
Long ren was travelling to the city through the mountains. The journey was rather peaceful .He then reached a small village and saw that the village was filled with blood and corpses. He saw many people getting killed by a group of black clothed people. They seem to be bandits.

He was enraged by their killing of innocent. He saw many children dead bodies near the bandits. He saw the bloody figure of a boy that looked as same age as him confronting the bandits head on. The boy whole body was bloodied with injuries. But he can see the determination in the boy's eyes.

But there are too many bandits so he decided to help. He got to a higher point and took out his bow and arrows. He locked all those people with his soul sense and started shooting his arrows. The bandits started falling like flies leaving only the leader.

The leader of bandits stood there dumbfounded. But in the next second he got shot in both of his legs and collapsed on the ground. The boy didn't understand the situation but still pounced on the injured leader and beaten him to death.

The boy was a orphan in the village but still had many friends. But now they are all dead and only he was left alive. He kneeled near their dead bodies and said he had taken revenge for them and he started crying. Long ren came over to the boy and said " Brother, you should bury their bodies. Come i'll help you." The boy looked at and nodded. The boy knew that it was this boy that helped him. Long ren and the boy buried all the bodies.

The boy calmed down a bit so long ren asked " So brother, where will you go ". The boy said " I don't know, I have no where to go ". Long ren then said " Why don't you cone with me to my clan ".

The boy asked " Why would they allow me ". Long ren said " Don't worry about that, if you want to come, you can come. So what's your answer ". Long ren patiently waited for his answer. The boy waited for some time wiping his eyes he said yes.

Long ren " So, what's your name? ". The boy said " The people in the orphanage would call me Jun ". Long ren introduced himself " I'm Long Ren and I'm five years old and I am from sky martial city ".

Jun looked at him said " Then what are doing alone here ". Long ren looked at jun and said " I left home to experience the world outside ". The boy had a shocked look on his face, he knew that long ren before him was powerful but to get this far from his home at his age was a shock to him.

Long ren and Jun continued to the nearest city. Although Jun was only a year old than Long ren he started calling long ren as big brother. They arrived at the city. The city was called star city and was a major trade city. Long ren took Jun to a inn where they took a room to clean themselves up. The had their lunch in the restaurant and quickly return to the room. He gave Jun some body revitalizing pills and directed him and taught him to cultivate.

That night Jun stepped foot in to the world of cultivation. They stayed three days at the inn and in these 3 days Jun entered peak of body refinement level. Long chen booked a horse cart to the sky martial city.

As they were travelling in the cart, Jun was practicing the cultivation and long ren beside him was looking at the blueprint of Sniper rifle he bought from the shop. He got known that he could buy any profession. Long chen asked system to buy a blacksmith profession so he could customize his weapon to his liking. He bought the profession and started practicing in the cart itself as he asked system to lay a formation to isolate them.

He bought raw materials continuing the practice and his Blacksmith profession (Apprentice) was already mastered. He quickly bought Master level and continued his training. It took another day to completely master the technique.

By tomorrow they will reach the city, he made his goal to gain complete mastery of Grand master

level of Blacksmith Profession. He practiced at a insane rate and as he is in a isolated formation, the others outside can't detect anything.

Next day, they reached the city, long ren looked at the notification of system.

[DING ! Blacksmith (Grand master) mastery - 100%. Congratulations. Host.]

Long ren then smiled and got off the carriage and paid the coach driver. He saw Jun also reached Qi refining level. So he and Jun continued to move into the city. He showed Jun, the markets in sky martial city and went directly to the long clan.

Long ren with Jun arrived at the clan. There were guards stationed at the gate. They saw two children come towards them. A guard stopped them and said " Boy, this is not the place you can be, this is the long clan. Go back to where you came from ".

Long ren saw guards stopping him and Jun, he checked his storage ring for his status plate of the clan. The guard was getting impatient, just as he about to shout out, he saw the small boy took out and hand him the token.

Seeing the token he was shocked as his eyes bulged out. It was an authentic for sure because the core members token are made of special material, but the token before him belongs to the young master of clan. He quickly ran to the captain of guards inside the gates and informed him. The captain remembered patriarch telling him that young master gone outside and can come any time so he rushed out and saw long ren standing there with a boy more or less of his age.

The captain quickly bowed his head and said " Welcome back! Young Master ". Long ren nodded his head and moved into the gates. The guards at gate were stunned at the sight of their legendary young master.

The guards already informed their patriarch that their young master has returned. Inside the clan Long chen was waiting with zhen ya for their son. Soon long ren's figure came into their view wearing simple plain clothes, a bit taller than before, with somewhat handsome face.