
Long Ren got startled checking right and left.

[DING! Soul energy recovered. Host status: Soul (Awakened)]

Long ren asked pointing at himself " Host! Is that me "

[DING! Hello Host it's me 'Xun']

Long ren first dumbfounded then got ecstatic as he called " Xun how the hell did u survive and do you what happened to me then ".

[DING ! The Source of the energy has taken you as it's owner and merged with me in your soul to take the form of system.]

Long ren asked " Xun what was that source anyway and what is this system".

[DING ! Host the source of the energy is the source of universe which is called primal chaos spark. The source of creation of universe. Host is very lucky to be chosen as owner.]

[DING ! As for system it can be called

'THE PRIMAL CHAOS SYSTEM'. It is same as the system from the novels on earth. It can provide benefits for 'chaos points' which can be earned by defeating enemies or directly from chaos which in turn would be very low. ]

Long ren got excited as he listened the words of system and began laughing " HAHAHA I got a system haha ". Even though he was a genius scientist even he dreamed of being an mc with system.

After calming down a bit he asked " So Xun where are we?".

[DING ! We are in a totally different universe. Host was drifting through chaos for one billion years. We are currently near Mortal realm of this cultivation universe].

He asked " So this is Cultivation Universe and is there also a Immortal realm ".

[DING ! Yes Host there are three major realms Mortal, Immortal and Divine realms and many more minor realms].

Long ren began digesting the information, after a while he asked " Xun what are the functions of system".

[DING ! There are functions such as Scan, Status, Storage, Lottery, Quest. More functions are available as you grow stronger].

Long ren said "Oh ok Xun" with an excited voice.

Then he said loudly "Status"

A screen showed in front of him.


Name : Long Ren

Race : - - - - - - - - -

Age : - - - - - -

Soul : one billion year old (Indestructible)

Body : Without a body

Level : - - - - -

Bloodlines : - - - - - -

Techniques : - - - - - -

Talents : High level comprehension, Soul Sense

Chaos points : 1 Billion

Seeing his status Long ren shocked at the amount of chaos points he had. He asked " Xun how come i have so many chaos points".

[DING ! Host was drifting in chaos for a billion years which accumulated these chaos points ]

Long ren was excited at the possibilities that he could do with so many chaos points.

He asked " So Xun how to reach mortal realm from here how to form my body".

[DING ! Host I would recommend you to reincarnate in a body so that this universe will have its mark on you and it would accept your existence.]

Long ren "Then what to do. It would be nice to have a family in New world. Hmm". He thought for a while and decided to be reborn as a baby and enjoy his familial relationships.

Long ren then asked system " Xun can u make sure to make me born to a powerful couple, so that i can avoid some of the cliche scenarios".

[DING ! Ok Host I will make sure of that. Deducting required Chaos points for reincarnated...]

Long ren then vanished from that space. At the same time somewhere in Mortal realm stood a

Handsome man nervously pacing in front of a room. Then suddenly came a beautiful young woman . With a beautiful smile she said " Hubby it's real I'm pregnant with your child" with an excited tone. The Man became overjoyed as he lifted her in his arms and began to swing.

The lady shouted " What are you doing Rogue! Quickly put me down I'm pregnant here".

The man was embarrassed as he quickly let her down. That day entire family celebrated like crazy.

That lady carried the baby for 15 months which made the whole family worried about the condition of baby and mother. The handsome man requested all famous physicians to check his wife's condition but to no avai they didn't discover anything.

At the end of 15th month came the date of delivery which made the family members both happy and anxious. The husband was pacing outside the room which was filled with the cries of his wife. The cries stopped for a second and then a baby's cry was heard. This made the husband's pacing stop and sprint forward into the room.

Inside the room a beautiful young woman laid smoothely holding a crying baby smiling happily. The handsome man saw this and was filled with tears of love and joy.

The lady was still weak so the man took the baby lovingly and asked the lady "Wifey what do we name our baby".

The lady looked at the baby and said "ren".

The husband took the baby up at his level of head and said "our son will the dragon among men soaring above the heavens. His name will

resound in all three realms - 'Long Ren'. "

The baby looked at the man's face and smiled happily.