
The next day Tatsuya woke up early like usual and decided to do his morning training in the garden. As he left the room he met with Sairaorg who also came from his room dressed in a training outfit.

He looked at Tatsuya and said, "Good morning, I hope you slept well last night." Tatsuya nodded his head and said, "Good morning and yes, I didn't have any inconvenience while sleeping."

Sairaorg then looked at Tatsuya from top to bottom and then asked, "you heading somewhere?" Tatsuya nodded his head and said, "yes, I was thinking of doing my morning training like usual."

Hearing him Sairaorg smiled and asked, "Then why don't you join me, I was heading ou for training as well." Tatsuya nodded and said, "lead the way." And both of them moved out of the house.

Some hours later Kuisha woke up and got refreshed. She went to wake Tatsuya up but didn't find him in his room. She then left to find the others but they were not present in the mansion as well. She became a bit suspicious and then stopped a maid. The maid was running excitedly but still bowed in respect. Kuisha looked at the maid and asked, "Where are the others, have you seen them?" The maid nodded and said, "Yes, all of them are out in the garden witnessing the match between Sairaorg-sama and Tatsuya-sama. Many maids and butlers are there as well cheering them, I was going there as well."

Kuisha nodded but was thinking, 'What exactly is going on?" and immediately rushed outside.

When she came out she noticed a huge crowd consisting of maids, butlers and the peerage members. She approached them and asked, "What is going on here?"

Coriana looked at her and said, "Hey, good morning as you can see both of them are having a workout competition right now. That Tatsuya of yours is amazing, push ups, sit ups, weights, anything he beat Sairaorg-sama in all of them. Right now they are having a race of 500 laps around the garden and he is still in lead.Geez, just how much stamina does that guy have."

Kuisha looked towards the garden and saw a dust cloud following both of them. She looked at them in amazement and said, "Just what exactly happened to him."



Tatsuya and Sairaorg were simply doing their morning training but suddenly Sairaorg started increasing his pace. Seeing him Tatsuya also increased his pace. Sairaorg looked at him with an intruged expression and then again increased his pace and just like that the process continued.

Sairaorg then looked at Tatsuya while both of them were running at inhuman speeds and asked, "Say Tatsuya wanna have a competition right now?" Tatsuya looked at him and asked, "What sort of competition?" "Just a training competition like who can do more sets, laps or can lift more weights." Tatsuya looked at him for a while and thought, "Usually I would not get involved into these sort of things but," He then smiled and thought, 'Using my body while putting limiters on it and having this type of competition sound fun.' He looked at Sairaorg with eagerness and said, "Ok let's do it."

Flashback end


Tatsuya looked at Sairaorg and said, "You know Sairaorg, it has been a long time since I used my body this much." Sairaorg looked at him and asked, "So how does it fell?" Tatsuya smirked and said, "It feels great." and started running faster. Sairaorg looked at him with enthusiasm and said, "Not so fast, I am not done yet." and started catching up to him.

Both of them then looked in front and saw Sairaorg's knights holding a ribbon marking the finish line and started running faster. The maids and butlers were cheering for both of them as they had placed some bets on them.

Tatsuya looked at Sairaorg one last time and said, "Meet you at the finish line" and accelerated, making Sairaorg left in dust. Tatsuya soon crossed the finish line making some of the servants cheer loudly while the others looking down dejectedly.

Tatsuya soon stopped and sat on the ground. He was completely drenched in sweat and was breathing heavily but still was feeling very happy right now. He has never experienced such kind of competition since he came to this world and it was certainly a new experience for him.

Suddenly he was covered by a person's shadow and he looked up, only to find Kuisha looking at him. She passed him a bottle and asked, "You sure look like you are enjoying yourself here." Tatsuya caught the bottle and drank a large gulp of water from it. He then looked at Kuisha and said, "I sure am. Sairaorg is truly is formidable, this is the first time some one was able to match my place in workout 'though I had limiters on me'." Kuisha puffed her chest and said proudly, "Of course, what else would you expect from my master."

Tatsuyaythen stood up and gave the bottle back to her and said, "Thank you for that." and smiled at her making her mesmerized. But she was soon brought out of her stupor when Sairaorg came and put his hand around Tatsuya's neck and said, "That was a great match you sure are great. It only makes me want to fight you right now and moved his fist forward." Tatsuya fist bumped with him and said, "Yeah I enjoyed as well but we have to postpone it for now we still have to visit your mom remember?"

Sairaorg sighed and said, "Yeah I remember but don't forget that we will fight later on." Tatsuya sighed and said, "Yeah whatever, it is no use refusing you, you are going to fight no matter what I do anyways."

Sairaorg smirked and said, "You know it. Anyways let's go and get refreshed and then go to Sitri domain." All the peerage members then assembled around them except Coriana. They all started looking for her and then spotted her near the betting table counting the money with a smile on her face.

All of the peerage members started to look at her weirdly. Noticing the gaze she looked at them and asked, "What?" Kuisha stepped forward and asked, "You seriously placed your bet on Tatsuya not on Sairaorg-sama." Coriana just shrugged her shoulders and said, "Kuisha you are innocent, while betting only good perception works not loyalty. I am loyal to Sairaorg-sama but I knew that Tatsuya would win after seeing what he did yesterday."

Sairaorg didn't gave it much thought and said, "Whatever let's just go inside." He then started to look for Tatsuya and found him being surrounded by many maids who were asking him questions while blushing.

Seeing that Coriana elbowed Kuisha and said, "Your boyfriend is very eh~" Kuisha snorted and said, "He is not my boyfriend and then started walking away with the rest of the peerage.

Tatsuya saw that and soon followed her and once he reached her he looked at her and said, "Feeling jealous." Kuisha didn't said anything and just looked away. Tatsuya looked at her for a while and said, "how about you show me around the territory after coming back from the Sitri domain." Kuisha looked back at him and said, "You can ask any of the maids from earlier." Tatsuya looked at her and said, "But I want to go with you as I know you better than them. So how about it, just the two of us."

Kuisha who heard the last part of his sentence blushed and said, "Looks like there is no helping it, ok I will show you around later." Tatsuya smiled at her and said, "ok it's a promise, then later." and walked away.

Kuisha kept looking at his back for a while but then she felt someone holding her shoulder. She turned around and saw Coriana smirking at her and said, "Got yourself a date eh~ not bad at all." Kuisha severely blushed at her statement. Seeing that Coriana hugged her and said, "You are so cute" but then released her and said, "But we have to prepare you well, because to us girls a date is like war, where we have to strike down the opponent at the first glance." She then looked at her watch and said, "We will talk about it later we are getting late."