
Han: Where are you? don't go home

Ces: Why? I want to go home

Han: [go to the main door] [Saw ces Standing there] i saw you

Ces: What? [Turn back]

Han: ces! I'm sorry, I keep you waiting, I'm too busy

Ces: [busy flirting?] [Not speaking]

Han: Ces? are you mad at me?

Ces: why would i be mad at you? sorry i didn't wait for you, selena was looking for me, she was worried, So what do you want to speak with me ?

Han: Okay Ces I-

[Ring Ring]

Han: [It's Chan Hyung] [Sh * t, Not now] Ces, Wait, I'll just answer this

Ces: [Mad face] wait again? I'm done with you [Walk away]

Chan: Han? Where are you?

Han: Chan-Hyung Can you call later I've got something here

Chan: come home immediately

Han: Okay [Hang up]

Ces- [Sad Face]

[Selena / Ces Dorm]

Selena: Is he waiting? i think he's not, What if he's waiting there? he'll be angry, hmmp i don't care! [Sh * t] I should-

[Conveniece Store]

[Door Open]

Selena: [Looking around] Where is he?

 he said meet him here, Should i text him?

[After 20 Minutes of waiting]

Selena: [Sigh]


Selena: why I'm a bit disappointed

[Rain Drop]

Selena: Rain? it's raining, I better go home now

[Selena / Ces Dorm]

Ces: Selena! Where did you go? [Holding a Stuff toy]

Selena: i was looking for you

Ces: oh ~

Selena: What's wrong?

Ces: Nothing, I'm just tired, You? You look down?

Selena: Ah Nothing ...

Ces: [Thinking what happens Earlier] [Throw the stuff toy]

Selena: What's wrong ?!

Ces: Nothing ..... [Throw another stuff toy]

Selena: Ces! Stop

throwing them What's wrong ?!

Ces: I'm going to my room

Selena: why is she mad?


[AMs ent.]

Daniel: Goodmorning Selena and Ces

Selena: Morning?

Daniel: ST KIDS Will perform later so let's go

Ces: Okay ....

[Dressing room]

[1 hour before the performance]

Han: Ces, why did you leave last night?

Ces: [not Speaking] [But she's mad]

Han: ces, why aren't you speaking?

Ces: please don't move

Han: Are you mad at me?

Ces: I said don't move ... Your make up will ruin

Han: [Keep moving]

Ces: Han I'm serious ...

Han: are you mad at me?

Ces: let's talk later okay ?! so don't move!

Han: why later? Now let's talk now

Ces: lower your voice! there's a lot of peopme here ! we will talk later! Don't move..

[the other side]

[Selena and Changbin are not speaking]

Changbin: [Staring at the mirror] [Suddenly he's stare change to selena]

Selena: [Why is he staring at me? It's making me uncomfortable] Close your eyes

Changbin: [Keep staring at her]

Selena: Changbin Close your eyes

Changbin: Why?

Selena: I can't do my work if you keep staring at me

Changbin: so if minho you were comfortable?

Selena: what are you saying? we only ate dinner last night

Changbin: Really? Is that all?

Selena: ye-ah if anything happen then it's none of your business!

Changbin: Really? None of my business?!

[Woojin notice]

Selena: Your make up is finish, you can go now

Changbin: [Stand up] [Slam the door]

Hyunjin: What's wrong with him?

Woojin: I'm going to get a drink

Chan: get me too

Woojin: okay