1. Xiu Xianshengsheng

In the late autumn evening, Jiangbei was covered by a thunderstorm.

In the corner of the city, a young man lay quietly, letting the rain wash.

Suddenly, the sky blew up, the youth's fingers moved, the rain stopped, and there was a glimmer of light in the sky.

"Lu Shaoxun, I am waiting for you, why do you betray me!"

The young man struggled to get up from the ground, and the silver flashed in his eyes, different from ordinary people.

He is a master of the immortal world, and he has a very wide network of contacts. Lu Shaoxun is his best friend, but it is this best friend, but in the ruins of the ancient Emperor, the Great Emperor, combined with the other three, kill him together.

If it is not for yourself to trigger the treasures in the remains of the Emperor, a god of light bless, I am afraid that my gods can not keep.

However, when the youth saw the environment in which they were, they suddenly widened their eyes.

"Tall buildings... reinforced concrete buildings... vehicles that are rushing like winds, this is... Earth? Was it just when I was killed in the past?"

After a while, Ling Fei suddenly became overjoyed.

"Ha ha ha, Dad! Mom! The last child was not filial, and he had never filthy filth to the old man. In this world, the child will compensate you well."

"There are those who kill me, I will never let you go! Lu Shaoxun, when I clean up the enemy on the earth, I will return to the fairy world and find you revenge!"


Ling Fei is certainly a master of the gods in the cultivation of the immortals, but before the cultivation, he is also a mortal.

He was born in a small county town. His father is a small merchant. His mother is not a small family. He is a big family of Yanjing.

Because the angry mother found a low-profile father, they rushed out of the house and became their mother's lifelong regret.

Lingfei University graduated quickly, and as a result, everyone just started looking for a job to prepare for an internship, and the girlfriend was lame.

Lingfei, who was frustrated in love, was drinking at the bar and accidentally bumped into the beauty president of the company who was being drugged.

Under the wrong time, the two had a relationship. Mu Qingcheng is a loyal and proud woman. Although she does not look at herself, she is forced to marry her.

Said to be married, but the two are just nominal couples.

This is the paper marriage contract, which completely angered the people behind the envy of the city, and ruined his life.

Therefore, he was not able to support his life in front of his parents. In the end, his soul floated in the fairy world, and he revived the soul and embarked on the road of cultivation.

This incident is the regret of Ling Fei's life. Every time he thinks that his parents may wash their faces in the night and night, they can't sleep at night.

"Dad! Mom! This world, the baby will never let anyone look at you any more. Also, killing my bastard, since Lingfei is back, this thing is absolutely not over!"

A lightning flash in the sky, mapped on Lingfei's face, seems to indicate a generation of revenge, and will soon wake up.

"Right, the ruins of the Emperor finally burst, and there seems to be a glory that has not entered my body. It is a very sacred emperor. Even in the ancient times, there were only nine gods. That god is not a thing. ""

Said, Ling Fei began to converge and gaze at his heart.

Although he did not repair, but how much can still use the spiritual power of his own god.

That group of gods, now lying quietly in his dantian.

When Ling Fei's mental power sensed it, his mind exploded!

"Good pure energy! This is such a huge energy, is it the life of the Emperor?"

Ling Fei was shocked for a few seconds and suddenly laughed!

"Ha ha ha ha ha ... God is always waiting for me not thin, actually let me get the life of this ancient god emperor. As long as the integration of these cultivation, I am not a simple, can you be sanctified?"

Ling Fei did not hesitate to sit down and practice. Use the god to digest the energy of the great emperor.

In less than five seconds, Lingfei's body rushed out.

The stock is dark liquid.

He opened his eyes and burst into the eyes, like a star.

The impurities on the body were also shaken off in an instant!

He stood up and licked his fist and slammed his knuckles.

"Congenital peak! Sure enough, it is the cultivation of the Emperor, and it will allow me to reach the peak of the innate moment. If I cultivate myself, there is no one or three years, how can I achieve it?"

But Ling Fei frowned again.

"Unfortunately, my physical condition on the earth is too bad! I can only absorb so much for the time being, and then absorb it, the body will not bear it, burst and die! It seems that it should be, look for some natural materials to supplement Your own physique is good."

But Ling Fei is not worried.

If you have the strength and the things you want, you will naturally come to you.

Anyway, there is a god to repair as a backing, one day sooner, he will stand at the top of the world!

"Help! Who will help me!"

Just as Ling Fei just blended the strength of the great emperor, suddenly, a girl came in the alley.

She wore a long white dress, delicate facial features, bright teeth, and temperament did not lose the fairy in the fairy world.

At this moment, she was scared to some gloom, and even accidentally hit Lingfei's arms.

With a dull sound, Ling Fei felt that his chest was hit by two big rabbits.

The beauty found Ling Fei, immediately pulled his sleeve and begged:

"Sir, please, help me. There are bad people chasing me."

Ling Fei looked behind her, seven or eight with a tattoo of yellow-haired green hair, also rushed into the alley.

"Hey, chick, this time I see where you are going."

The beautiful woman was so scared that she hid behind Ling Fei and shivered.

Those little punks immediately pointed to Ling Fei's nose:

"Bunny scorpion, go to the grandfather, or else, I will kill you!"

Ling Fei eyes a glimpse.

"Who is the little rabbit?"

"Bunny scorpion said you! I rely on! Stinky boy, you dare to play me? Look for death, brothers, give me a fight!"


Looking at the little gangsters who rushed up, the girl couldn't help but scream, but Ling Fei did not fear it and greeted him directly.

He put out his fists, the chest of the front two, the crowd fell on the spot, and people also flew out.

The latter two little punks, one person and one fist smashed over, Ling Fei also hit the past unceremoniously, the four punches are opposite, and the two screams sound, the whole arms of the two punks are soft like noodles.

Ling Fei was alone and sent them out of the alley.

The three of them looked at the back and couldn't help but bite their teeth.

"Mom, I can't think of a family, brothers, guys!"

The three men also took out the folding fruit knife from their pockets.

Behind the beauty, I can't help but care:

"Be careful!"

Ling Fei dismissed a smile, kicked his toes gently, and the ground flew three stones, and instantly broke the hand of three people with a knife.


The three people were terrified with pain and directly fainted.

The beauty of the back is a big mouth and an unbelievable look.

This... how many seconds? Seven little punks, all of them have been turned over?

Is he a human being?

When she remembered and thanked her, she found that the young man did not know when he had left.

The girl's eyes couldn't help but reveal a sigh of relief.

"Is he an angel sent to save me?"