Seeing you again

Scarlett P.O.V

I wake up and glance over my bed, I had a few more minutes before my alarm would go off. It was 6:30 am and my shift at the coffee shop didn't start till another hour.

I walked to my bathroom and did my business. Then stripped out from my clothes before opening my phone and clicking on my music app and pressing the shuffle button. Dive by Ed Sheeran started to play. I quickly took a shower and was out in 20 minutes. I put on my work clothes which was a blue dress and my white apron. I applied some mascara that made my lashes a bit longer and filled in my eyebrows a bit more to make them look a bit more presentable. The apartment was quick since everyone was still sleeping.

Sunday mornings were the busiest. The shop was crowded with old people since every other Sunday we do senior discounts. Mrs. Garcia, Sarah, Isabel and me were doing the morning shift. I was pouring Mr. Williams more coffee, he's a regular customer at the shop and we were talking about how his grandkids came over to pay him a visit. Then I heard a voice I thought I wasn't going to hear. I looked up and he was here at the shop.

"Can I have one Cappuccino" Emilio said smiling at me.

What the actual freak is he doing here. For some reason my brain stopped working and I was just paralyzed.

"Uhh, what size" was all I was able to say. He had amusement in his eyes like if he can see that I'm dying from embarrassment.

"A small size will be okay" he says still smiling and looking at me like if I was the only person in the world. My mind goes back to the memories of that night of what we did. And by now I'm probably blushing like a weirdo. He smirks like if he knows what I'm thinking about. Mr. Williams excuses himself and leaves which brings me out of my thoughts.

"Will that be all sir" I said using my customer voice trying to control myself also because I don't remember him telling me his last name and calling him by his first name will be werid. But inside my heart is beating super fast and I'm trying not to freak out.

"Yes, Miss Taylor. That will be all for now" he says smirking and taking the seat where Mr. Williams was seating at. Wait how does he know my last name. I know I told him my name but not my last name. I just ignored that part and started making his coffee. The whole time I was preparing it I could feel his eyes watching my every move.

"Come to the club with me tonight Scarlett" he says when I turned back to give him his coffee. He takes a sip while waiting for my response.

"I don't know. I have things to do tonight." I say coming up with a excuse. I do want to see him again but I have a bunch of things running through my head.

"What things?" He says curiously as if he knows I'm lying to him. "Well, I have a bunch of homework to do" I said lying. I had done my homework already since last week. I like to be on track on my assignments.

"Hmm I have a feeling you don't want to spend time with me sweet heart. Because to be honest, I kinda of enjoyed spending time with you." He says winking.

He's probably lying and wants to get in my pants again. Or maybe he does want to spend some time with me.

"Do you really or do you want to repeat what happened last night again" I said curiously. He does a face like if he's thinking about my question.

"Both to be honest" he smirks. "But no seriously come with me. We don't have to do anything. Just talk, drink and dance." He says trying to convince me.

"Okay fine. I will come" I said giving up. "I'll be expecting food too" I said trying not to grin.

"Deal. Pass me your number." He says getting out his phone to type my number in. After I gave him mine, he says goodbye after he pays for his coffee. I can't wait to see him again. Something about him is so attracting.