Meeting Sairaorg

After helping the unconscious comrades Kuisha, Coriana and the orange haired guy made way towards Tatsuya. The orange haired guy bowed a little and said, "I am Regulus the pawn of my master Sairaorg Bael, and once again I apologize to you on their behalf. I hope you do not hold a grudge against us." Tatsuya waved his hand and said, "You don't have to apologize again, my name is Tatsuya Shiba I hope we get along in the future." The guy also nodded his head and said, "I hope so as well." and they both shook their hands. Then the blond girl besides Kuisha came forward and said, "Nice to meet you, I am Coriana Andrealphus Sairaorg-sama's bishop. I hope we get along well. Are you Kuisha's boyfriend."

Hearing this Kuisha blushed and glared at Coriana and said, "W-w-what are you saying, we are not like that." But Tatsuya stepped forward and looked in her eyes making her look back in his eyes as well. Kuisha was mesmerized by him but then came out of it when Tatsuya said, "Why are you being shy to tell her about are relationship, she is your friend right?"

Coriana's eyes then shined and she looked at Kuisha and said, "Really Kuisha got herself a boyfriend, now that's interesting." Kuisha snapped and said, "There is no such thing like that, he is not my boyfriend."

Tatsuya then placed a hand on her shoulder and said, "Don't be shy, you know Coriana during the whole time she was at my place, I fed her all her meals with my own hands. We even slept in the same room."

Hearing him Kuisha's forehead was twitching and she shouted, "THAT WAS BECAUSE I WAS UNABLE TO EAT MYSELF BECAUSE OF MY BROKEN HANDS. AND YOU STAYED IN THE SAME ROOM BECAUSE YOU HAD TO HEAL INGVILD." Tatsuya just smiled and said, "Your flustered expression is really cute." and Kuisha immediately blushed.

Tatsuya then turned to the other two and said, "Now jokes aside I would like to do my work soon, so if it is not a trouble can I meet your king." Both Regulus and Coriana came also became a bit serious and asked, "What business do you have with Sairaorg-sama?"

Hearing the question Kuisha also came out of her stupor and said, "I will explain it all, once we see master, it would also be better to explain all of them together." while pointing at the corpses(her friends). Coriana and Regulus nodded and said, "Ok then, follow us." Tatsuya nodded and started following them while lifting the corpses with his telekinesis.

Walking in the large hallway some they encountered some maids and butlers on the way who respectfully bowed on seeing the peerage members while also looking weirdly at Tatsuya and the floating corpses. After walking for a while Tatsuya and the others reached a room with a large door. Regulus then stepped forward and knocked on the door.

Soon a voice saying, "who" was heard and Regulus calmly said, "Master it's me Regulus." Then a "come in" was heard. Regulus asked the others to wait and then went inside. After waiting for a while, Regulus came out and said, "You all may come in." with a nervous face.

Seeing the nervousness on his face Tatsuya used his telepathy to hear his thoughts and then gave a mental sigh. All of them entered the room and no sooner did Tatsuya entered the room he was welcomed by a fist.

Tatsuya simply caught the fist and punched the person who attacked him, making him crash to the wall and successfully knocking him out cold.

Tatsuya then looked at Regulus who was looking at him with a apologetic expression and said, "Sorry for such inconvenience, but as soon as master knew that you beat all five of them without any effort he became excited and wanted to fight you. I truly apologize for his behaviour." and gave a deep bow to Tatsuya followed by Kuisha and Coriana who were bowing as well.

Tatsuya just sighed and asked, "Where should I keep them." All three of them looked up and had a grateful look on their faces.

After a while Sairaorg woke up and then clutched his stomach in pain. He then looked around and saw five members of his peerage knocked out cold. He then started thinking about what happened and then suddenly stood up and saw Tatsuya and the others sitting on a sofa while having some tea.

Tatsuya noticed him and then said, "You sure show some nice hospitality to others." Hearing him the other three also looked at Sairaorg and stood up and slightly bowed to him.

Sairaorg raised his hand and stopped them and said, "What can I do, I became so much excited when I heard that you beat most of my peerage with such ease. By the way I am Sairaorg Bael, the king of this peerage." Tatsuya nodded and said, "Tatsuya Shiba, Nice to meet you." Sairaorg then clenched his fist and said, "Tatsuya huh, you are strong, i will fight you again sometime."

Tatsuya stared at him with a deadpan expression and then sighed and said, "Sure sure whatever. Now are you all still going to pretended to be unconscious."

All of them then looked at the corpses who fidgeted a bit when Tatsuya mentioned them and slowly stood up with an embarrassed expression.

Tatsuya then nodded and said, "Good, now that all of you are conscious kindly take your seats and Kuisha start explaining." All of them nodded their heads and followed his instructions.

After Kuisha was done explaining all of them were silent while Tatsuya was simply sipping on his tea. Sairaorg was clutching his fist in anger and then smashed it on the table and said, "Those damn geezers." and cursed the higher ups for trying to sell Ingvild because of which Kuisha got in danger. The others were also angry but were controling themselves. He then looked at Tatsuya and said, "Tatsuya I am very grateful to you for saving my queen, if not for you we would not be able to see her again thank you." Tatsuya waved his hands and said, "It's alright more importantly let's talk about the main business that I came her for, Kuisha if you may."

Kuisha nodded her head and said, "Sairaorg-sama you do know that the lady who was kidnapped along with me was also suffering from the same disease as Misla-sama right?" Sairaorg nodded his head and said, "Yeah that's why I sent you to check on her condition because she was suffering from a similar disease like mother's."

Kuisha nodded and said, "After we were rescued by Tatsuya he said that he was able to heal her and did so a few days ago. She seemed to be back to her normal healthy condition and I have witnessed this all from my own eyes."Tatsuya also nodded and said, "Yeah, she slept in the same room as me daily and saw me do it firsthand."

Kuisha heard him and blushed and said, "There is no need to phrase it like that so that the others misunderstand us."

The others looked at them with a sweat drop but then Sairaorg got their attention and said, "So you mean to say that Tatsuya is capable of curing my mother." Tatsuya then put his cup down and said, "Yes and no, I was indeed able to cure Ingvild but that was only because her Sacred gear was also helping, so while I can do try to heal your mother, I cannot guarantee that it would be successful."

Sairaorg thought for a while and then nodded his head in understanding. He then looked at Tatsuya and then bowed his head and said, "Thank you very much for your cooperation. Even if it is a little my mother still has some hope right?" Tatsuya nodded and said, "Don't worry I would try my best to save her, I know how important one's family is." Sairaorg nodded and smiled He then stood up and moved his hand forward and said, "Once again thanks a lot and let's get along from now on." Tatsuya stood up as well and shook his hand and said, "I hope so as well."

Sairaorg then looked at the others and said, "Ok all of you rest for now and tomorrow we will visit mother in the Sitri territory."

When Tatsuya heard that he thought, 'Lets hope that we don't come across Sera or Sona tomorrow, otherwise it would be way too much of a hassle to explain them' and gave a tired sigh. Kuisha noticed it and asked, "What's wrong?" Tatsuya looked at her and said, "Nothing, just praying for my well being." Kuisha became more confused but didn't think much about it and then started showing Tatsuya around the mansion.