Chapter 8

I felt my fangs slide from my gums, my instincts lit up white hot. No doubt that my purple glow was shining in my eyes. A black haze clouded my head, and I felt the need to rip into Knox's flesh and drink every last bit of blood.

Never had I felt bloodlust like this. It was intense, so overpowering.

Knox's lips clung to mine and her hands clutched at my skin. She was desperately trying to get me to deepen the kiss. But I knew if I did, it would mean her end. My instincts had a hold of me, and it was taking everything I had in me to push them down.

I gently but firmly pushed her back slightly. She looked at me with the most cutest pout.

"Emery, why did you stop?" she asked, trying her best to get me back into the kiss.

I kept my hold on her as I blindly pushed away my instincts, my fangs slowly shrank. The dark haze cleared. And finally, I could think straight.

"Knox, I I don't think I can do this. I'm sorry." I said, slightly frightened of myself.

I had never experienced something like that before.

Never had I lost control of my instincts. Not even as a kid, and it scared me. I could've killed Knox.

Knox was staring at me with a look of disbelief and sadness on her face.

"But, Emery. You kissed back. I knew you felt what I felt." she said, her hands clutching to mine. She looked into my eyes, begging for me to comply.

I shook my head. But I could feel how wrong it was to deny that I did like her. Hell, I liked her a lot. But I couldn't live with myself if I hurt her.

"Knox, there are things about me that you don't know. I'm not good for you. You need someone better, more worthy of you." I said. Trying to force her to give up. But she didn't.

"Emery, I know you don't believe that. I know you feel something. That kiss proved it. And I'll prove it again." she said. Her eyes burning with passion.

Knox dove in before I could stop her. Her lips made contact with mine, a burning fire behind them. She kissed me fiercely, I did everything I could to force her away, but all I was really doing was fighting myself.

I gave in and kissed back with the same fire. But then, the bloodlust was back. I pushed hard. Trying not to give in. Unlike running, and fighting, I became exhausted trying to fight away my instincts. But I tried so hard, my lips moving passionately with hers. Savouring as much of the kiss as I could.

I finally had to pull away, my body was so worn out from this. I could barely believe the effect that it had on me. It was unexplainable, to know something like this had me so weak.

My body felt like lead. But as Knox took her final soft kisses on my lips, ending by sinking down in my arms, I then felt the bloodlust lift. Only half my strength returning.

What the hell have I done?

Knox and I stayed in the garden for the rest of the school day, she fell asleep in my arms. But not before she asked me to be her girlfriend, desperation apparent in her eyes. I couldn't refuse.

The guys found out during band practice. All of them breaking out into giggles and taunts, until I threatened them with bodily harm. After, Knox cornered me by my car, embracing me in a passionate kiss. Triggering the horrible bloodlust. It took everything I had to keep me from killing Knox. Finally getting away, I went to the one person who I thought could help.

I couldn't go to my mother, because it would result in me telling her about Knox. And she wouldn't approve of me getting so close to a human.

Parking my car in the visitors' lot, I hurried into the car agency. Mrs Hill was sitting behind one of the desks.

She looked up at my entrance. "oh Hi, Emery. Everything ok with the cars?" she asked sweetly.

"oh their fine, I was just wondering if I could talk to Kaden for a moment?" I said, in a rush.

She smiled. "oh sure he is just out back helping fix some of the cars. Just go around the building and there will be a garage back there. He should be there."

I nodded and ran out the door. I went around the back of the main building to find a long set of garages. I saw one of them open. I went for it.

As I approached, I saw Kaden standing over the engine of a nice looking, blue Porsche. His hands covered in grimy oil. He turned at my approach and smiled, wiping his hands on a rag.

"Hey, what's up?" he said casually, leaning against the car. His eyes a light shade of grey today, and the same all-black attire he wore when I got my car.

I tried to smile, but it just fell back into the weary look. I had been worried about what had happened between me and Knox. I needed to know why.

Kaden seemed to notice my apprehension. "what's wrong?"

I sighed. "look, I know we don't know each other well, but I couldn't go to my mom about this. And you were around a full blood at one point. So maybe, by chance, you know what's going on."

He turned and crossed his arms over his chest, looking at me politely. "sure, I can try to help. What's going on?"

I sighed once more and began to tell him the feelings of the bloodlust, of the horrible way I couldn't control my senses. Of Knox and how I wanted to kill her.

He listened and nodded to what I said. He sighed and spoke with a half amazing half knowing tone. "That is usually what happens when a Full Blood comes in close contact with a human. Like the way, my mother hugged your mother the other day. Your mother was feeling bloodlust, that's why she hissed." he spoke. The awe in his voice coming out stronger now. "usually no half breeds get that trait, well as far as the full blood I lived with for awhile knew. He told me not many half breeds get much of the advanced genes."

I nodded, then looked back at him, confused. "What do you mean, advanced traits? Like metamorphosis? Or the telekinesis? My brothers and I have those, although I'm not very accomplished with the metamorphosis."

He shook his head. "It goes beyond that, Emery. Full blood has many ranging powers. They can Shape Shift more than just the looks. Being near a human is beyond painful for them as well. But each full blood is different with different powers. Some more prominent than others."

I looked back astonished. I had never heard of powers beyond what our mother had taught me. This was certainly news to me.

"well, so if the bloodlust is a full blood trait, then why do you think I have it?" I asked.

He was quiet for a moment, choosing his wording carefully. Then sighed. "That, I don't know, Emery. All I can do is guess that you inherited a little more of the Full Blood's traits than what a Half-blood gets."

I nodded, taking it in. so I was even weirder than I was before.

"but what I want to know, is why in the hell were you kissing a human anyway?" he laughed. Looking at me incredulously.

I laughed halfheartedly. "well, it's a long story. But, I also wanted to ask, how come I don't see you around the school? You do go there right?"

He smirked. " yes I do go there. I'm a senior. Being a junior, you don't see me much. But I do have the same lunch as you, maybe I will stop skipping it and come to visit you."

I laughed. "why do you skip?"

Kaden smirked again. "well, let's say I don't like watching humans eat, while I cant." I looked at him with my eyebrows raised, confused again. "I have also inherited a rare trait. I have a bigger appetite for a half breed," he said with a dark smile.

I smiled, "Nice to know I'm not the only one."

I felt a little better knowing what had been going on, but I was still worried. How was I going to keep it from happening when I was with Knox.

I confided my worries to Kaden. He told me that I would just have to work on keeping it down and learn to overcome it. But I wasn't too sure about that. I hated losing my control, and not to mention strength when I had to fight off my instincts.

After talking with Kaden a little more, I decided to head home. But as I was driving, I started to think back to the story that Knox told me of Trinetta, of what she had done to Knox.

It angered me even more now because I didn't have Knox to distract me. My aura lit up its dark purple glow. My fangs slid down and I felt rage take over me. I ended up having to pull over to calm myself before I could drive properly.

How could Trinetta do that to Knox? She was supposedly her friend, someone she trusted. It made me want to seriously get hold of Trinetta and demand to know why. And that Danielle white, did she seriously have it out for anyone who wasn't in her little clique of blonde clones? I mean who does that to someone?

Well, I sort of expected that of Danielle White, but not of Trinetta. Her first impression on me, the very first time I laid eyes on her was, perfect.

She looked like one of those girls that had a lot of friends but was not snobbish in the least. Then, when I saw her crying, she looked like a girl who was forced to be this way, to be perfect. But now, I could see I was wrong.

She was just what Knox said she was, snobbish and backstabbing. She was manipulative. She had actually tried to get me under her little spell too. The tingly sensation coming to my mind.

I wasn't going to fall for her. I wouldn't be the next school's joke. I wouldn't let her and her little partner in crime, Danielle White, do to me what they had done to Knox.

No, I'm a vampire, and no little humans will sabotage me!

I ignored Trinetta's phone calls and texts. I had given her my number through the email I had sent to her last night. But I wished I hadn't now.

Sitting on the living room couch, my brothers sitting on the floor in front of me playing Halo, I got more text messages I had ever received in the short amount of time I had had the phone.

Blaze was texting me about something to do with the band's first gig at some nightclub. Mark was telling me about his new lip piercing that he was getting to make the one he already had into Snakebites, Dev was with him. Lyric was talking about taking me shopping, and of course, Knox was talking to me about how happy she was that I said yes. Trinetta's texts, I had been ignoring.

Knox: Well, before Trinetta, I never really had many friends, and I was really afraid to tell people I was bisexual. So no one ever knew, and I just kept my crushes to myself. Never really going after the girl unless she came to me.

Emery: Well, I've had crushes. But like I say, I tend to stay away from people because I move so much. Never really have time for a relationship.

Mark: Dude, I'm about to get it, you should see this. Dev thinks I'm going to cry!

I laughed.

Emery: tell him I said that he should back out the bet while he still has time!

Blaze: it's going to be this Saturday, at the Disaster Club. It's this awesome Rock club. Its all Rock themed. No annoying Rap allowed.

Emery: awesome! I will be there.

Trinetta: Emery?

I ignored the message, going to the next.

Knox: I hope you don't leave too soon. I like you a lot Emery, and I think we have a lot in common.

I smiled slightly.

Emery: I know, I like you a lot too. It's just, I'm....not sure if I'm making a good decision by being with you. I'm not really that safe to be around. I have anger issues.

I didn't really know how to sum it up. I needed her to know that I wasn't safe, but I had to do it without telling her what I am. I could be killed for that.

Lyric: ok, so this Saturday is out, because of the gig. But Sunday is good. I can take you to the mall, and dude Hot Topic has these brand new style of jeans I want to try. You have to try them too. Your skin would look amazing with red.

I laughed. Jeez, this girl was going to kill me with clothes. I actually think it would be possible.

Emery: Lyric, I don't want to buy the whole store!

Trinetta: Emery? Please, I just want to know why you're ignoring me?

I ignored the message once more.

Mark: it's done! I look awesome! Dev lost the bet about whether I cried or not. So he has to get his lip pierced!

Emery: Ha, see I told you he would lose. Why would he even bet a person who already has a piercing and knows what it feels like already?

Blaze: good! So how are things with Knox?

I growled. He was not going to start taunting me again.

My brothers paused their game and looked back at me.

"well, someone thinks their so cool because they have friends now!" laughed Vince.

I looked up and scowled to him. "don't be jealous! I'm sure you will have friends, one day. Or maybe not, you never know." I said sweetly. Vince growled at me.

Daniel laughed. "you two act like an old married couple!"

I reached forward and smacked him on the head. He grabbed my hand mid smack and twisted it.

"Em, we are not going to do this again, are we? Remember what happened last time? Broken table, Glass shattered? I don't think mom would be very happy with us destroying her new house." he said in an authoritative voice.

I laughed, "well Danny boy, I distinctly remember the winner in that fight."

He growled, "I fell over the rug ok. If I hadn't, I would have won." I laughed, his grown-up voice gone.

I laughed as I sat back. The boys went back to their game, cursing when they messed each other up. I went back to my texts.

Knox: Emery, I don't care if you have anger issues. I know you wouldn't hurt me. I feel safe when I'm with you. I wish you could see how much I like you.

I sighed. Maybe it wouldn't be that bad. Maybe I could be with her and learn to deal with the bloodlust. Sighing once more, I texted back.

Emery: I do see Knox because I feel the same. I will be your girlfriend, but is it ok if we take it slowly?

I ignored the others messages for a moment, waiting for her response.

Knox: yes, that is totally fine with me. I promise not to push you into it. It makes me happy just to be near you.

I smiled, my heart softening at her words.

Emery: thank you, you're a very sweet girl, I just can't believe why someone would be so mean and horrible to you.

Knox: Don't worry about it. I don't think about it much, it's in the past. And now, I have someone who does want me!

I smiled. Yes, I did want her. But I was still worried about her.

For the first time in my life, I wasn't proud of my strength or powers.

I was scared of them.