," Alex said and Anil relaxes immediately.

"Yeah I know I said I will sleep with every girl but I didn't sleep with my guy's girl that is how I am loyal to you guys," Alex explained.

"Wait so you hook up with every girl in our school," Alisha asks shocked.

"Not to forgot some teachers too," Alex said smirking and everyone jaw drops open.

"You have hooked up teacher too?" Alisha asks and it looks like her eyes are going to poop out of her socket.

"Yes, like Miss. Sharma, Mrs. White, Mrs. Carter, Miss. Wellstone, Mrs. Cumming, Miss. Sasaki, Mrs. Whitehorse, Mrs.Abe,..---" Alex said but cut off by Himani.

"Please stop, Oh my poor ears," Himani said putting her hand on her ear dramatically and they all burst out laughing.

"Do you realize that some of them are married?" Ankita asks him in disgust after getting over the laughter fist.

"That doesn't stop me from getting what I want," Alex said smirking.

"So, you hook up with every girl, just like you wrote in the letter?" Anil ask.

"Hell yeah," Alex said giving Anil a high five.

"Not every girl," Ankita said smirking.

"What do you mean?" Aman asks puzzled.

"What about her?" Ankita asks while pointing her finger towards a girl sitting in a corner. Everyone turned to see where she was pointing to see Elena sitting alone on her table reading a book.

"I have never seen her before," Alex said looking at her.

"Neither do I, who is she?" Aman asks looking at her.

"Oh, that is Elena Khurana, I got her in my calculus class," Hemani said while looking at her.

"Same here, she helped me a lot in my class, she is a crazy smart girl, I heard she was loved by all the teacher because she scores A in every class," Anile said while looking at her.

"Yeah never heard of her," Alex said looking at her.

An evil smile crossed on Aman's face when an evil idea pops up in his mind.

"Hey, how about we make a bet?" Aman asks Alex.

"We haven't made a bet since we are in sophomore plus you make terrible bets," Alex said looking at him.

"Why? too afraid to lose Willams," Aman invoke him using his last name.

"Bring it on than Anderson," Alex said while staring in his eyes challenging him to go on.

"I bet you can't make her sleep with you by the end of the school year," he said with mischief in his eyes.

"And if I manage to do it, then I will reck your car and have all of your money from your bank account," Alex said while smirking at him, making his face go pale.

"Fine, and if you can't I will leak your secret to everyone," Aman said smirking after recovering from his shock.

"But you have to make her fall in love with you first," he added.

"So do we have a bet?" Aman asks with an evil smirk on his face.

"You got yourself a bet," Alex said and they do their bro handshake.

"So our bets began now," Aman said with a smirk looking at him and Alex return it with his famous smirk.

"Ding ding," bell rung signaling that their lunch is over.

*I can't let anyone know about THAT secret,* Alex thought and walk towards his next class.