Is it time for dinner

"Hi, Gillian.....thank you so much for coming down at such short notice...plea..please take,tak..a,take a seat " A 40 year old man who was wearing a collared white shirt with a purple boxed tie, extended his hand to an empty pair of leather chairs in front of his desk. Closing the door behind him, a black haired woman walked into the room.  

"It's not a problem, thank you" said Gillian

As she sat down, she firstly fixed her loose black hair into a bun, pushed up her silver-framed glasses, then turned her grey eyes to the man in front her. 

"Would you like a glass water or something?" said the man, as he sat behind his desk and gazed into Gillian's eyes for a second. 

"No, I'm Dawson, what's my son done this time?" She crossed legs and readjusted her posture. 

Dawson, took a moment to compose himself, taking a slight sip of water from the glass by his side, returning his gaze back to Gillian. 

"Well….as I mentioned to your assistant on the phone, your son's 'experiments' caused a fire to rage throughout the school science department, causing damage to other facility rooms on the same floor".

Silence invaded the room when Dawson said that, he could feel sweat was dripping down his back with every second, as he could see her eyebrows touch and her lips turning into a firm line.

"I'm terribly sorry about this, was anyone hurt?" Gillian's asked with concern though her face unchanged.

"No one was hurt fortunately, your son was able to save a few people during the incident..... he'll make a great hero one day, he's a brave kid" he hurriedly added to his sentence. 

Dawson cleared his throat with some water before continuing "However, Mrs O'Conner, we can longer have your son attend our, as the education board has deemed him a danger to others in the school. Given this and other previously recorded incidents, we have to expel your son with immediate effect "  he took another sip of water.

Gillian groaned as she rubbed her temples….

' Why's he always giving me headaches!' Gillian thought as she stood up and went to shake Dawson's hand. 

"Well Dawson, thank you for taking care of him for the last couple of years. I'm more than happy to have Domani Architecture assist with the rebuilding of the school. I will send over my people in due course and please be assured, I will be having a stern word with Hex regarding this matter, he won't get off lightly "  She finished the handshake and left the room. 

Dawson lingered on the handshake " That's too kind of you, the board will be happy to hear that" 'Dammm she's too beautiful' Dawson thought as he calmed down his beating heart, slumping back into his chair.. 


Outside a glass medium-sized AccuTech branded skyscraper, pulled up a Mercedes jeep.  From which, alighted a woman who looked to be in her mid 40's wearing a light long black jacket, culottes trousers and a red silk shirt, with her black hair in a bun and thin silver-framed glasses.  

She approached the reception to be greeted by two lines of assistant workers, hearing them say in unison "Welcome back, Mrs O'Conner"  as she approached.

"Afternoon team, where is he?" she voiced out the question towards the group, as she briefly looked through a document that was handed to her by one of the assistants. 

"He's in the second basement, Mr's O'connor, he's been there for the last two hours" said a young lady from the group as she brought up a tablet to Gillian. She could see her son floating in the basement, with trolleys full of metal parts following him around.

"Hmm...thank you…let's go down shall we, you guys can fill me in on the reports on the way down" Her eyes were still fixated on the white hated boy floating around on the screen, whilst walking towards the elevator.


{Floor D4, Access Granted… Good Afternoon Mrs O'conner, Hex is in Bay A1, hiding away} said a soothing female voice from the inside elevator.

The elevator doors opened, Gillian stepped through being immediately greeted by an array of distorted mecha robots, exo-skeletions, vehicles and laboratory equipment. The biggest robot was 20 meters tall with dual horns on its head.

Some of the assistants looked at the range with their mouths open. With no care for their reactions, Gillian proceeded to walk past a few suits until she was standing in front of the horned robot.

"NICHOLAS HECKATE O'CONNER, COME DOWN HERE, RIGHT NOW!"  Her shout echoed throughout the basement floor, waking her group of assistants from their previous stupor.

The sound of compressed air resounded in the floor and the team looked upwards to the source.

A young teen came out of a large metal canopy that jittered out from the robots head. He softly floated down from the head, hovering just in front of the group. 

The group could see now clearly see his white wavy white hair that was in a ponytail as he hovering in front of their boss, and his athletic build and tall physique but most noticeably where his facial features.

Firstly, were his white Iris and black pupils that seemed to be pulsing with a light of some sort and then the thin black rectangles that were under his eyes, followed by his chiseled jawline and plump lips. 

"Mother, I didn't know you were coming, is it time for dinner already?" Hex said as he rubbed the back of his head, whilst letting out a bright smile.

"Tch, someone could have die today Nicholas with your irresponsible behaviour! Do you know that? Do you think this continuous behaviour is acceptable? The local news protesting to put you in juvi!" Juvi! Nicholas! I can't protect you, if you pull another stunt like this " Gillian said, as she placed her hands on his shoulders, pulling him down until his feet were firmly on the ground.

"his, calm down, the schools circuits are old as hell, how was I supposed to know a fire would break out! no one died, they all went back to their homes safe and sound… they should be thanking me...I gave those kids an early holiday " said Hex with a straight face looking into his mom's eyes.

Gillian quickly slapped Nicholas, his lips got a slight cut. " How many times have I said this! You do not just toy with human lives...they aren't not like the robots you can just build, you should know better " said Gillian, as her eyebrow twitched.

She sighed as she dropped her head, head, letting out a long breath of air, she looked sternly into his eyes. "Listen, I need you to leave California for a while.."

Hex wiped the blood off his lips and stared at it for a moment. He walked away to a tool box and started reorganizing it. " Please tell me you're joking...I've got Mayday to upgrade, half -mechs, the eco…"

"Just listen!'ve broken our agreement, I'll have no more of this! so you know what that means don't you'...  You need to leave tomorrow!.... As agreed, everything here, including Mayday! stays! or it will all end up the incinerator"

"Please...just try, try! and make some friends in the school...stay out of trouble and live a fun life, that's all I want for you, whys that so hard for you understand Nicholas? "She pulled Hex in for a hug from behind " She turned him around looking at the cut "I'm sorry" as tears ran down her eyes.

Hex turned voice got deeper as he awkwardly wiped away her tears " I am having fun, I get to build stuff, experiment, train..I've got everything I will need here…. your taking away my fun by sending me there "


"I need to stop making bets with people"  Hex sighed, as he looked at the massive black mansion gates in front of him and the plaque that read the words  "Xavier's School for Gifted Youngsters"