
Changbin: Hi! Selena

Selena: Changbin?!!

Changbin: Uhmm Hi, I'm here to-

Ces: Changbin??! why are you here? ah! Come Inside first someone might see you

(Pull him inside their Dorm)

Ces: Why are you here?

Changbin: i want to tell something to selena , Selena-

Ces: AH ! i almost forgot i need to buy some meat,

You two talk, I'm going out a bit

Selena: CES! don't leave me (in a low voice)

Ces: Just talk to him okay ? see you later guys

(Closed Door)

Selena: (Oh my gosh This so awkward, why doesn't he speak !) ahem

Changbin: Uhmm Selena- (touched her hand)

Selena: (Pull away) Uhmm why ? are you here because-

Changbin: No! No, I'm here to apologize

Selena: What?

Changbin: I'm sorry for everything i've done to you

Selena: wa wait You're apologizing?!!

Changbin: Yeah ! I'm very sorry (bow)

Selena: Ah It's okay ! as long as you don't do it again

Changbin: Thank you for accepting my apology (bow)

Selena: Okay, uhmm did you eat dinner ? We're having dinner

Changbin: Ah no it's okay, woojin hyung is waiting on me

Selena: Mr. Woojin is outside ?

Changbin: Yeah

Selena: (Did Mr. woojin tell changbin?!!)

Changbin: Selena ! I'm going now

Selena: O-okay

Changbin: Are you going to work tomorrow ?

Selena: Yeah !

Changbin: Okay then see you tomorrow

Selena: Bye

(Closed Door)

(Ring ring)

Selena: Ces !

Ces: are you guys done ?

Selena: Yea-

(Ding dong)

Selena: hello ces Wait a sec

(Open door)

Changbin: Ah I'm sorry but i think i left my phone

Selena: Oh okay come in

Changbin: Thanks (searching), can you call it ?

Selena: okay here

Changbin: (calling)


Selena: ah it's there (searching) here !

Changbin: Thank you Selena

Selena: Yea- Ah ( Slip)

Changbin: (catch) are you okay ?

Selena: (Push away) Yeah Thanks (Omg This is so embarrassing)

Changbin: Then I'm going Bye

Selena: Bye

(Closed Door)

(Ring ring)

selena: Ces !

Ces: are you guys done ???!

Selena: Yeah ! Come now

Ces: Ah thank god I'm freezing here

Selena: come here faster I'm hungry

Ces: okay okay ! (Hang up)


Selena: I'm going to sleep now

Ces: Okay, I'm going to play my game

Selena: don't play that until midnight

we have work tom.

Ces: yeah Good night

Selena: Goodnight


AMs Ent.

irithel: are you okay now ?

Selena: yes! Just a little sick

Karina: Don't say that it can be worse too, Ah by the way Minho oppa is always asking you, Are you two -

Selena: Nooo! Maybe he just like that

Karina: well he always ask the staff maybe 😕

irithel: Look at ces

Karina: what happen to you girl

Ces: I'm okay guys 😩

Selena: I said Don't play you game until midnight

Ces: Tell them I'm going to sleep a little, wake me up okay?

Selena: okay

(???): is Min selena Here ?

Staff: she's over there

(???): Selena!

Selena: (Turn around) (got shocked)

David: long time no see !

Selena: DAVID?! What are you doing here !