
Ces: Let's go inside ppalli [Pull him and he sits on the sofa]

Han: oh thank you

Ces: what are you doing here? [Selena's sleeping well]

Han: i miss you

Ces: are you joking? tell me so I can beat you

Han: I'm not joking!

Ces: what?

Han: Why haven't you noticed me lately? is it because of what happened?

Ces: are you so- Ah .. are you waiting for me to notice you?

Han: Not really [Blush]

Ces: I am right! See you're blushing!

Han: What blushing ?! I'm not!

Ces: Yes you are, Look at your face and ears it's so red haha

Han: hey stop it

Ces: He's Blushing!

Han: If you don't stop I'll kiss you

Ces: Can you do it?

Han: [Pull her on his lap] Will you stop? [Getting Closer]

Ces: [Push him away and immediately stand up] uhmm .. i thought you were mad at me when i said you were gay ..

Han: Well yeah a bit,

Ces: So your not a gay

Han: No I'm not,

Ces: really?

Han: Yes

Ces: Oh .... So you're not going home yet?

Han: [Stare at her] You want me to leave already?

Ces: Uhmmm .. ye-s

Han: you hesitate

Ces: No I'm not! Leave no-w

Han: See, You hesitate

Ces: i said I'm not!

Han: Okay I'm leaving

[Open door]

Han: I'm leaving

Ces: Ye-ah Bye

Han: [smirk] [He pulls her and hugs her] Bye

Ces: [Shocked]

Han: Bye [Leaving]

Ces: Ye-ah bye

Closed door]

Ces: [Blushing] omg! [Smiling]

Han: [at the car] [Smiling] so we're something now

Ces: [Still at the door Smiling]

Selena: Hey ces! what are you doing there?

Ces: ahem Nothing, I'm going to sleep now [Blushing]

Selena: [Pfft] so ces blush, Rarely all her face HAHA! [Btw, she saw Everything]

[Ces's Room]

[ring] [you have a message]

[From: +639 ********]

[Goodnight ces]

Ces: [Smiling]


[AMs ent.]

Karina: Selena! let's have breakfast

Selena: okay wait for me downstairs, I'm just gonna put this on the boss office

Karina: Okay

Selena: [Holding a paper] [enter in the office

Daniel: Selena! let's go have breakfast

Selena: wait for me downstairs, I'm just gonna put this in the boss desk

Daniel: Okay

Selena: there

[Open door]

Irithel: I don't think anyone is here

Selena: irithel!

Irithel: Selena? oh hi

Selena: what are you doing here

Irithel: uhmm the boss is wondering if his watch is here

Selena: oh okay, I'm going now

Irithel: okay, [looking if anyone is here]

[I can finally do my plan now]

After 10 minutes] [eveyone s finish and they went work]

[Suddenly One of the staff call us all]

Staff: Who's the last one to enter the boss's office ?, No !? Okay, who are those who went into the boss's Office

[I raise my hand]

[I saw irithel didn't raise her hand and I'm the only one who's raising my hand]

Staff: Is it only selena, okay come to the boss office


Selena: Boss is there something wrong?

Boss: the important papers of the company are missing where did you take them

Selena: wait! are you suspecting me ?!

Boss: You're the only one who came into my office

Selena: I'm not! I saw irithel enter in your office

Boss: [Point at the staff] Call black

[after minutes]

Irithel: you call me boss

boss: did you go to my office earlier

Irithel: No boss

Selena: What ?! you came here earlier, she said you were looking for your watch

Irithel: When did I say that selena

Selena: You said that!

Boss: selena! now tell me Where did you take the document?!!