
After 2 weeks

ST Kids has been busy lately we have also been busy, since this month their comeback. they do pictorials, Dance practice, shooting for the mv so because he is busy, We haven't talked since last week and I can easily avoid him

Selena: Finally we're going home

Ces: yeah, it's tiring to work, uh are you sure you can handle that?

Selena: Yeah

[Ding] [Elevator]

Irithel: Selena, Ces Hi!

Selena: hi!

Changbin: Selena!

Selena: oh! [avoid]

Chan: Changbin! Come here you Brat we're not finish yet

Changbin: okay okay I'm coming

Selena: [Pfft] [cute]

irithel: [angry] Ah! [Pretending to be engulfed]


holding fell apart]

Irithel: Oh I'm sorry, let me help you

Selena: it's okay

[The paper is torn.]

Irithel: Ah!

Selena: oh my gosh .. That's an important paper

Irithel: I'm really sorry selena

Selena: it's okay, Just stay there I'm going to pick it up

Irithel: Okay, I'm really sorry


Irithel: see you guys tomorrow

Selena: Yeah

Ces: [this girl is being weird lately]

Selena: Ah! how can i fix it

Ces: i just encode it again

Selena: We still have to go to the computer shop

Ces: It's just a little bit, we won't be there for long

Selena: By the way, have you talked to Han yet?

Ces: no, I think he's avoiding me because I told him that ...

Selena: How can you say that he's is avoiding you?

Ces: because every time he saw us, he noticed me first like, he annoyed me, then now when we meet he just passed me

Selena: I think they are really busy because they are chan, changbin and han who produce / write lyrics to their song

Ces: i know that but-

Selena: but what?

Ces: changbin is still good enough to notice you even when he's busy

Selena: Not at all

Ces: what is the status of the two of you?

Selena: Nothing

Ces: Your lying! tell me now

Selena: we're not in a relationship, there's nothing goin on between us okay

Ces: you're really not good at lying

Selena: I'm not lying, come on it's getting late we need to encode this

Ces: Coming

After 10 minutes

They are done encoding

They are walking home,


Ces: have you seen irithel getting weird lately?

Selena: irithel? no, how weird?

Ces: Don't you notice?

Selena: Not at all! He's not weird for me

Ces: [Do I just notice?]

Selena: Come on let's eat, I'm hungry

Ces: Okay

After 10 minutes

Ces: I'm going to sleep now

Selena: okay [Washing the dishes]

[Ces's Room]

[Ring Ring]

Ces: Who is this?!, Hello?

Han: Ces ...

Ces: Who is this [didn't recognize han's voice]

Han: It's me Han ...

Ces: Han? Why are you calling me suddenly?

Han: I'm out of your dorm

Ces: What ?! Why are you there? are you with anyone?

Han: uhmm yeah with the driver ..

Ces: What i mean is-,

You just came here ?!

Han: I said I'm with the driver

Ces: oh my gosh wait there I'm going out

Han: Okay

Ces: get up immediately and run to the main door

[Open Door]

Ces: where is he? [Calling] Hello where are you?

Han: Are you at the door, just a moment

Ces: Omg ...

Han: I'm here