PJ and bread? Croissant? Beef trifle?

Hex pulled himself up from his single bed with a stretch and a yawn, his actions were accompanied by a low growl from his stomach. He slipped on his boxers, a pair of fluffy slippers and floated out of his room.

"3 or floor 4" Hex floated down a Victorian styled corridor with framed paintings on either side,  

' hmm!....3! We'll go with three.. '. As he ascended the staircase in front of him, the walls started to shake, along with the lights and hanging pictures. 

'What the!' he caught a falling painting; mid catch Hex heard a kid shouting " Earthquake!"  from the 3rd floor. As the shaking quickly died down, he could clearly see a small crowd surrounding a certain area, on the opposite side of the corridor. 

Teacher B: "  Back to bed, please, my darling."

Teacher A: " Back to bed."

Kid A- " She's doing it again." 

He focused his gaze and saw Charles being  followed by Thank as they rushed towards the group from the other side  " Back to bed, please, everyone...Jessie, back to bed, please." Charles said. 

Teacher B: " Come on, now." 

Teacher B: " Spitzbolt, back to bed." 

'Who the hell, names their child Spitzbold... I'll name him spitzy! Much better' Thought Hex, as he continued to float down the opposite side of the corridor, whilst still listening to the fading conversation from group.

Teacher A : " Carrie Anne, come on, now."

Teacher B: " Back to bed."

He could make out Hanks voice as soon as he spoke "....seen her like this." Charles muttering was too low for him to pick up and he only heard his shout " Don't let any of the children come this way!" as he turned the corner. 


" Hah Haah! Yash! Stacked to the nines!" Roared Hex, as he pulled out a carton of juice, eggs, strawberry jam and bread, from the smeg style fridge. 

He lightly whisked 2 large eggs and a pinch of salt together until the mixture was just one consistency. He grabbed a small copper frying pan from a rack, heating it up for a minute or so. After testing the heat with the palm of his hand, he added a knob of butter, letting it melt on a low heat. 

He quickly poured in the egg mixture, added a dash of milk and let it sit for a few seconds before stirring it with a wooden spoon, making it sure it didn't stick to the bottom of the pan. He kept repeating this until eggs became soft and velvety. 

The aroma of the scrambled eggs quickly invaded the surrounding kitchen air, along with the sounds of a fork scraping against a plate. 

"You know, if you were hungry you could have taken more from the canteen" Charles rolled into the kitchen, with a grin on his face as he looked at Hex.

"Canteen was closed and my hunger waits for no being" Hex spared him no gaze and kept eating away. 

Charles: "You're up late...trouble sleeping?"

Hex: "Nope, I was hungry.... I seen you and Professor Hank upstairs, what was with the earthquakes?"

Charles: "One of your fellow students, Jean. She is still unable to fully control her powers. When she has a bad dream, her powers can subconsciously activate, We.. " 

Hex quickly interjected " Why not just let her loose, push to her edge, exhaust her, she'll get to know her limits and I'll get to sleep without any earthquakes " He re-open the fridge, sticking his head inside, inspecting the foodstuff " what can I do you for Charles, PJ and bread? Croissant, beef trifle?" 

Charles shook his head  "She has one of the strongest minds I've ever seen, If we did that she could endanger us all, it must be done in slow steps...trust me,she will learn to control her powers in time" 

Hex: " Fine, fine... let her loose is all i'm saying... PJ and bread? Croissant, beef trifle?"  

"Ahmm, I'm quite alright thank you... you know, I have been meaning to ask, why did your mother truly send you here?, You don't quite match how she described you"  Charles rolled up to a long table that was in the middle of the kitchen. 

Hex paused with a milk in his hand, " My mother always sends me places,Troy, Zappolino, Paris, Pompeii, you can probably find me there,.. there's more places I could list but it's always with good intentions. I guess you could say she wants me to gain experience " 

Charles face looked puzzled for a moment after hearing Hex's words but was immediately brought out of thoughts " Why are you staring at me like that?"

Hex had moved to be directly in front of Charles "Hmmm, its nothing, I just thought you'd look better bald...night night Professor Charles" 

Hex left the room, leaving a dumbfounded Charles touching his head, contemplating his statement. 


Hank walked down the garden pavement with a little kid by his side. He pointed to side, where a large group of similar aged kids where playing. " Look, told you we'd fined them, they're all just over there "

" Okay " The little kid quickly ran over to his friends. Hank watched him disappear from view, whilst pulling out a pair of blue glasses and approached Scott, who was waiting for him by a stone bridge.

" Scott, I am I made you these " Hank handed over a pair of res lensed, blue body Ray-Ban glasses to Scott " Well, we made these, Hex said you'd like the Ray-Ban glasses " 

"You and that annoying kid? " Scott scoffed, whilst taking off his bandage.

Hank slightly tensed on the spot "Welll… these will be able refracture optic beams and keep them contained within their own vector field, me and Hex ran a lot of test on these.....h,h,he's not a bad kid you know "  

Scott " Yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah....you said that before, so I can open my eyes without killing anybody"

Hank slightly smiled " Me and Hex can assure you on that, ...hold still, I will put them on."

Hank placed the glasses on Scotts face " Okay, go ahead. " Hank looked across to see where Scott was facing and could see a group of kids in his line of sight. " Wait. Wait…..Sorry, no…...Okay." He quickly adjusted Scotts position to face an empty stream.

Scott " Now?"

Hank " Yeah, you're good."

" Alright.. Whoa.... I can see." Scott immediately hugged Hank firmly, upon taking the view of the world again. " Thank you....Professor, thank you....You're a genius. "

" No, I'm... not a professor...I wish " Hank shyly replied upon being released from the hug.

Hank "Who's that? "

The Hank turned around to see that Scott was looking towards a pony tailed red-haired teen with blue eyes wearing a green blazer, sitting under a tree by herself reading a book. 

Hank " I believe you two have met, that's Jean Grey.....You bumped into her when you arrived" 

Scott " Wait, that's her? "

As Scott stood dazed, a yellow jacketed girl with black hair in a pig tails, approached the duo whilst blowing a ball with her bubblegum "Dr McCoy there's someone at the front door she says she knows you"