
In an unknown place with no sense of time and space lays there a middle old man's soul. The soul was dormant since ages drifting through chaos.

The old man's name was Long Ren. He was a genius scientist from earth. His parents were both scientists. Long Ren was a child prodigy he spoke his first words at the age of 6 months.

He graduated at the age of 10. He has a iq over 200. As his parents were both scientists there was a laboratory at home. So, he began his research at age of 13. He got docrates from various universities. He can speak fluently in almost 50 languages.

His contribution in space research was huge which led to birth of space colonies. He could be said as the most influential person on earth. He would help those in need and never biased against anyone. He was a kind soul. The technology progressed but there was no major break through in genetic sciences. A.I began to crowd near humans. Human beings life span remains the same. Long Ren also began to age. His parents were dead when he was at age of 40.

30 years passed since then but he still hopes to live not for him but for humanity, to see the new era.

The space colonies started to expand in the solar system and humans were ready to send people outside of solar system. The scientists were doing research on materials from space and different types of energies were discovered. One day, Long Ren was in his space ship relaxing, all of sudden the alarms started ringing non stop.

Long ren was startled. As he started monitoring the functions of the ship he asked out loud

"Xun!!!! What the fuck did happen??"

A monotonous female voice sounded in his ear

"We are getting numerous reports of space storms and instability in this area."

He asked "Show me details." Immediately a large data with images was shown on the monitor. He stared at the images and asked "Can u determine the cause of these space storms and show me a way out these".

The A.I answered "A huge amount of sudden energy release was detected, unable to find the source. Possibility of source outside of Milkyway Galaxy"

Long ren was thinking 'what the hell is that source to cause a massive disturbance in space. If i find there may be a huge breakthrough in my research.'

He then commanded " Ren move in the direction of source and look out for any energy releases".

Ren answered "As u wish" and continued to move towards the source.

As they were getting close to the source he stopped the ship. From far away he saw a large amount of energy emitting from a sphere type object, the ship was taking considerable amount of damage, so he had to turn back the ship away from source or he would die.

Just as they were about to move out a large amount of suction force came and dragged not only them but also surrounding objects.

Long ren became anxious as he said to the A.I to get into the chip in his brain and leave the ship. He began cursing his brain that it got old with his body. He finally steeled his heart and said "Xun this is the end for us" while laughing happily his life began to replay before his eyes as he slowly closed his eyes.


A wisp of white energy was floating in the place where the energy explosion took place. It was the soul of Long ren. The small sphere like object was no where to seen. This marked the end of a genius but this also is the beginning of something else that the universe had never seen.

Like that the soul of Long ren started drifting in the chaos.

After a unknown amount of time the soul of Long ren started glowing as he slowly regained his consciousness.

He seemed to forgot who he was as he was staring blankly for a while and checking himself " What happened to me?!!! Where am?? Arghhhhh Holy shit how am i still alive!!!!"

He saw as he was floating in space without a suit and dumbfounded " Shit! I really died.." he cursed as he realized the situation that he was in.

He was comprehending the situation and what to do next. After a while he started checking his surroundings and was not surprised to find huge planets, asteroids, stars and there are even black holes.

As he was strolling around he heard a sound