
[Bang Bang]

[Selena got shoot on her leg]

Selena: AH! [Fell]

Daniel/Ces: Selena!

Ces: You got shoot! [Helping her get up]

Selena: I'm fine Let's g-o

Daniel: Come on guys

Selena: Ouch .. I can't run anymore ! you two go ! [Saw a taxi] Daniel ! Go ! there is a taxi there

Ces: We're not gonna leave you

Mens: Hey Stop!

Selena: Come on Ces! Go there ppalli they're coming!

Daniel: Selena we cant leave you!!

Selena: just go there GO!

Daniel: Let's go ces!

Ces: I can't leave her like that

Daniel: I'm sure she's gonna be okay

[Ride the taxi]

Mens: Shit! They're gone! let's go

[Selena behind the bush]

Selena: [Relieved] [Come out on the bush] Sh*t! [Fell] my leg hurt so much

[Minho coming out at Ent.]

Minho: selena?

Selena: oh Minho!

Minho: Why are you sitting there?

Selena: can you Help me get up

Minho: Okay [Saw a blood on her leg] [Panick] What happen to your leg, why is there a blood!!

Selena: take me to the hospital i can't walk

Minho: What?! O-okay


Minho: Where did you get a gun shot?! Is there someone want to kill you ?

Selena: I can't explain what happen earlier

Minho: Just tell me!

Selena: Ces suspected that he had killed Irithel

Minho: what? !!

Selena: did you know that Irithel was dead

Minho: yes! i heard it, i was shocked but why would they suspect ces?

Selena: Because her fingerprint came out to a gun that was used to kill Irithel

Minho: So why did they shoot you?

Selena: Because of the ces phone, she recorded the incident, they want to get the phone, maybe the real killer killed Irithel that we have strong evidence against him

Minho: You know that's dangerous! You nearly died!

Selena: but i didn't die!

Minho: Don't do it again! [Pat her head]

Selena: [Blush] Ahem! I'm going to call Daniel i think they're worried about me

Minho: okay, I'll just buy food

Selena: Wait! does anyone recognized you earlier?

Minho: I don't think so

Selena: [saw a mask] Here wear this! In case

Minho: Thanks! I'm going now

[Door Closed]

[Calling Daniel]

Daniel: Selena! finally you called! are you alright!

Selena: Yes I'm fine, are you?

are you okay?

Daniel: we're fine but she's crying

Ces: Selena! Don't do that again! What if you die there!

Selena: Stop crying ces look I'm fine

Daniel: Where are you? we will go to you

Selena: I'm at the hospital

Daniel: Okay we're going there

Selena: Be careful

Daniel: [Hang up]

[After 10 minutes]

[Ces and daniel arrived at the hospital]

[Door Open]

Ces: Selena! Are you fine ?! Did he do something to you ?!

Selena: I'm totally fine

Daniel: It's great that your fine, but how did you get here?

Selena: Uhmm Someone help me

[Suddenly the door open]

Minho: Selena i brought burger and-

Selena: [point him] he's the one who Help me

Daniel: Minho!

Minho: Hi guys

[After 2 days]

[Selena / Ces Dorm]

[Knock Knock]

Selena: Who is that?

[Door Open]

Shaira: Selena! [Hug Her]

Selena: Mom? Why are you here?

Shaira: I came here to visit you, I miss you My daughther

Selena: [Hug back] I miss you too mom, Let's go inside

Shaira: wait! I want you to meet someone

Selena: Who?

Shaira: Honey!

Selena: Honey ?! [Confused face]

[Came out at the car]

Shaira: Selena! this is your Uncle Brian, He's going to be your new father!

Selena: WHAT ?!!