
Once it was closing time, Scarlett went to the door to lock it and turn off the lights. She was relieved that Emilio had left in the morning when he showed up out of no where. She was surprised that he found her. She had thought all these conclusions that would make sense on how he knew where she worked at. Maybe he was passing by on the way to work and saw the shop and decided to get a coffee she thought. But the shop is no where near any big businesses. And he looked like the type that owned at least a big company. Plus why would a business man want to stop at an old little cute coffee shop when there's like so many Dutch Bros or Starbucks.   

Through the whole day Scarlett kept wondering why he acted that way towards Ryan and when he said "you belong to me and only me". What did that even mean? A part of her was mad because he was acting like a possessive boyfriend and was claiming her like if she was an object. 

After she was done cleaning up the shop, she exits out. She starts walking to her apartment. Her apartment is like 5 minutes away from the shop. As she was walking she had this feeling like she was being watched by someone. She started to speed walk maybe it was all in her head with Emilio showing up and a some what busy day at work she was just out of it. Once she reached to the gate of the apartment she quickly pulled out the keys to open the front door, turning the key she pushed the door when she felt a hand go over her mouth. Covering her from screaming. She wanted to cry. The mysterious man started to hush her to make her calm down. "SHHH.. Scarlett, it's me Emilio" he said carefully removing his hands from her mouth. "What the actual freak!! I thought I was gonna die or be sent to another country!" she said wanting to slap him in the face. Emilio had a guilty face, he didn't mean to give her a heart attack. It was the first time he has done anything like this before. He didn't have a childhood like everyone else. Being the only child he had to man up at a young age and focus on school to someday take over his fathers business.