Task #2

If you wanted to be, you must pretend to be one.

[ You have failed to make him leave ]

I tried to act tough.

[ Penalty: Get beaten up ]

But, here I am.


Rigid blows hit me in random parts of my body.

Thud! Thud!

One after another.

Thud! Thud! Thud!

In my stomach.


"Urghh" all I can do is groan out of pain.

[ Your sister is starting to get worried ]

My mood brighten up slightly, knowing that my sister cared for me.

"Babe?" says ate.

Thud! Thud! Thud!

"Babe, that's enough."

Thud! Thud! Thud!

She's trying to help me. Like what she always does ever since.

Thud! Thud! Thud! Thud!

"Stop, babe. Please, don't!"

[ Penalty phase finished ]

"You must be thankful kid!" the guy said and spat on me.

Groans, and cries out of pain... that's all I can say to him in return.

I wasn't expecting my sister to come to me. As soon as she came close. A window appeared.

[ Your sister is now worried of you. +10% Relationship Status ]

[ Current Relationship Status with your sister: 70% ]

"Are you alright Rob?" She helped to sit back up. I laid my head on her shoulder and closed my eyes.

And whispered softly.

"Ate, why?"

I couldn't help it anymore. I let my tears flow.

[ You made an impact with your sister's emotions ]

[ Relationship status +25% and - 10% ]

[ Current Relationship Status with your sister: 85% ]

It took her a few seconds before she could utter a thing. She suddenly hugged me, without even thinking that she was still naked.

"Ate..." I decided to let her get dressed. As for the guy, I don't know what to do with him. But, he needs to leave.

"... go get yourself dressed already." she gently pushed me away.

"Okay." she replied, looking at me with teary eyes.

"Hey, hold up!" as my sister stood up to get herself dressed, her boyfriend stood in front of her. Preventing her from getting her clothes.

[ Damn this guy! ]

"Who says you're going to get dressed?"

[ So fucking persistent ]

The guy pushed my sister in bed. "We are going to finish this whether you like it or not."

[ Your sister is nervous ]

[ Chances of her to pass-out: 45% ]

"No! Stop babe, please don't do this!"

[ Task #2: Save your sister from being sexually assaulted ]

[ Reward: A chance to raise your relationship points with all your family members ]

[ Penalty: Your sister will get impregnated. As soon as your father learns about it, he will have a heart attack and the chance of him to die is 100% ]


[ So, what will you do Robert? ]

"I wanted to have a taste of a virgin!" the guy shouted and laughed like a maniac.

[ Cower in fear? ]

My body is trembling. I don't know what I should do.

[ Or ]

But, if I let this fear took over me.

"You son of a bitch!" I tried to grab for anything near me.

"No! Stop this already, please." as my sister is struggling from her boyfriend, my hands kept on searching for something I could use.

"Let me sip those big melons you have."

[ Fuck, since this is a tutorial, I guess I'll have to make a consideration ]

[ Again… you're welcome Robert ]

As soon as those words from the system fade away. I felt something hard and cold. It has a thick slabs of cast iron, triangular in shape and have a handle.

I grabbed it.

"This should do it!" even though my body is trembling, with all my might, I punched the guy in the face with clothes iron.


[ You have finished task # 2 ]

"What the hell?!" he falls on the ground. His head is bleeding because of the cut I made with my punch.

[ LOL! Nice punch Robert ]

[ He should have passed out with that punch ]

[ But since you're trembling... ]

[ ...you know what, nevermind ]

[ Goodluck Robert! ]

"I'll kill you kid!" he said in a serious tone while glaring at me.

[ Killing intent detected! ]

[ Task #3: Run for your life, report the guy to the baranggay tanod ]

[ Reward: Relationship status to all family members is automatically set to 100% and you will be known as a hero in your barangay ]

[ Penalty: You will die, your sister will get impregnated and as soon as your father learns about it, he will have a heart attack and the chance of him to die is 100% ]

[ Oh my, sorry Robert ]

[ Even though I should help you ]

[ I couldn't do anything about the penalty ]

"I'm going to fucking kill you!" the guy stood up, and tried to pounce at me.

[ Fuck Robert, dodge to your left! ]

I gave up every ounce of my trust and followed the system's advice.

I dodged to the left.

[ Hurry up! ]

[ Get out of the house, I'll lead you to the baranggay hall ]