
Zhen ya quickly ran to him and hugged him. She started checking as if there was anything missing. She then scolded him " where did you vanish outside the city gates. You know how much worried i was?" with a pout on her lips. Long ren hurriedly said " Mom I'm fine see, I'm very strong ".

Long chen rubbed long ren's head and asked " So brat how was the world ". Long ren replied " ah, It was good dad ". Long chen asked " So you had your breakthrough ".

Long ren knew his father was asking about sword heart so he answered with a disappointed tone " No dad i am still struct at that level. There were no strong opponents." Long chen laughed at his son's answer. Long ren introduced Jun to his parents. His parents readily welcomed jun into their clan. Long ren said he was going to rest and left his parents and jun alone.

Long ren got into his room and sat on bed. In his past life he always admired the modern weaponry . His favorite was the sniper rifles . In his childhood of past life he would imagine himself as a sniper ,taking a head shot without being detected. He asked the system to make a virtual screen for designing weaponry. He then started designing and only stopped in the morning. With the help of system,he was able to complete in a short time.

He had his breakfast with his family. Jun was also present for breakfast, he has face full of smiles. He was fully accepted into the family. After breakfast Long chen took jun to get him suitable martial arts. Long ren got busy checking the blueprints. He then came to the Training grounds. Long ren bought a normal Barrett M82 sniper with .50 BMG cartridges from the system.

This was his favorite sniper rifle. It can produce force of about 10000 jin. He started practicing sniping on the stable targets, then moving targets. He was also practicing sniping while moving. He practiced for whole day and improved his positioning, Handling of recoil. While sniping ,he discovered that his chaos eyes can also zoom in on a target.

He was only able to zoom in when he focus on a particular target through the scope. When seeing through the scope he was able to mark the position and would use chaos eyes to zoom in. He didn't get to discover the full range, but its was over 5000 Li, as he saw mountains which are over 5000 Li from the city to it's smallest detail.

At Night, long ren bought very expensive materials which are even rare in immortal realm from the system. He gave a final detailed look at the blueprint. The materials are all processed by system in the required shapes for a huge price. Long ren then began assembling his gun. He was doing at fast speed. He took less then a minute to assemble the rifle.

The rifle model was inspired by Barrett M82 and AWM. It has a long barrel with a length of 40 inches which is even longer than his current height. The Fully assembled rifle is twice his height. It has a bi-pod stand, suppressor, muzzle breaker ,a magazine and a scope. It was a Semi automatic rifle chambered for .308 magnum type ammunition made of special material provided by the system. The velocity and power of the bullet depends on type and amount of energy.

The system concluded that, if long ren uses all of his energy to fire a bullet, it could kill a peak earth immortal. He could kill a peak Martial Emperor with 10% of his energy. Long ren was shocked to find out he could kill a peak level earth immortal with his full power.

Long ren was laughing while checking his weapon. He slept after a while, holding the rifle. The next morning after the break fast long ren trained a bit and got out of his clan and thought of going into the city. He was excited to try his new weapon. He went to a pub where people would gossip about the events happening recently. He took advantage of his size and sneaked into the pub.

He quickly got to know about a notorious bandit group.The group has 3 Emperors. One was a peak emperor and other two are the high level emperors. These bandits would often target small and medium cities. They do all kinds of crimes. They would hide in the illusion demon forest. It was also one of the dangerous places in central region. There are no powerful beasts in the forest, but it produces illusions trapping anyone ,but the bandits found their way into it somehow.

Long ren decided to go there. After a day of travel he reached the forest. He went inside the forest. With his chaos eyes, the illusions were seen through instantly. He saw a path in middle of these illusions. He concluded that leader has a eye type ability to detect the path. He continued till he reached near their main base.

He got to a high ground to get a better view. He saw there were at least 50 bandits and the leader was sitting on throne. Long ren slowly took out his sniper and took his position in the bushes. He looks through the scope to zoomed in to the target. The leader's head was was visible to him. He locked the target. He supplied 10% of his energy and shot out the bullet.The Leader who was sitting on the throne suddenly fell down the throne and long ren got the notification.

[DING ! Congratulations Host for killing a Peak Emperor level expert. 6 million exp obtained. 1000 Chaos points, High grade Storage ring received. ]

[DING ! Congratulations. Host level has reached Martial Emperor (1st stage) ]

[DING ! Congratulations. Host level has reached Martial Emperor (2nd stage) ]

Long ren reached barely reached 2nd stage with 6 million exp. He then asked system why he got chaos points only now. He quickly got an answer that the leader was close to breakthrough and understood the elements to a small extent. The two remaining emperors felt something amiss. When they looked at the direction of their leader, they saw a body lying in their with no head and blood was spraying.

They were so scared, they started running off in random direction. Long ren who was seeing this locked in another bullet and fired. The Higher emperor expert who was running away from him was shot in the head .He has a big hole in his head. Long ren quickly fired another bullet and the other was also dead.

Long ren only used 5% of his energy to shoot them. He then checked his notification.

[DING ! Congratulations Host for killing a high Emperor level expert. 2.5 million exp obtained. Low grade Storage ring received. ]

[DING ! Congratulations Host for killing a Peak Emperor level expert. 2.5 million exp obtained. Low grade Storage ring received. ]

[DING ! Congratulations. Host level has reached Martial Emperor (3rd stage) ]

Long ren then one shot-ed all the bandits one by one and before they knew they were all dead. Like that the notorious bandit group of illusion demon forest died. The experience they gave was enough for him to level up. He was now a 4th stage martial emperor. His cultivation was enough for him to start a separate clan or sect even in the capital city. He don't want any attention from the upper realms so he should remain low key.

Long ren cleared the corpses and all the bullets he fired. The system can recycle them so they are basically indestructible. After that long ren quickly bought a teleportation talisman and returned to the city.