Chapter 9

Trinetta's P.O.V.

I took my seat in the middle of the front row in Musical Arts. This was where I always sit, my friend Beatrice on the other side of me. Of course, she was talking and I had no idea what she was talking about. Probably something about her boyfriend, Jake, not calling her or something. I just pretended to listen. I was far too distracted.

I turned in my seat to watch the door, making it look like I was talking to Beatrice. I was really anxious as I watched people pouring into the room, chattering with their friends.

Each time one of them came around the corner, I felt my heart sink lower when I saw it wasn't Emery.

Yesterday, after the whole cafeteria scene, she didn't come back to class. I didn't see her for the rest of the day. And Nottica, or Knox as she was known by now, was missing too. And this morning, Emery hadn't been in English, and I had wanted to talk to her.

They skipped together. And then Emery didn't return my calls or texts. It made me anxious, I spent most of the night waiting with my phone in my hand, hoping she would call back. But she didn't, so now I was going to wait for her to come to class and talk to her about it.

The warning bell rung overhead, and I looked back to the door. I watched and finally, I saw blonde hair, contrasting against black clothing come around the corner.

Emery walked in with Knox beside her, they were laughing and smiling at each other. Emery's arm was around Knox's shoulders.

I gasped. Were they together?

"Hey! Trinny are you even listening to what I'm saying?" snapped my friend Beatrice. I looked back at her with surprise.

"Yeah, actually, can you hold that thought for a minute?" I asked, and stood. If I was going to talk to her, this was my chance. Knox or no Knox, she would talk to me.

Emery and Knox sat in two chairs in the back of the room, they had moved their seats right beside each other. Emery's arm was still around Knox. And as I got closer, I saw Knox lean over to Emery and place a soft kiss on her cheek. Emery's eyes shinned.

I gasped. Her eyes turned a deep glowing purple. I stopped in my tracks, watching it fade just as quickly as it had come.

'what was that?' I thought to myself in astonishment. 'how could someone's eyes do that?' Maybe I imagined it?

But then I remembered that we only had five minutes before class started if I was going to talk to her, now was the time.

I walked forward, Emery's eyes shot to me and Knox glared.

"Go away!" said Knox, her eyes smouldering with loathing to me. I felt a tinge of guilt every time I looked into her eyes. But that was the past. There was nothing I could do to take it back.

"nobody wants you around here." she shot back to me. Emery's eyes averted mine and stayed on her black nail polish.

I took a deep breath. "I want to talk to Emery. Then I won't bother you."

Emery didn't look up.

"Emery, I just want a minute, that's all," I said, trying to persuade her. My voice sounded like I was really tired. I was, I had stayed up most of the night.

Trying to finish the homework I hadn't done while waiting for Emery to call back.

"She doesn't want to talk to you. Besides, we were talking and you interrupted!" said Knox. If looks could kill, let's just say I would look like I went through a brutal shark attack.

I sighed, ignoring Knox and looking at Emery. "look, I just want to know why you're angry with me, that's all."

"Knox stood. "I don't know, why don't you think back to Freshman year?" she clenched her fists and looked like she was ready to punch me in the face. Emery stood up and took her hand.

"Knox, calm down. I'll talk to her ok?" she said, looking Knox in the eyes. Knox sighed and sat down.

"fine. But remember what I told you." she gave Emery a meaningful look. I suspected that she told Emery not to Believe anything I say.

Emery turned to me. Her eyes stayed averted from mine as she led the way to two vacant seats in the back of the room. We sat down, and she kept her eyes on the desktop, not speaking.

I sighed. I guess this would be a little harder then I thought. "I want to know why you didn't return my calls. Did I do something wrong?"

She didn't speak for a moment. Then in a low tone, she spoke, her eyes not looking at me. "I was busy. Sometimes I just don't answer my phone."

She was lying, I knew it somehow. "then why are you acting all hostile to me now?"

She paused once more, then she turned to look me straight in the eye. Her features went hard, her jaw clenched tight. "You want to know why. Trinetta? Because when I found out about what you and Danielle White did to Knox, I seriously wanted to punch you for a minute."

My breath caught in my throat, Knox told her that? I knew she still held a grudge, but I didn't think she was this angry.

"I thought for a little while, about confronting you for it. But Knox talked me out of it." she smiled a twisted smile. "It amazes me, how even after what you did to her, she still didn't want me to hurt you."

I didn't know what to say, guilt washed over me as I remembered.

"I don't want to talk to you Trinetta. I may be the farthest thing from a saint, but I wouldn't even do something that low." she half sneered.

I looked up to see hatred in her eyes. I wanted to gasp again as I saw the dark purple, this time I could have sworn it even radiated from her entire body.

"Emery, please you have to hear my side of this. It didn't go like that-" she cut me off. Her voice was low and dangerous. It scared me even.

"Save it Trinetta. I'm not really good at keeping my anger down. So don't put fuel to my already blazing fire!" she stood and walked out the door just as the bell rung.

A tear fell from my eye as I watched Knox run after her. I didn't leave the seat I was in. I didn't want to face anyone right now.

I felt empty as I thought back on her words and the memories of freshman year. I felt guilt wash over me entirely, drowning me in it. And I couldn't blame Knox or Emery for their anger towards me.

But if only they knew the real story.

Emery's P.O.V.

I ran from the room, almost knocking over a couple of late students. My anger seethed in me, and I had been losing my control. I knew that if I stayed one more minute, I would have killed anyone in my sight.

I ran down the halls and out the door. Running to the garden, to the place where Knox and I stayed yesterday and this morning. I knew I should have never left it.

As I reached the small clearing, I began pacing. Trying to force my anger and fangs to shrink. My canines bit into my tongue, causing my blood and venom to spill into my mouth. I swallowed it back, pushing away a wave of growls.

I had never wanted to kill someone as bad as I had wanted to kill Trinetta back there. Her blood's scent had flooded my nose and intoxicated me. And being overruled by your instincts to kill and being very angry at the same time, are not a good thing.

I stopped pacing, I was breathing heavily and low growls were rumbling through me. My hands clenched into fists and my body shook with anger.

Why was this happening to me? Before I moved here, I never had so many problems with my power. Anger, that was the same as always. But I've never had to run away from something because I couldn't control my strength.

Finally, when I couldn't take it, I let go of my anger and growled a horrible, animal-like growl. I slumped down against a tree, trying to slow my breathing.

After a couple of moments in silence, I heard soft footfalls close by.

Knox. I sighed and tried to push away my anger, trying to get the dark purple to stop that had been pulsing around me from the moment I set foot out of the school.

I saw her purple hair come into sight. She was having a hard time getting around the many roots that stuck out from the ground. She looked over to me.

"Hey, are you ok?" she was worried, I could tell by her voice. She came to sit in front of me cross-legged. She placed her hands on mine that rested on my knees.

I sighed. "kind of. I'm sorry I ran without telling you. I just couldn't control my anger."

She smiled slightly. "its ok." then she looked back at me, concerned. "What did she say to make you angry?"

I took a deep breath, trying to steady myself. "it just made me angry how she can act like nothing is wrong. Like she had no part in it. I just wanted to..."

I stopped myself from thinking about those things. It hurt me to think of myself hurting Trinetta, as much as I wanted to make her hurt like Knox did. I couldn't bring myself to even think about doing it.

Knox crawled over into my lap, her arms went around my shoulders, and my arms immediately linked around her waist. She rested her head against my shoulder, speaking softly to me.

"Don't worry about her anymore, Emery. It doesn't matter to me anymore. I just want to forget about the past, and move on to my future. I have great friends now who wouldn't ever do that to someone. And all she will have is a friend who will backstab anyone if they cross them. Danielle will backstab her and she will feel how I felt. Let her dig her own grave, you don't have to help her."

I listened to Knox, she was right. Trinetta will get what she deserves soon.

But for some reason, I didn't want that. I didn't want anything bad to happen to Trinetta.