
Minho: Changbin! i invite selena to eat outside, do you want to come?

Changbin: ah~ no

Minho: Really, we're going to eat at a nearby seafood restaurant, are you really not coming?

Changbin: Yes no, I'm going to buy Chan hyung a Coffee, so I'm going now, Enjoy! and be careful [Walking away]

Selena: [he didn't even say hi]

Minho: Selena, let's go

Selena: Okay

Changbin: [Look back] [she can't even say hi]


Minho: what do you want to order?

Selena: Anything, I'm so hungry !!

Minho: Okaaayy

[After 20 Minutes]

Selena: wow! It looks delicious

Minho: let's eat!

Selena: Mmm ~ Its delicious ~

Minho: are you really hungry?

Selena: Yeah :(

Minho: Why? Didn't you eat lunch?

Selena: i just eat a little

Minho: just slow down,

you might choke, aren't you with ces?

Selena: She said she's going to meet someone

Minho: meet ? Is it han?

Selena: huh? How come you say it's han? [Is he know?]

Minho: i notice lately that han was always with ces, do you think they might be together?

Selena: I-I don't know, but i think they're not together ...

Minho: Ah! the soup is here you want some ?

Selena: okay ~ [Her mouth is full]

Minho: [Pfft] Cute ..

Selena: what?

Minho: nothing ~ just eat

Selena: okay


Selena: [Grab her phone] [It's him]

[meet me later]

Minho: uhmm I've got to tell you something

Selena: What?

Minho: I like you

Selena: wh-at?

Minho: selena [Hold her hand] I like you

Selena: uhmmm ... [This is the first time someone is confessing to me]

Minho: Selena?

Selena: I don't know what to say but I'm not ready to be in a relationship yet

Minho: It's okay, I can wait ...

Selena: Thank you for understanding

Minho: okay ~ so are you done?

Selena: Ah! Yeah!

Minho: Okay let's go now


Minho: Come on I'm going to send you home

Selena: [Thinking if

she will meet changbin]

Minho: Selena?

Selena: Okay ~ [i think he's not waiting there right?]

[Selena/Ces Dorm]

Selena: thank you !

Minho: okay, I'm going now

Selena: Be careful! Bye !


Selena: is ces here ? Ces! Ces!

[Check her room] She's not home yet ....

[Calling her] Ces! Where are you?

Ces: I'm still here at the company

Selena: why are you still there?

Ces: Nothing, I'm going home now

Selena: okay~ [Hang up]

Ces: [Sigh] [Closed door] [He said he got something to say to me but I've been waiting for hours!] [Should i check him in the music room?]

[Music room]

[She slightly open the door and she saw jane and han Talking]

Ces: [So this is why he didn't come, I've been waiting for nothing] [Slowly closed the door] [I might disturb them]

Jane Oh~ Ces? Why are you still here ?

Ces: [Sh*t!] oh Hi jane :) I just left something in the dressing room

Jane: really? Were you the one who just sneak at the door earlier?

Ces: No its not me

Jane: [Pfft] Did you see ? Are you jealous?

Ces: Why would i be jealous? of you call me just to annoy me then i don't have *time for you, I'm going now [Walking away]

Han: Why are still here?

Jane: Nothing, I'm going now , bye han

Han: okay [Ces i waiting for me , I'm already 1 hour* late!]

[Dressing Room ]

Han: she's not here... i must call her [Calling her ] Ces! where are you? are you at your dorm?