Chapter 10

Emery's P.O.V.

"Well, I do like her, a lot. It's just, I'm scared." I laughed, helping Kaden lower the enormous engine into the car. It was effortless, I could have done it myself. But Kaden wanted it perfectly in place. Such a perfectionist!

I had been in the garage, helping him fix some cars and talking about my newly developed problems. He seemed to know a lot about Full blood, which is why I was talking openly with him.

Kaden wiped his hands on a rag, then handing it to me so I could do the same. "I mean, it's weird. I've never been afraid of my powers."

He laughed. "I felt that way after I get the full blood who told me so much. I was afraid of who I was and what I could do. I was guilty of killing people, for being this monster."

I looked up into his choice of black eyes today. He seemed to be in the past.

"For a while I kind of ignored everyone. And tried to stop feeding, but it was hard. I couldn't think straight when I didn't feed. I felt weak and sick all the time."

I smiled lightly. "I and my brothers had a contest one time, to see who could no longer. I won, but I remember what it did to us. When I didn't feed, I became sick. I couldn't move almost. And my brothers became delusional and tried to eat me."

He chuckled at the last part. But then became serious again. "not feeding can kill us slowly and painfully. There are but so many ways we can die. But not feeding is the one of the most painful." he spoke grimly.

I nodded. I knew some of the ways we could be killed. Full blood are harder to kill, and really no human would know how. Unless they did much reading into the Vampire's hidden books. Only full blood are allowed to possess these books.

"one of? I thought that was the most painful because it's so slow."

He grimaced. "No, there is another. it's the most painful, and said to be completely unbearable."

I waited patiently for him to continue.

"The other is the very complex to do. It takes a lot of preparation and a lot of power. Not many full bloods can do it. Only the elders. Its called The End at Rising Ritual. The ritual is the most effective way to end a vampire. It has been used by the elder full blood to punish a vampire who committed treason, for many years. But many full bloods believes it to be cruel. " he spoke with his head down. Lost in thought. I listened with amazement.

"Cruel?" I asked, curious.

" Yes, only because it not only ended the vampire but completely destroyed its soul as well."

I gaped at him. He continued to speak though.

"The ritual is said to be terrible. The vampire must be taken to sacred, hollow ground at dawn. Just before the sun rises. The one who is doing the ritual must have the vampire restrained in chains that are made of the hardest metal, dipped into liquid or frozen Silver. "

I nodded, understanding that part. Solid silver does no harm to us. But when its liquid or frozen, it has the power to restrain a full blood combined with the hard metal.

"Then the performer must then speak the words to the ritual from a book of a vampire. It is called, arcana vampire It means vampire secrets. There is only four of these in existence. When the words are spoken, the performer must take a sharp, intrusive igneous rock that has crystallized.

It must not be too old or too new. It cant break or the ritual will not work. He then must dip the blade into the sacred rose oil. Then he must plunge the rock into the vampire just as the sun breaks the horizon."

I looked at him shocked. There were so many things about vampires I knew nothing about. It made me feel slightly naïve.

He laughed, the tension that had been so high finally decreased. "but it's very rare to happen anymore, see it is very hard to do. All the things that must be found and done.

Not to mention how precise it has to be done. One hasn't happened in over three centuries. Its unlikely to happen anytime soon. Plus, there has never been a ritual done on a half-blood." he said sensing my worry.

Then I laughed slightly. "because they would have no need, a full blood could kill us hands down."

Kaden didn't speak.

I raised my eyebrow, "or not?"

He looked back up at me. "well, I don't know. I mean, the full blood I knew said that the full blood was trying to kill us off. But no one ever knows why."

his eyes narrowed slightly. "but he knew some things. He got around a lot. And he told me that the full blood had been having some trouble with the half-blood.

That we were becoming more of a threat. Many thought that it was just treason. But it wasn't. We were outnumbering the full blood. And for some reason, they were scared."

I blinked a few times. The full blood are afraid of us?

Kaden didn't know any more than what his full blood knew. But he did tell me that the last thing his full blood told him, was to keep hidden and to protect himself.

I was amazed at all the things Kaden told me that day.

All the things I didn't know. All the things my mother never told me.

I became slightly peeved at her as I drove towards Blaze's house. I couldn't believe she would keep this stuff from me and my brothers.

I pulled into the only free space in Blaze's driveway.

Knox, Mark, Blazes, and Blazes parents cars all smashed together. The garage door was open and the guys were sound-checking their instruments.

Blaze looked up from his eclectic blue guitar and smiled at me. "Hey, Knight!"

I waved, going over the couch and taking out my guitar from its case.

Warm arms slid around my waist, I smiled and turned to Knox. She smiled brilliantly at me. "Hello, gorgeous!"

I smiled, "you shouldn't talk about yourself, someone might think your conceded."

She laughed and leaned in to kiss me. I resisted the urge to hiss, and placed my lips softly on hers. The bloodlust kicked in and I fought to keep my dark purple aura and fangs back. The others were watching, and I couldn't let them see it.

I shut down my mind, trying to stop thinking about her, about killing her and drinking every single drop of blood. I pushed the dark haze that threatened to blind me, away from my mind. I tried to enjoy the kiss, but in my state, it wasn't possible.

Knox pulled away after a few moments and smiled lightly, I knew she was upset. But she wouldn't push it, because we were around the others. I smiled and turned, going to the left mike and jumping in for some sound check with my guitar.

After playing a few songs and getting used to the new songs tempo, Blaze suggested we go see a movie.

"I think we should go see a horror!" said an excited Dev. Lyric looked scared.

"No, please. Lets not!" she muttered. Dev pulled her under his arm.

"It's okay, babe! I'll protect you," he said smoothly while wagging his eyebrows. The others just laughed at him. Lyric just smiled and snuggled against him.

"Okay, everyone else cool with horror?" asked Blaze, looking to the rest of us. Mark and Knox nodded eagerly. I just shrugged lightly.

Blaze went to get his keys, the others walked out of the garage, shutting the door. I followed slowly. I wasn't sure if I should be going to this or not. I had never been to a movie theatre before.

Knox came beside me, taking my arm and huddling close to my side. She smiled at me, her pretty, bright hazel eyes shining. It was impossible not to smile back, even if I was still very worried about her.

Blaze decided that we could all go in his car since I had no idea where the theatre was. And the others didn't feel like going all in separate cars.

It only took us ten minutes to get there, it was in the middle of the town next to the mall. It was not only just a theatre, it was also a bowling alley, and a restaurant. I was kind of amazed at how big it was.

We all decided on a movie called "Paranormal Activity 2." all though I never saw the first, I had heard of it before. It was supposed to be one of the scariest movies ever.

I doubt that that could be scarier then the myth turned reality that is myself. I smiled smugly to myself.

Knox pulled me along to where we buy our movie tickets, I bought my own along with Knox's. she protested of course, but I did it anyway. Hey, I may be worried about her being with me, but that didn't mean I couldn't be a good date.

Wow, I guess this was sort of a date. I looked into her eyes, which held excitement. I felt slightly bad for all the rejecting I had been doing. It wasn't verbal but with my body language, I had been showing rejection.

I hated doing it, I just didn't want her to get hurt. I liked Knox a lot. But when I'm with her, I have no control of my powers. And that made it dangerous.

I followed the others, who were talking animatedly about whether the movie would be like the first or not. I smiled, until now, I kind of never realized how amazing it was to have friends. To watch them and be apart of them. It made me feel free. Free from what I was. Like I was like them, human.

But I knew I wasn't, my smile faltered. I never would be.

I followed them into a room labelled, theatre 3. There were many red covered, reclining chairs in rows facing a large white screen. People were already sitting, eating popcorn and laughing.

"come on, let's go to the top, so no one throws popcorn at us this time!" said Mark. The others followed him to the chairs that were raised on steps. I followed along with Knox beside me. But as we got to where the others found seats to sit in, Knox pulled me over to a corner away from them.

I looked at her questionably, but she just smirked and pulled me down to sit beside her. Just as I did the lights came down, and the white screen began to flash images.

Knox cuddled against my arm as the movie started. I looked over the where the others sat. They were smirking at me. Blaze especially was making kissing faces, I flipped him off.

Mark, on the other hand, didn't seem to be having very much fun, he was staring straight at the screen.

Dev and Lyric were cuddling on the other side of him.

Knox's cool finger pulled my face gently back to look at her, she smiled up at me. Leaning forward slowly, my breath caught in my throat. I hurriedly shut down my mind, but the dark theatre was making it extra hard. The dark always excited my senses.

Her lips touched mine softly, my jaw clenched and I wanted to hiss out my pain. The bloodlust working its power on me. Knox's blood was calling to me, mocking me, it seemed like. I bought it, like the times before. And just like those times, when she finally pulled away, I was left with barely any energy.

But this time, the hunger didn't fade. I was so thirsty for blood, I was tempted to get up and drink every single person in the theatre, clean of blood. I had to clench my hands into fists and bite my lip with my fangs to keep from getting up.

This was new. I couldn't understand, I mean it hadn't been over a month yet since I last fed. I couldn't be thirsty yet.

Unless this bloodlust has triggered some new feature. The hunger, the thirst. Like Kaden's bigger appetite for blood. But he didn't say anything about just suddenly getting it. But he never said it was a trait he had had for his whole life either.

I sighed, it was another thing to worry over. My out of control powers, Knox, and now crazy thirst out of nowhere. What more?

It was an excruciating two hours before the movie was over and the lights came up. During the whole thing, Knox kissed me every few minutes. Causing me to lose more and more strength and grow even more thirsty.

I would have to feed soon. Or I would be paralyzed. I could feel it, even though it was crazy, I felt the feeling of fatigue becoming too intense to handle. I would pass out first then after waking I wouldn't be able to move.

My eyelids were heavy as I took in the change of light.

Knox smiled and stood, stretching. Then she looked back at me, still sitting in the chair.

"What you waiting for, the others are going to beat us to the snack counter and Dev will eat all the food!" she laughed lightly.

She held out her hand for me to take. What she didn't know was that I was trying to gather what strength I had left to stand. I had never felt this weak before.

I took her hand gratefully. Truly if it wasn't for her help. I probably wouldn't be able to get up at all. I held onto her hand and stood. I gasped as I felt slightly light headed. The room spun slightly.

Knox watched me with concern. "hey, you okay?" she pulled me into her arms. I went but pulled back slightly.

"I'm fine, just a little headache that's all." I smiled weakly and began my slow walk down the steps.

It took me a whole ten minutes to make it to where the others were, their arms loaded down with all kinds of sugary sweets. They all looked at us suspiciously.

"what took you two so long? Making out in the corner?" laughed Blaze. Knox blushed slightly but stuck her tongue out at him.

They argued playfully back and forth, I was trying to get a handle on my strength. Things started to sound more distant. My vision was blurring. Oh, no! if I didn't get out of here, it would end badly in two ways.

I could kill every one of them from being so thirsty. Or, I would pass out from being so thirsty. Neither one was optional. So I did what I had to.

"Knox, uh, I'll be right back ok?" I asked looking at her.

She turned to look at me.

"uh, where you going?" she asked.

"uh, I need some air, so I'm going to step outside," I said, my vision was blurring worse, I could barely see straight.

"Oh, do you want me to go with you?" she asked, looking concerned.

I shook my head, making me dizzier. "No its fine, I'll be right back."

I didn't want for her answer, I took what strength I had conjured up and ran for the door.

Once I was out, I searched quick. I needed blood, and I needed it now.

I spotted a couple making out by the side of the building. At this moment, I think I needed two.

Making sure to go unnoticed, I crept quickly along the building to them.

They had been making out, as I got closer, I saw that they were pretty young. Younger than myself, probably here with friends as to get by their unknowing parents.

I felt bad for what I was going to do to them, but if I didn't, I would die.

The couple stops kissing as they heard my approach. They turned to stare at me. But before they could speak, I willed them with my mind to follow me behind the building. They followed immediately.

Behind the theatre, was just an ally that separated the theatre and another building. There was only one light, above a back door of the theatre. So it was dark enough to not be seen. I searched for the camera's but found none.

Geez, you would think they had some for robbers.

I turned to look at the couple, whose eyes were blank of emotion from my compulsion. They looked to be only fourteen, they looked in love.

The girl reminded me somewhat of myself when I was younger and less dark. She had long blonde hair, dark blue eyes. She wasn't stick thin, she looked like she was a dancer or gymnast.

The boy had light brown hair, with a kind face. His eyes were a light green. He sort of looked like Vince with his hair.

Then I wanted to gag. 'ewww! Me and my brother, ugh!'

But then I went back to feeling guilty, I was about to kill them. But it was for my health. I knew if I kept debating this I would lose what strength I had left, and I would lose my chance.

So I let go of my control and I leapt at them. As soon as I let go of my control, so did the compulsion. But they didn't have time to scream or run.

I landed on the girl at first, tearing open her neck, but I couldn't let the boy get away, so I leapt up and ran at him, tackling him to the ground and tearing into his flesh as well.

The girl was too injured to move, so I had time to drink the boy clean of his blood.

Once I was done with both, I took my cleansing oil and matches out and let them burn till they disappeared.

I stared down at the ground where they laid only a second ago. But the guilt had passed, in its place came confusion.

Why had I been thirsty when I wasn't supposed to be? Ugh, this was getting weirder and weirder by the day!

I turned, suppose I should go back now before they come looking for me.

But when I turned, all my breath rushed from my lungs as I froze to the spot. Standing at the other end of the ally was,
