The Surprise

I arrived at the big black gate of the compound and knocked. After the third knock, I heard Khalid the gateman. His slippers slapping against the floor as he hurried to open the gate.

"Sorry Sir, I didn't know it was you!" he pleaded, slightly taking a bow after every word.

"Are you all ready sleeping at this time of the day?"

"No oh, I ignored the gate on purpose. I thought it was those Jehovah Witnesses. They won't allow me rest, like am the only person in this Lagos that needs saving" he said. Khalid is a man of slim feature and a loosed tongue with lips thick and dark like that of a marijuana smoker.

"Is there anyone at home?" I asked after a chuckle.

"No Sir, no one is at home".

"Alright" I went past him into the compound and then proceed into the big house to find it strangely unkempt. On the glass table at the centre of the parlour was an empty bottle of wine with two glasses. The chair clothes and sofa pillows scattered all over the floor.