This story has a fork in it

On one of the school's roofs stood a floating teen with his face towards the capsizing sun as his white hair rustled with the wind.

"Now I know what you're thinking, this scene looks too intense, has Hex lost a loved one? did he lose his powers? is Hex still Hex? Well sometimes you have to be cursed in order to break free?" The teen turned around to look at a small group of children that were staring at him with floodlight-eyes and bright smiles.

"You see I've spent some time with the avengers, avenging stuff.. saved some mutants, fought a bird, a very angry red bird... opened a restaurant called TingThai, you guys should try it. I've saved the world a few times, travelled the world a bit, even got myself a furry collection, however thats when I came upon my bleakest hour, I was haunted by endless questions like 'will they,won't they', which lead me here, in front of you any questions?" Hex winged his arms out to his audience.

Immediately the group of 12 children raised their arms straighter than a hardback-edge, "You in the back" Hex pointed to a small boy with slick back silver hair, wearing a white green t-shirt.

"Uncle Tony said that we shouldn't listen to you because he said Uncle Nicho..Nicola..Uncle Hexxy tells pork pies" the little boy said with an orange like voice.

Hex's right eyebrow jackhammered " Well I have you know, Uncle Tony doo doo's in his suit..who are you gonna trust, me or doo-doo tin man?" his words caused the children to physically and verbally recoil in disgust. " That's what I thought!" a bright smile engulfed his face upon witnessing the recoil.

A chubby round ball of grey sweatsuit raised his hand in the sea of little people, earning a nod from Hex. " Ummmm why are we here?" he asked with a poky voice.

Hex's face turned solem, his hands went behind his back, he turned back to face the sunset. "Well it's simple boys and girls.....the show is over, the road is done, the quesadillas have been made, the coke..drinking coke, is now still, there is no more bru in the you kiddo's understand?" with a steady gaze, he looked at the little ones sitting on the beige sofa.

Confusion was plastered on their faces, causing Hex to sigh and hold the brow of his nose. " Listen! It's simple .... the author will never write about us anymore, we've been taken off air, canceled, capoot, end of the line, this story has a fork in it, so it is done "