I did like looking at those fishes

In front of the Xavier school doors, were two boys attempting to get out of a silver car. 

Scott Summers was feeling his way out of the door with his hands. Seeing Scotts struggle, Alex Summers dropped the bag in his hands and rushed over to his side and helped guide him. "It's like helping an old man" Alex said with a chuckle. 

"Nock it off" quickly replied Scott. 

Alex: " ah you still got some fight in you in your old age." 

Scott jumped away from Alex's grasp and nearly bumped into a stone pillar at the entrance. Alex rushed up and in the last moment, redirected him, "Whoo there, slow your horses " Alex firmly grabbed Scott by the shoulders and started leading him through the first doors.

As they entered the first doors, they came upon a large set of staircases and two long corridors filled with kids, walking back and forth, chatting away.  "It's cool, I got it …. urgh,Smells pretty old in here, is this a school or museum." Scott grumbled as he gingerly placed his foot down some steps. 

Alex: " One more, and last one…..Ah!crap the bag" 

Scott tripped on the last step in surprise to Alex's outburst and fumbled straight into a redhead girl that was walking by. "Oh...S"

Immediately the stack of paper-work the girl was holding, flew into the air, blanketing the space in white. The girl spun on the spot stabilizing herself. She waved her hand at the failing papers, they stopped moving in the air and started swirling back into a neat stack in her arms.  

'Watch where you're going' The redhead eyebrows were scrunched tightly as she glared at boy who was wearing a multi colored shirt and leather jacket. Though what felt strange to her was his head was wrapped in a large bandage. 

Scott shook his head, looking for the voice " I can't…" he bent down to trying to pick up the papers, he had heard fluttering, only to touch a cold empty floor.  

The girl slightly smiled seeing the boys actions 'You can stop, I've already picked them up'

Alex looked at his brother confused and back to the redhead who was still staring them."What? Who are you talking to? " Alex asked as he helped Scott stand up. 

"Me" responded the redheaded girl to the duo

" Huh? I just heard you in my head " his head was still searching for the source of the sound.

" I'm telepathic, I read minds" 

Scott's eyebrows flinched up hearing that " Well, stay out of mine.I don't need some weird girl creeping around in there."

" Don't worry, Scott, there's not much to see." The girl turned her heels and she started walking away down the corridor.

" Hey, wait! I didn't tell you my name!"  Scott shouted at her direction. 

" No, you didn't." The girl disappeared from the duo's view.

Alex laughed and chuckled, only to be interrupted by a voice coming from the stairs. "Alex Summers? " A tall lean, short brown haired man wearing black spectacles walked down the stairs.

Alex looked towards the incoming figure "Hank McCoy!....Whoa….. What happen to the big blue... furry you?" He pulled Hank into a hug.

" I..keep it under control now." Hank replied after his release.

Alex turned to the side and pointed the body next to him " This is my brother, Scott."

"Hey, Scott. I'm Hank McCoy. I'm one of the teachers here." His introduction was met with silence as Scott was still on guard looking slightly left and right.

Alex chuckles at the sight, before he could turn his attention to Hank, he saw a white haired kid holding his bag.

Hex stood in the middle of two pillars, turning his head left and right, observing his new home, the students were also observing him.

" Look at his eyes, i bet he's got eye powers " 

"Ah,another new kid!" 

"Hey guys, a new weirdo arrived " 

Hex merely chuckled at their comments,  

" Yaay! Mutants!" Hex rolled his eyes, causing glares from the passing students. 

" Woo! My friend, Halloween is still a while away…. " Hex patted the shoulder of a leather jacketed kid, who was standing next to two men

" Hey, that's our bag" Alex pointed to the bag in Hex's hand and received it mid air after Hex chucked it to him.

 " Ah, Mr O'Connor! We've been expecting you" Hank stuck out his hand out for a hand shake. 

Hex moved his attention to lean man, he looked him up and down 'He looks feels oddly familiar' His lips break into a wide smile,  " You must be Professor McCoy, my mother never stopped talking about you...just call me Hex btw" said Hex as he vigorously shook Hanks hand 

Hank: "  I hope it was all good …I'm a big fan of your mother's company.. Come, I'll introduce you guys together to the professor "

" Sure, Sure" said Hex as he followed Hank down the corridor along with the Summers brothers.

"Hey!  I'm not a weirdo..I just can't see" Scott interjected as they walked.

"You look like a discount Invisible Man though " Hex chuckled as he floated along

Alex stepped up to Hex and glared at him  " Hey! Cool off my brother alright " 

Hex quickly floated around him and went beside Hank " I'm just joking around" 


In the middle of marble room, surrounded by teens was a 30 year old looking man in a wheelchair reading a book out loud to the teens.

 " ... to break forth bloodily, then the past

must be obliterated and a new start made.Let us now start fresh without remembrance, rather than live forward and backward at the same time.

Now, what are the aggrieve things that the author meant when he wrote all that? " the man asked to the teens.

As his Chair spinned around, he immediately noticed a group of men coming down the corridor. Especially a long brown haired man.

" He...That's going to be your assignment for tomorrow. Top marks, everyone. Class dismiss." 

Charles came up to the incoming group " Alex, it's good to see you." He looked Alex up and down with a gentle smile

Alex " - Yeah, you too." 

Charles " You look... Well….It's been a while." 

Charles " It has." 

Alex " You're not too bad yourself.

Alex turned and pointed to the body next to him again, this time he looked back to normal " Thank you. This is my brother, Scott." 

Charles turned his attention his attention to the teen next to Alex " Hello, Scott, Welcome to the school for the gifted." 

" Yeah, It doesn't exactly feel like a gift." Scott replied with a scoff

Charles: " It never does, not at first." 

The sound of a fish tank exploding interrupted their conversation, The group turned to see a white haired boy standing next to a broken fish tank behind them.

" Ah!  Professor Xavier it's a pleasure to finally meet you " Hex chucked a piece of glass he was holding into a random area.

Charles : " Ah Mr O'Connor I wasn't expecting you for a few more months… and I did like looking at those fishes btw "

Hex walked up to Charles and shook his hand  " Tell me about, just call me Hex.. Or better yet just get me a name-tag, I've said that a lot today and you can always get more fish "

Charles turned back to the group beside him with a perplexed look on his face   " Alex, Scott, Hank, meet Nicholas Heckate O'Connor, vice verse " 

Hex waved to the group as he bobbed up and down " Yo"

" Follow me, I'll give you guys a tour…. I'm sure your mother told you what we do here, Hex" Charles signalled the group to follow him

Hex and the group on followed behind Charles  " Yeh, it's a mix of a boarding school, orphanage, rehabilitation center etc etc for mutant kind or the ' Gifted'  as you say "