Task #1




As I opened my eyes, I looked around and saw nothing but my room which looked like a hurricane had passed by. Text books cluttered in my bed, papers and notebooks all over study table and at the floor. My laptop on the study table is left open displaying 3 chat box.

I didn't bother to read the chat and ran towards my sister's bedroom.

Just as I opened my bedroom's door...

[ Hello ]

...texts suddenly appeared out of thin air.

"Huh?!" I muttered and rubbed my eyes.

I looked carefully in front. I just saw texts appeared out of thin air written on an opaque box that also appeared with the texts saying hello. What the fuck was that?

As I wondered what was that supposed to be, my headaches all of a sudden.


Maybe it's just my imagination, or I'm just hallucinating. This damned head.

My headache gets even worse that it made me call out for my sister.

"Ate!" I called out as I walked close to the door just in-front of my bedroom door.

[ I won't dare to open that door if I were you ]


What the hell is this? Just now! I am pretty sure that I am not hallucinating. Another opaque box with texts written on it, appeared once again. I can clearly remember what it says. I shouldn't open my sister's bedroom door.

"Fuck, hahaha..." I held my head with both of my arms. "...hahaha, what the fuck is going on."

Am I on drugs? Of course not! Why would I dare use drugs?

Am I drunk? Also not! I'm allergic with alcohols.

Why the hell am I seeing things like this?

[ Seems like you will follow my advice to not open the door of your sister's bedroom ]

"Oh, for goodness sake!" I was shaking my head left and right while laughing out of terror.

[ Hey, calm down, your heart rate is raising ]

And then, an opaque box with cardiograph shows up. It is showing the graph of my heartrate, with a numerical value on upper right portion of the opaque box.

Badump! Badump! Badump! Badump!


Badump! Badump! Badump! Badump! Badump! Badump! Badump! Badump!

[ Do I have to calm you down by force? ]

"How the fuck am I going to calm down knowing the fact that you can show me my heart rate out of thin air?!"

[ Hahaha, sorry to scare you, but seriously calm down ]

"Look, I wanted to, but I think I'm on drugs right now hahaha... 'cause I'm seeing weird things like this, a window showing me texts and talking to nobody."

[ You are talking to me, and you're not on drugs by the way, I can prove that to you ]

And then, it shows me another opaque box showing my body's information.

Weight: 59 Kg

Height: 5'7"

Alcohol taken: None

H20 level: Average

Drugs taken: None

Health state: Slightly sleep deprived

Hunger: Can still hold up to 1 hour and 33 minutes

"Fuck!" I muttered, whoever or whatever I'm talking to, he or it knows anything about me.

[ Yes, I know everything about you and everything you think of ]

"What are you?"

[ LOL, you can just call me, The System ]

"The System?" Oh shit, maybe this is all just a dream.

[ No, this isn't a dream Robert ]

I rested my back on the wall, and slide down against it and sat down on the floor.

"Really? What else can you tell me?"

[ Almost anything you want to know, but not all, there's a limitation for everything Robert ]

"Can you stop talking to me?"

[ I hope I can do that, but, as The System. I am here to fulfill my task before I could stop talking to you ]

"What task?"

[ Hmm… are you ready Robert? ]

"For what?"

[ For the tutorial? ]

Damn it! I hope this is all just a dream.

"As if I have a choice right? Let's get this over with just to make you shut up."

[ System online in: 10 ]


[ System online in: 9 ]

"Wait! What's this countdown?"

[ Your system is initializing ]

[ System online in: 8 ]

"Meaning?" I asked once again, making a face that looks like a student finalizing his answers in an exam that was about to be finished in a few moments.

[ I won't be able to answer your questions after the countdown drops to zero because your tutorial is ongoing ]

[ System online in: 7 ]

"What?! I still need to know what the fuck is going on here?"

[ Don't worry Robert ]

[ System online in: 6 ]

[ I know you can take a grasp of the situation you are in, take it as a blessing and at the same time ]

[ System online in: 5 ]

[ As a Curse! Hahaha ]

[ System online in: 4 ]

"Before you go!"

[ System online in: 3 ]

"Answer me! Will I be able to talk to you again?" Why the heck do I want to talk to an unknown entity again?

[ I will automatically inform you if the system event is finished. That'll be the time that you'll able to use The System Assist again for a certain period of time ]

[ System online in: 2 ]


I guess I'll face whatever's going on right now.

[ You do have a choice though. Goodluck Robert! ]

[ A system event is active ]

I have a choice? What does the system mean?

I am so confused right now. I want to ask a lot of questions to the system. But right now, I have to worry about this system event.

The system said, that it thinks I am ready for the tutorial. So, maybe this will give me a better understanding of my current situation. Let's just play along right now.

[ System Announcement! ]

[ An event has begun ]

[ Event title: Tutorial ]

The window disappeared after a few seconds. And, after that, I am left in total silence as if none of those things had happened.

I stood up, and walked towards the door to my sister's bedroom.

Why does the system is preventing me to go to my sister's bedroom earlier?

Knock! Knock!

As gentle as I could, I called out to my sister. "Ate?"

[ Mission: Don't tell a lie ]

[ Rewards: Freedom; no curfew and a huge raise in your daily allowance but your relationship with your sister will be deducted by 50% ]

[ Penalty: Your sister will get impregnated. As soon as your father learns about it, he will have a heart attack and the chance of him to die is 80% ]

[ Will you accept the mission? ]

[ Yes: Open the door ]

[ No: Walk away, and don't come close to your sister's bedroom ]

[ Note: Once you accept the mission, side missions will show up depending on the situation. Once you reject the mission, the penalty will be activated ]

What the heck?!

I didn't hesitate. The moment I saw the percentage of my father's death by not accepting the mission, I immediately opened the door.

[ You accepted the mission ]

There she was. My sister, lying on her bed. Naked.

Someone's above her, also naked. A big man, with a good body build. One can assume that this man is a person who goes to gym on a daily basis.

"Fuck!" the man said and stood up leaving my sister in bed.

"I thought you locked the door!" my sister wrapped herself up with a blanket.

"I did! I checked it earlier!" the man didn't bother to cover up his big baton.

I don't know what to say or what to do. I was just right there standing… looking at them… lost for words…

A window appeared in front.

[ I unlocked it, your welcome ]

So they did lock the door, it was the system who unlocked it. Thus, giving me the chance to either accept or reject the mission. The system did it for the sake of this tutorial.

'Damn it! Ate, why?!' is what I wanted to say. But I didn't have the balls to say that. The system notified me.

[ Task #1: Make the guy leave the house ]

[ Reward: A chance to raise your relationship points with your sister ]

[ Penalty: Get beaten up ]

Fuck! I don't want to get beaten up!

With that body build, I won't accept getting beaten up by that guy.

"Get out!" I shouted and clenched both of my fist. Trying to grab on something; grabbing for courage perhaps?

The naked guy who I assume, my sister's boyfriend walked towards me.

Cold droplet of sweat dripped down in my cheeks. I took a deep breath. I would break a drinking glass if I were to hold one right now.

The naked guy grabbed my shirt, and pulled me close to him.

Now we're facing each other. Forehead against forehead.

"You're making me leave?" He said.

Imagine, right now, I took a sip of coffee and swallowed it.




Calm, the fuck down.

Badump! Badump! Badump!

"Huh, kid? You're making me leave kid?"

[ You're going to get beaten up if you didn't reply in the next 10 seconds ]

No! No way!

[ Penalty in: 10 ]

"What, tongue tied?"

[ Penalty in: 9 ]

Once again, I tried to grab for courage and...

"Who are you to act this way? You don't live here! And I don't even know you!"

[ You have failed to make him leave ]

[ Penalty: Get beaten up ]

Right after the window disappeared.

Thud! Thud! Thud!

I received one punch after another.

Thud! Thud! Thud!

I have failed.