Do i have a Spiritual wife?

"You see, brother and sisters in the Lord. There comes a time in every man's life when the father remembers him and today is that day for this young man. The Lord is remembering you right now in Jesus name!"

"Amen!" we all responded. The weird dream of that young man had awoken a strange fear within me. For the first time since the death of my father, I was afraid. Could I possibly have a spiritual wife? I questioned myself as the heat rose up to my neck.

"The Lord is telling me that the lady you took home is a serpent from the marine world in human form".

"God forbid," Silas sighed after circling his head with his right hand.

"This is not a matter of God forbid" she continued "You were putting your finger into the mouth of a serpent and you thought it was a pretty girl with a charming smile. The Lord saved your life".

"Thank you, Jesus!" Silas interrupted her, waving at the heavens.