Chapter 109

Lin's aura was very special. He developed it after a lot of experimentation and training. To create an aura that is so neutral without traces of feelings and thoughts is the most difficult aura to create and the scariest one too.

As he was in the void, he had was in environment that had nothing and that nothing was the only thing that made him nervous. Usually you would know how a place is because the peoples auras let a trace in that place. For example, in a happy place, you would feel comfortable and happy too, and in a sad place you would feel uncomfortable and sad.

So, he developed this aura that reflected nothing, but could make the people fear him more.

The beasts were beaten by the aura at first because they were the nearest to Lin. But somehow, they only lost conscious and did not get hurt more. But others in the hall were injured seriously by the aura.

"I like these beasts; I will take them with me. Thank you for bringing them here." Said Lin smiling honestly.

Alice who saw the beasts disappearing in front of here, become scared for real. She now knew that she was too weak compared to the kid in front of here. She got crazy suddenly and become to shout in the hall.


The calm and cold empress was not the same anymore. She could feel how weak she is. She remembered how she got the beasts and what she had to give up for the power she had, but now a little kid beat her so easily that he did not even need to stand.

Lin smiled to her and replied her: "Do you want to know why? I could tell you, no problem."

Then he added: "But I am also able to not tell you. Do you know why?"

Alice looked at him with red eyes with tears in her red face

Lin continued: "Because you are weak, and I am the one who decides what to do."

The empress suddenly passed out after she heard what he said. Before that she even cough blood from her mouth.

Lin saw this situation and stood up. Then he looked at the ministers: "I hope you think about all the bad things you did these years. It is time to recompense it. I recommend you that you should do it alone, if I feel that you cannot do it alone, then the things could turn bad for you."

Before he left, he added: "Tell her, that I give her a little more time. She should use it wisely and do not try to make things for me difficult."

After he left, the aura also disappeared, and the ministers and the guards suddenly felt on the kneed and all of them were trembling. They looked like mummies and their faces were pall and some of them that were too weak, were bleeding from some holes.


The next day a lot of things happened in the whole dimension. The changes were so big that the people noticed it and where nervous too. The atmosphere in every world was very upset and depressive.

The reason was simple, today an order was sent by the empress. The order was:

"From now on every planet should prepare for war. A part of the High ranked worlds armies should be sent to the capital of Sector 1 using the military teleport stations. And all the president has to come too."

The order shocked everyone and made everyone nervous. They never thought that there was an enemy capable to make the empress order all the countless planet to prepare for war.

This matter was very important, therefor all the governors began with the preparation and in one week every planet was prepared for war. They had this time more time to prepare, so they prepared everything and began to wait for more orders.

On the other side the presidents were already in the capital and they were all sitting in the hall together. They looked solemn as they saw the empress.

The orphans honestly did not like the decisions of the empress, they felt used by her. As Haytam died, she told them that the killer was in this dimension and they should seek revenge. Because they were so young, they heard her words and helped her.

But after that they realized that in the whole dimension there was not a person that could kill Haytam. So, after they realized that it was already too late. So, they took the position of president and keep their distance to Alice.

They did their things and she did her things. Sometimes she sent orders and new laws and they implemented them to satisfy her, because she was still the wife of Haytam, and they should show some respect.

As they got the orders that they had to return here, they did not want at first but then they realized that this issue was too big to ignore it.

Now here they realized once more that this issue was terrible for Alice as they saw her conditions. The Alice they knew was not the same Alice they were seeing now. Zhen the one now was skinny, pale, and looked very unhealthy.