who send this?



Ces: Selena?

Selena: come in

Ces: Come let's have lunch together

Selena: okay.

Ces: are you going to work tomorrow

Selena: i don't know

Ces: just take your time, I already informed you to the boss

Selena: i think my vacation is long, i'll be there tomorrow.

Ces: really ?! Oh! Everybody misses you !

Selena: Haha! well, I really need to get to work tomorrow

Ces: why ?

Selena: Boss Called me Earlier

Ces: what did he said ?

Selena: he said, he wants to talk to me but his voice sounds serious

Ces: really ? really? why is it?

Selena: I have no idea

(Ding Dong)

Selena: I'm gonna go

Ces: let me


Ces: OMG !

Selena: why are you shouting, who is that?

Mr.Delivery Guy:

Ces: It's my package! It's finally here !

Thank you (to Mr.delivery guy)

Mr.Delivery guy: Just sign here ma'am

Ces: Okay, There Finish

Mr.Delivery Guy: Thank you ma'am, have good day

Ces: Thank you Bye !


Selena: what did you order?

Ces: It's A set of-


Selena: I'm gonna go open it


Mr.Delivery Guy(B): Is Min Selena here?

Selena: me, why ?

Mr.Delivery Guy(B): here'sa delivery for you

Selena: for me?!

Mr.Delivery Guy(B): Just sign here

Selena: Okay?

Mr.Delivery Guy(B): Thank you ma'am, have a nice day


Ces: HAAA! Who send that ?

Selena: I don't know !

Ces: Look there's a letter! Read it !

Selena: Okay,

Ces: what did he say ?

Selena: I miss you

Ces: What the, is the one who send that is him?

Selena: I don't know

Ces: is he coming back ? Omg selena Don't let him deceive you again

Selena: I'm not gonna let that happen again

Ces: What if he said he wants comeback to you

Selena: I don't know ..

Ces: what do you mean you don't know ?

Selena: I know he deceived me but why do I feel like I still love him

Ces: I knew it ! you haven't moved on him yet, SELENA! It's been 3 years! Remember what he did wrong to you, including that bitch Rose!! she planned to get all you have, we should not had trust that woman

Selena: okay calm down Ces, I know I know

I hope his not the one who send this

Ces: okay enough let's not talk about him

let's just look at my package


Selena: It's a game ?

Ces: YEEESS! This was my favorite game and finally I got it ! I was searching this game from online, It took me 2 weeks to Find it and now here it is in my hand!

Selena: I'm happy to see to..you happy

Ces: Come on let's play it together

Selena: Okay okay!

( they played until at night)

Ces: How can you be so Good at this!, Yp

our not even playing this game

Selena: well I think luck is by my side

Ces: (pout) Okay I'm gonna go prepared dinner


Selena: I'm gonna go open it .

Ces: Okay


Selena: Coming!


Changbin: Hi! Selena

Selena: Changbin?