Chapter 15

After that night that Trinetta slept in my arms, we pretty much spent all our time together. In school, we acted as if we didn't know each other existed until I picked her up after. We would go to isolated places and some nights, when she was afraid to stay home with her father, she would come to my house and sleep with me.

I didn't mind it at all, my mother never checked on me. So it was easy to hide her. Weeks past and it was close to the end of March. The school would be over in two months, I would be happy for school to end, I hated school. Though with Trinetta's tutoring, I was actually going to pass this year.

Knox and I were, I guess ok. We hadn't talked much. Except for the occasional date and band practice, we never talked. The band's gig had been so good that we had many lined up for us all over town. We would have one every weekend almost.

Today was the day before the beginning of spring break. Everyone came out of their classrooms as the bell rang, screaming and laughing. I was in a good mood, due to the fact that we had one more day left before we got to spend a whole week out of this dump. Nothing could dampen my good mood!

'Well, almost nothing!' I thought with a sigh.

"Party at my place tonight, be there or be a dumb bitch!"

yelled Danielle White down the halls, staring me down as she talked. Her little mimics behind her. Everyone turned and cheered. I just scowled and turned in the other direction.

"Oh, Gothic chick? Don't you want to go too?" she called in a little girlish voice. I growled and kept walking. I wasn't going to give her the satisfaction.

"Oh too busy screwing your emo girlfriend?" she yelled, making people turn and stare at me. This made me stop, my fangs slipping into my mouth, venom pooling over my tongue.

"You know she tried to rape Trinny one time, you look like you're the kind to do that too. It seems nasty people are attracted to each other." she cackled, her clones doing the same.

I turned and glared. "It seems bitches are attracted to being more bitchier than the day before. What is it, like a life goal or something?" I asked in a sweet voice.

Her fake smile faded. "Didn't I tell you not to get on my bad side? -"

I cut her off with a groan. "Yeah, yeah. Something about, making my life a living hell? Oh wait, I don't care." I turned, ready to leave the large crowd that had formed in the hall.

"Yeah, well you should care. Because I could just tell the rest of the world your secret," she said in her fake sweet voice.

I froze, my secret? What secret?

I could almost feel her smirk at knowing she got to me. I turned slowly and looked at her with pure hate. She just smirked, her pink, lip-glossed lips curling up.

I growled and walked up to her till I was an inch from her face. Her cronies looked ready to chuck their purses at me.

"What is it that you think you know about me? Because as far as I know, you don't even know my name." I seethed into her face. She was still smiling.

"Oh Emery, I know everything. I know how you are just so gothic, that you might as well cut your hair off, and get a breast reduction and be a guy already," she smirked. I growled. But she cut me off.

"I also know how you're with Knox aka emo slut. And you're also talking to her worst enemy behind her back, am I right?" she faked laughed while twirling her fake blonde hair.

I was shocked. How did she know this, how did she know I was talking to Trinetta?

"Oh I know things, Emery," she said, seeming to have read my mind.

"What do you want from me?" I growled.

She smiled broader. "Oh, I don't want anything of yours. I just want you to know that you shouldn't cross me. I can make everything really hard for you. Plus, I am still ticked about my shoes!"

wanted to rip her head off, I wouldn't even drink her blood. I would just love to kill her. Oh, she better not let me find her in a dark alley alone somewhere. I would tear her limb from limb!

I just glared and turned. Growing more and more angry by the second.

I had to be more careful with how I do things. And I will have to make sure she doesn't open her mouth about me and Trinetta to Knox.

I was so angry, as I got into my car. I spun my wheels, flying out of the parking lot. I almost squeezed my steering wheel into nothing. I needed to take my anger out

And I knew one way to take it out. I had enough time for just one.

I rode off towards the fights. The one place where I could rip and tear someone to shreds and not care or get arrested for it. And so I couldn't really kill them, just take my anger out on them.

The old warehouse was still being used as the fighting grounds. Thankfully they were holding some fights when I signed up for one. I was the undefeated fighter since I beat The King, so they had a new top fighter now, and they wanted to see if he was a possible candidate to beat me.

I laughed, no one was going to beat me.

I got ready, pulling my gloves and jacket on. Then I waited for my number to be called.

"Number Six. The Shadow." called the guy.

I nodded, then stepped over to the door and waited for the light to turn green, telling me I could go in.

"Here is our new undefeated fighter, The Shadow!" called the announcer. I looked out into the crowd, there were a lot of younger people out in the audience then there was last time. A lot of them didn't cheer at all.

"And now, for the opponent. This guy is pretty damn good, he is quick and clever. This is Rage!" yelled the announcer as the door across from me opened.

I watched carefully as the guy appeared. He wasn't really big or bulky like most of the guys. Actually, he was quite skinny. He had a black jacket on with the hood over his head like me. But as he came into view, he took off his hood.

The guy was a little taller than me, his hair was white blonde, almost white. And he had red streaks in it, it kind of reminded me of Mark's. but it wasn't him.

This guy had a cruel looking face, his black eyes held anger. He looked like he didn't have an ounce of any other emotion in him but anger.

I could understand his ring name now.

I heard the ring of the bell, signalling us that we could fight now. But instead, we stared each other down.

I watched his eyes, his body language. Looking for any sign of attack. His eyes did the same, though he analyzed me slower than I did him.

Slowly his eyes moved back to mine. "Hello, young Halfling. Its an honour to be in your presence."

His eyes stayed on mine, never leaving them, and never showing anything more than pure hatred.

I didn't speak, just stared.

"Not very good manners towards a Full blood," he smirked evilly.

So he was a Full blood huh?

He smiled wider. "Fearless girl aren't you? Most half blood's flinched at just the mention of a Full blood."

I smiled this time. I wasn't afraid of some Full blood, though I was weary.

"Well, I think I will just get this over with. Though the Darvix won't be pleased that I killed their little Halfling will they?"

I raised an eyebrow, now interested in what he was saying. "Darvix? Halfling? What are you talking about?"

He smiled wider. "Oh, there is no need to worry about irrelevant things when you will be dead."

I laughed. "And what makes you think that you can kill me? Besides, we are among humans. Good luck trying to kill me without dying yourself."

He laughed. "We will see about that young Halfling."

Then he leapt at me, I growled as I fell to the floor, he began to rip and tear at me, trying to reach my throat. I fought back, taking my legs up and kicking him back off me. He stumbled up then proceeded towards me.

I jumped to my feet and ran towards him. I brought back my fist, swiping his face only briefly, then I pulled it back again. This time I hit him dead in the jaw. He fell to the ground on his back. I raced forward, grabbing his shirt, then throwing more punches into his face. Letting out all my anger, it seemed to stun him momentarily.

But then he grabbed my wrist, then my other and with incredible force, he threw me off of him and across the room.

I groaned as my back hit the cement, my head throbbed slightly. But when I looked up to realize he was coming for me again, I jumped to my feet.

I took a deep breath, thinking back to Danielle White. To my horrible changing powers, to Knox and her parents. To Trinetta's father. To my own mother. For all the things they have done to me, to make my life harder. And I pushed all that out into my rage. Into my hate and pain, making me stronger, fueling me with power and adrenaline.

I ran and leapt at Rage. I punched him in the face, making him gasp and fall to the floor. I jumped on top of him, screaming and throwing punches like I had never punched before.

Slowly, I came back from my blackout of rage. I stopped punching the guy, who seemed to have fell unconscious.

In a daze, I got up and left the room, taking the prize money and left. I couldn't even begin to understand where all that power came from. I just knew I was so angry.

But as I drove home to shower and change, I began to feel a little better. Though I felt super drained, I felt lighter inside.

After I was clean and didn't smell like sweat, I went to pick up Trinetta.

"Hey, what took you so long?" she asked as she got into the car.

I smiled lightly, taking her hand. It was routine by now. "I had to stay after for talking crap to a teacher." I lied easily.

She sighed, though smirking slightly. "Emery, why do you always try to get into trouble? One day, you won't be able to get yourself out of it."

I laughed. "It's just so much fun. Especially if its Mr Bruner!"

She smirked. "Well yeah, that is pretty fun to watch him get mad."

I chuckled. "Yeah and the Principle doesn't care! She even lets some student put him on the school's computers wallpaper."

Trinetta blushed and turned away. I looked at her in confusion but then began to realize what her silence meant.

"Trinetta, was it you?" I asked, on the verge of bursting out in laughter.

She didn't say anything, just blushed more.

That was it for me, I burst into fits of laughter. She looked at me with her eyebrows raised, then began to laugh at herself.

"I. Can't. Believe. Its. You." I said between laughs.

She laughed. "I couldn't help it. He was just so annoying"

I laughed, squeezing her hand. "I think that you and I are more alike then I thought." I got out as I calmed down.

She smiled.

After I pulled into my driveway, we went inside and up to my room. We had decided to just stay in today.

"You know, I heard Danielle was having a party tonight," she said as she laid back on my bed, watching me turn on the TV and coming to sit beside her.

I sighed. "Yeah, I got the invite to be the purple monkey in a cage. Aka, joke of the party."

Trinetta looked up at me. "What did she say to you?"

I laid back beside her, her soft hand slipped into mine.

"Well, I guess she was trying to show me up in front of everyone or something. But it kind of ended with her threatening me. She knows that we are talking." I said sighing.

Trinetta gasped, looking at me. Then she groaned and laid her head back on my pillows. "How did she find out?"

I shrugged. "Have no idea."

We sat in silence. I felt Trinetta rub soothing circles into the back of my hand. I looked o her, she was looking at me with contemplating eyes.

"What, thinking that it's not worth it anymore?" I asked her in a playful tone. She smiled, then turning on her side to look at me.

"No, I just was thinking of how it's so worth it," she said with a smile.

I turned to look at her as well. "Trinetta?"

"Yeah?" she asked. Her pretty eyes staring into my soul. I looked down. Not knowing if I should tell her now, or not.

Trinetta pulled my chin back up to look at her. "Its ok, you know you can tell me anything."

I looked into her eyes, feeling more scared than ever, but yet comfortable at the same time.

I sighed. I couldn't tell her. But I couldn't tell her either.

"Emery?" she asked, looking concerned now.

"The reason I was late to pick you up, wasn't because I was in trouble for talking about Mr Bruner. I was fighting in the underground fights. As in illegal fighting." I sighed. It wasn't what I was going to tell her. But this was one thing that would make me feel less like a liar to her.

She looked at me in shock, but she recovered quickly. "Why?"

I sighed. "I just got angry from the Danielle thing. So I went there to take my anger out."

Trinetta didn't speak.

I sighed. "Please don't be angry with me."

She looked back at me, her eyes saddened.

"I'm sorry. I just couldn't lie to you. I feel wrong lying to you."

She sighed. "Emery, it's not that you lied. It's about the fact that you're doing it. You could hurt yourself. Do you know how upset I would be if you were hurt?"

I looked down ashamed. Though I knew I would never get hurt, she didn't.

"I wouldn't know how to handle it. Why would you put yourself in danger like that? Not to mention, what would happen if the cops found you fighting. You would go to jail." she said, looking me in the eyes.

"I'm sorry," I said, looking down at our hands still linked.

"No, that's not enough. Promise me you won't fight anymore," she said staring me in the eyes, a pleading look on her face.

I couldn't tell her no, and I wouldn't disobey her. It was like she was using my own powers of compulsion against me.

"I promise," I said.

She sighed, pulling me against her. My head rested against hers.

"Why do I feel so close to you?" she asked in a whisper.

I couldn't answer, though I knew why.

Danielle White's P.O.V.

I smiled cheekily as I walked past all the people in my amazing house. This party was off the chain, people would be talking about this for months, and I would get huge props with everyone.

"Hey, Danielle! Have you seen Trinetta?" asked Beatrice. This girl, I had no idea why I keep her around. She could easily go to the bottom of the social food chain. But I guess it was because her mother catered to all my parties since I was a kid.

"I don't know, but I am totally pissed that she isn't here. I went through so much trouble to get her that date with that university guy. She will pay for this." I growled in annoyance. I totally was going to destroy her.

And I knew what I was going to do. I smiled evilly, walking over towards a rejected group that managed to sneak in.

Trinetta's P.O.V.

I laid contently in Emery's bed, her arm held protectively around me. It felt right, I couldn't find a thing wrong with it, even though in the back of my mind something was telling me I should, I just couldn't.

She had already fallen asleep, her mother and brothers had come in an hour ago, waking me with their loud stomping on the stairs. I made sure that they went to their rooms before settling back down and trying to sleep.

I was thinking about what Emery told me, about her run-in with Danielle today. I was afraid she was going to tell Knox, causing problems for Emery.

And today, I had rejected her offer for a date with a guy from the university. I think that made it worse. I don't know why I didn't take the date, I mean. I didn't have a boyfriend. And I didn't know why.

But for some reason, whenever I thought about dating. I thought about Emery. I was so close to her, closer than what friends should be.

It felt like I belonged with her. Like I was a part of her, somehow. I looked at her, her beautiful pale skin made me jealous. Her long blonde hair was so soft and sweet smelling. Her attitude of carelessness made me smile. She was so mysterious and dark nature. I couldn't help but love it. And there was something about her, something that seemed so...inhuman.

But that didn't scare me, it fascinated me. I smiled and leaned my head against hers. Falling asleep in no time.

Emery's P.O.V.

Something caused me to wake up. I felt slightly sick. A weird feeling, my skin felt cold and prickly. I looked over at my alarm clock, it was a little after four in the morning.

I looked down at Trinetta, she was sleeping soundly against me. I looked around my dark room. Nothing seemed wrong. But I still felt the sickly feeling.

I wasn't sick, I never got sick. The vampire side of me was to blame for that. No, the sick feeling was a sign of danger.

Slowly, I pulled myself carefully out of bed, mindful to not wake Trinetta as I went. I walked over to my door, opening it slowly and going into the hall. Taking each step slowly and quietly, I went down the stairs. Looking around with alert eyes and my ears listening sharply.

Slowly I went into the kitchen. The first thing to catch my vision was the fridge door was open. Plastic hamburger wrappers were on the floor. The meat was gone.

Then I felt a presence behind me, chilling my blood. I turned and gasped.

"Hello again, Halfling. I think we have some unfinished business to attend to" he growled.

He leapt at me and threw me against the wall, my head hitting something metal. I growled at him, as I felt the pain throb.

He smirked at me, his eyes suddenly went red. I became hypnotized by them.

Then, all I saw was black.