2. Family with a beatiful wife

Ling Fei is certainly not an angel. He is just too lazy to waste time with these insignificant people.

Looking up at the sky, the dark clouds slowly dissipated, and the sky was like a glass that had been washed again, and it was clear and transparent.

The crescent moon has been hung and the street lights on the street are also lit.

It's time to go home.

To be precise, it is to return to his wife's home.

Although I have been practicing for so many years, Ling Fei's life has only had a husband and wife with that woman!

Every time I think of the madness of that night, and the despair of her second day of waking, Ling Fei is always awkward.

Even if she is killed because she is!

This is probably the only person in the world who feels right, except for his parents.


Ling Fei walked back and thought about the bits and pieces of past lives.

When the thoughts in his mind stopped, Ling Fei also came to a villa.

A sapphire blue BMW X6 is parked at the door, which is her car.

The lights in the villa are also lit, the warm yellow style, the taste of a home, making Ling Fei somewhat awkward.

"Is it my illusion? Or... Is a person alone in the cultivation of the fairyland for too long?"

At the end, he shook his head and smiled, and took out the key to open the door.

Anyway, at least, apart from parents, this is the world's closest woman to her.

"came back?"

Ling Fei, who just entered the door, was shouted in a sentence.

Not gentle, cold, but also in line with her attitude.


Ling Fei promised and looked at her carefully.

A caramel-colored tight cashmere sweater surrounds the perfect line of business. Upscale velvet tights, retouching her long legs that are close to perfection.

Twenty-four years old, but dressed up quite experienced. Even with a ball head, it can't hide the confidence and cold arrogance on her face.

That is what only women who have a successful career will have... Queen's temperament?

She sat on the sofa reading the newspaper, leaning her arms to one side, reclining and tilting her thighs.

The thighs wrapped in tights are very round and graceful and look elastic.

In fact, Ling Fei knows that it is true.

"Is it enough?"

The woman's pretty wrinkles, the face without smile, is even colder, making people unable to adapt.

Lingfei shrugged and smiled and went upstairs alone.


Between the women's eyebrows, the wrinkles are deeper.

She can clearly feel that Ling Fei seems to be somewhat different, but in the end it is different, she can not say.

Back to the room Lingfei, the moment to open the door, slightly surprised.

On the bed, there are two boxes, a box of clothes with the trademark Armani.

Ling Fei's brow slightly wrinkled so much, and some came in awkwardly.

She... would actually buy clothes for herself?

He didn't go to see the clothes, the first time Fanghua, he had no thoughts about the things outside his body.

That friendship, received, is enough.

Ling Fei's eyes fell on the bed, on a bright red book.

He picked it up and opened it, and the group of two people came into view.

"Mu Chengcheng..."

After so many years, I read the name again, and Ling Fei's nephew was slightly trembling, and everything seemed to be a dream.

Closing the small book, Lingfei shook his head and smiled.

"I wanted to tell you that ending this relationship, now it seems that the debt is hard to pay!"

There was a scream in the stomach, pulling Ling Fei's thoughts back to reality.

"I am not as strong as I am now. If you don't want to eat, you have to wait for the real gasification liquid to reach the foundation. I can't think of it, and my dear monk, there is still a day to eat."

Self-deprecating smile, Ling Fei got up and went downstairs, ready to eat something.

Mu Qingcheng is still on the sofa, still in that position, revealing feminine and lazy.

If you change to an ordinary man, I am afraid I can't help but rush.

Perceived Ling Fei's footsteps, she glanced up and glanced at Ling Fei's gaze, and she quickly moved away.

Silence for two seconds, Ling Feidao:

"Thank you for buying clothes for me."

"Don't get me wrong, it's the mall that sells the rest, not the one I bought."

Mu Qingcheng's answer was a bit arrogant, but Ling Fei clearly saw a slap in the corner of her mouth.

"Did you eat? Do you want to eat together?"

A glimpse of the city, it seems that I did not expect Ling Fei to invite her to dinner.

"I should have told you long ago, don't think about anything about me. Although I am married to you, but..."

"If you don't go, you can."

Before he even waited for the long story of Mucheng, Ling Fei directly interrupted the words of Mu Qingcheng.

He invited her to eat, just to thank him for buying clothes. It does not mean that he wants to admire the city.

But someone is obviously wrong.

And Mu Qingcheng is also awkward, she thought that Ling Fei is to chase her, I thought about holding it, the result of Ling Fei actually took her down.

Her heart is also looking forward to whether Ling Fei is playing tricks. But she waited until the door closed and she reacted.

She is really left by Ling Fei!

The admiration of the city was shivering, and the newspapers in the hand smashed into a group and went out directly!

"Bastard! I am not rare to treat you!"

Ling Fei has to go out again, because like this high-end community, there will be no buses and taxis.

Fortunately, this is also the bustling area of ​​the city. If you can't walk far, there is a place to eat.

The quiet street has just been washed away by the rain and is very clean.

Ling Fei was walking, and suddenly, an exclamation came out behind him.

"Help, someone grabs the wallet! Stop him!"

Lingfei looked back and saw a young man in a leather jacket running fast towards this side.

He had a purse in his hand and a girl in high heels.

The girl seems to be somewhat familiar.

"Get out! Otherwise I will kill you!"

Ling Fei did not say anything, and the youth was threatened with evil.

He smiles coldly, you don't provoke me, I may not bother to take care of you, but you dare to marry me, find death!

Therefore, Ling Fei did not hesitate, stretched out a finger, shot a sigh of strength, the thief shoulders, immediately kicked him back a few meters away, when the landing, people have dizzy.

The girl ran to the thief, and it was already out of breath.

She took back the bag, smashed the thief, and braced to come to Lingfei, saying:

"Thank you...thank you. Hey, are you?"

Ling Fei did not think that within a day, two heroes save the United States, actually saved the same girl!

The girl also smiled brilliantly.

"You are saved twice in one day, don't ask for a meal, how can I not go too far!"

Ling Fei wanted to refuse, but suddenly remembered that he did not seem to have money.

Then, the tiger falls to Pingyang, let's talk about it first.

"Where, where to eat?"

The girl stunned, probably did not expect Lingfei to be so unkind.

Immediately, she woke up and smiled:

"There is a Western restaurant in front, where the steak is very good. Go there."

Ling Fei nodded and walked toward the front.

The girl once again, thinking:

"This guy is a weirdo."

However, Ling Fei helped her after all, she did not say much, calm down the mood, and quickly catch up.