
Selena: What!?

Shaira: Honey, this is my daughter Selena

Brian: Nice to meet you Selena

Selena: yeah [Shake hands] Ah come in !

Shaira: Ah No, I'm just here to check you if you are alright

Selena: Oh~

Shaira: So we're going now

Selena: Yeah bye mom, bye Uncle

Shaira: Bye selena take care!

[The Car leave]

[Door Closed]

Ces: Who is that?

Selena: mom

Ces: Aunt? why you didn't let her in

Selena: Mom has a boyfriend

Ces: What are you mumbling!

Selena: Mom Has a boyfriend!

Ces: What?! [Get closer] Boyfriend?

Selena: Yes! my mom introduce him earlier to me

Ces: HAHAHAHA! Your mom is going to have a boyfriend earlier than you!

Selena: Hey!

Ces: [Pfft] what his name?

Selena: Brian

Ces: Brian?? What a familiar name.

Selena: You heard that name?

Ces: kinda,

Selena: Well he is tall and handsome but -

Ces: But what?

Selena: I don't want to him to become my dad! i only have one dad!

Ces: what are talking about? !! our father is really the only one

Selena: what i mean is i don't want to have another one

Ces: He's just your mom's boyfriend, they'll be apart after months

Selena: that thing is, I don't know if they really are just boyfriend and girlfriend

Ces: okay ~ support your mother, she may have found her happiness in that person

Selena: you're right

Ces: okay eh ~ you? when will you have a boyfriend?

Selena: i don't have time for that

Ces: ah have you talked with changbin yet?

Selena: No.

Ces: I heard that the boss has a new secretary

Selena: really? what's her name?

Ces: I don't know, let's meet her tomorrow

Selena: okay ~ [MORNING] [AMs Ent.]

Daniel: Good Morning!

Ces / Selena: Morning!

Daniel: is your leg okay now?

Selena: Yeah! but my walking is just not normal yet

Daniel: then why did already go work?

Selena: I've been absent for two days, maybe my boss fired me!

Ces: Yeah, look, he'll tell you later, Why are you absent! Don't you know that we have a lot of work to do!

[Imitating her boss Voice]

Daniel / Selena: Hahahaha!

Daniel: Yeah! Probably this is what he would say

Selena: you are really good imitating boss voice

Boss: What story? please tell me I might laugh too

Selena: Boss! You're here !

Boss: Why are you absent for two days?

Ces: uhmm selena got hospitalized

Boss: why? Did something happen?

Daniel: Selena was-

Selena: [Cover his mouth] I'm so sick

Boss: Okay next time take a leave if you're sick, go to work now!

Selena: okay boss

Ces: [Laughing] his face was like this

Daniel: [Pfft] Why did you cover my mouth selena?

Selena: I don't want them to know what happened to us

Ces: Why ??

Selena: I'm just don't want them to know

Daniel / Ces: [Confused]

[Dressing Room]

[Door Open]

Staff: [Did you hear the new secretary?] [Yes! they said she's pretty] [Really?]

Ces: Oh what are you talking about?

Staff: The new secretary

Selena: Oh ~ do you know who she is?

Staff: they said she was Irithel Sister

Ces: Irithel Sister ?!

[Door Open]

Boss: Listen! This is my new secretary Jane! Introduce yourself

Jane: Hi I'm Jane, Nice to meet you

Selena: [Whisper] Why is she here?

Ces: I don't know but I know she is here to take revenge on us

Daniel: Don't worry guys I'm here to protect you two

Selena: [Pfft] here comes our mighty knight!

Ces: Please save me My mighty Knight

Daniel: Oh come on guys

Selena: [laughing] We're just joking

Daniel / Ces: [Laughing]

[Lunch time]

Ces: what do you want for lunch Selena, Daniel?

Daniel: Anything

Selena: Me too

Ces: let's go eat I'm hungry


Selena: I'm really hungry

Ces: me toooo

[Sunddenly Ces bump into someone]

Ces: ouch, You again!

Jane: Hi Ces, We meet again!

Ces: What again?!

Jane: do you know why i started to work here?

Ces: why would i know ?! Are you here to take revenge on us?

Jane: Oh ~ you're totally right

[Suddenly han Coming on our way]

Han: Ces! Let's go have lunch together

Jane: [Turn Back] Jisung?

Han: Jane?

Selena: You know her?

Han: uhmm yeah ...

Jane: Jisung was my ex-boyfriend but now we're friends!

Ces: oh ~

Han: uhmm Ces let's eat together

Jane: uhmm jisung! Can we eat together? Please since we didn't see each other for a long time

Han: Uhmm ..

Ces: uhmm we're going now, come on guys [Walking away]

Han: Wait ces!

Jane: [Pulling him] Let's go han