I did enjoy climbing that tree

" I don't understand, how is this place exactly meant to help me...I've got things shooting out my eyes" Scott asked at the ground had started venturing outside into the gardens.

Charles looked back to face Scott and stopped moving " The first step in understanding one's power is learning the extent of it. Only then, can we begin the process of teaching you, how to control it." Charles lead the group down a small patch, past rows of green houses and vegetables.

" If you do decide to stay Scott, I can promise you that by the time both of you are done here, you'll be able to go back into the world and play a stable productive partner, even you Hex" Charles turned around to see Hex had floated off to a patch of gravel.

" Mhhm" Hex picked up a pebble and it aimed his throw to a target that he had seen over the bushes next to a pond.

Scott : " So the end goal is to return to society and live normal lives? "

" See!, now you get it, you'll be back to chasing skirts in no time " Alex slapped Scott on the back with no restraint whilst chuckling.

" Lay-off " Scott threw an elbow at Alex, but he quickly dodged "Old man, you're aim needs to be better" Alex patted Scotts shoulder as they continued to walk down the garden.

Hex floated back to back to the group " I don't see how a discount mummy is gonna pick up anyone "

" I can't see but I can still kick your ass" Scott turned to look for the source his voice but Hex had already floated away from where he was looking.

" I'm going to enjoy winding you up " Hex he floated over a small brick bridge, coming up to the pond he had seen, behind the bushes. The view opened up to a large green area, that was filled by large old trees.

Hank : "Um..Professor?"

" You'll guys will spend a lot of time together, be nice .… now, Scott, Why don't you take your bandages off and we can have a look at what we're dealing with here. " Charles turned his wheelchair and locked the brakes. The group were standing opposite a circular archery target, that was standing on the other-side of the pond.

" Alex, would you line him up, face him in the right direction if you will. There's a target just across the water. When you open your eyes, try and hit that."

Charles waited a moment and looked back to see Scott tense and his shoulders hunched with his eyes still closed. " You can open your eyes, Scott.There's nothing to be afraid of. It's quite…"

Scott relaxed his tense face, and slowly opened his eyes. A red beam thundered from his eyes, hitting the water, raising a small wave. He strained his neck trying to raise his head, the beam followed the rise and ploughed through the water, crawling onto the grass, destroying the archery target and zig-zagging up a tree,leaving lava like marks on it's bark and fires all over it's branches.

Passerby Kid A: "Get back! Get back."

A group of kids dressed in grey clothing ran to the side, whilst screaming when the beam zig zagged across the ground, they all looked back to see the destruction made.

Passerby Kid B: "Did you guys see that"

Passbery Kid C: "That was so cool"

Hex, Charles, Alex and Hank all watched the tree slowly parting in half, each half crashing to the ground, raising dust and the nearby birds into the air.

" Whoa!" Charles He looked back at Scott with a grin, as he marveled at the sight.

"Ahahahahhah, thats sweet as hell " After wiping away his tears, Hex started investigating Scott's face, patting his cheeks and trying to open his mouth. " Hey, can you control the beam, there was a guy I once seen, dark something... he could make his eyes beams cut angles like pochum pochum "

Scott, patted away his hands and stepped to his brothers side " Get off me! And pochum, what are you 5?"

" mother said! age is nothing but a number " Hex said with a childish voice

" hurrah that voice…." Alex shuddered, giving Hex a questioning gaze

Scott " don't do that again "

Hex titled his head with a slight pout, only to quickly put on a smile " You guys are no fun…. yo professor hank,charles…. how do you plan on helping wonder eyes over here?" he turned his attention to the duo in question

"Well, Hank?" Charles turned to look at Hank with a smile.

"Umm…ah..I do have different types of quartz lying around, that just might work" Hank held his chin for a moment, staring at the ground. The guys could only watch on, as the moment grew into minutes whilst he started mumbling away " Got it! I did want to try something with Alex before using ruby quartz"

Hex: "Ohh! That's not a bad idea, that could contain the beams within their own vector fields".

Hank started pacing around " Yes! especially if we did hexagonal layering of the crystal, we could form lenses, all he would have to wear is glass's" He was nodding with great enthusiasm as a large grin was forming on his face.

Hex clapped his hands "Not just lenses, we would could make a full helmet, but first that would require growing the crystal into a mold, that's.."

" Wow! Wow! Guys! I'm sorry, speak english" Alex waved his hands in the air, trying to stop the two from contuining.

Hank broke out of his train and thoughts and looked at Alex "Well, what we are suggesting is that a ruby quartz may happen to share complementary properties with his beams, and should be able to contains the energy in some way. ….Potentially, his energy beams could overload the quartz, allowing Scott to break through the visor in an emergency, but the quartz would normally keep the beams in check… I was meant to test out the quartz with you before, to see if could allow for better technical control of your beams.

Hex snapped his fingers "Ooohh Hank, what about a control dial on the side like a toaster, so he can control the output through a visor like thingy.."

"That would work, come to my workshop and we can trail it out. I got other things I am working on that I could show you as well,I've got this jet, a truck,some exploding car…" Hank dragged Hex back the way they came, leaving a laughing Charles, Alex and Scott next to the pond.

Charles "You know Scott..when I was younger I did enjoy climbing that tree"


As he was dragged away, Hex quickly brushed off Hanks hand " Don't touch me.. It makes me uncomfortable "

" Ah, Sorry…. I just got excited " Hank took his hands off him and put them in his pockets whilst they continued to walk back into the mansion.