
[he puts his hand inside Selena's shirt while kissing her neck]

Selena: [Suprised] Chang-bin stop

Changbin: I can't stop now

Selena: Ah ~ Stop! [Push him] Why are you doing this ?!

Changbin: Isn't it obvious?

Selena: Explain what you are saying

Changbin: Shit! I'm leaving!

[Door Closed]

Selena: What does he mean !?

[Ring ring]

Selena: Ces!

Ces: Selena! I miss you

Selena: I miss you too

Ces: hmm? What's the matter? why is your voice so fragile?

Selena: Nothing, I'm just tired, I just got home

Ces: Oh really?

Selena: uhmm ye-s

Ces: Hmm ?, Btw I'm done here, my flight will be later so tomorrow night I'll be there

Selena: Really! That's great i miss you so much

Ces: Mee too

Selena: so Tomorrow evening i will pick you up at the airport

Ces: Yes! Okay goodnight now

Selena: Goodnight Bye ~

[Hang up]

Selena: [Sigh] ["Isn't obvious"] hmm Wait .. does he mean ...


[han was about to go in the music room but selena call him]

Selena: Han!

Han: morning!

Selena: Morning! Uhmm ces will arrived later wanna come pick her up?

Han: Really?! Yes! I wanna come!

Selena : Okay then see you after work

Han: Okay!

Selena: ah! Wait!

Han; hmm?

Selena: is changbin in there?

Han: Yes, Do you want me to call him?

Selena: Ah no! I'm going now, see you later

Han: O-okay see you [Hmm?]

[Door Open]

Han: Here's the coffee

Chan: how about the bread?

Han: Here!

Chan: Thanks!

Han: here's your coffee

Changbin: Thanks

Han: can i ask?

Changbin: What?

Han: did you two fight?

Changbin: What fight are you saying?

Han: well selena just ask if you're in here

Changbin: She ask? When?

Han: earlier

Changbin: oh~

Han: Hmm? What is goin on between the two of you?

Changbin: nothing

Han: [Sigh]


Selena: Daniel! Go tell han we're going now

Daniel: I can't ! I need to finish this

Selena: What's that?

Daniel: Some fucking paper works

Selena: [sigh] Okay I'm going to get him we'll wait for you downstairs

Daniel: Okay!

[Music room]

Selena: i hope he's not here

[Knock Knock]

Chan: Come in

Selena: Uhmm han?

Han: Selena? Ah! Is it already evening?

Changbin: [Selena?] [Where are they going?]

Selena: [Saw changbin] [Nervous] Are you coming?

Han: I'm sorry i think i can't go were very busy

Selena: That's okay! We're going now

[Door Closed]

Changbin: Where are you going?

Han: Uhmm nothing


Daniel; Where is she?

Selena: Oh there! Ces!

Ces: Guys!

Selena/Daniel: I miss you!!

Ces: i miss you tooo

Selena: let's go now

Ces: Uhmm [Looking for Someone]

Selena: He didn't come with us they're very busy

Ces: Oh i thought he came, Let's go, ah! Let's eat first I'm hungry! It's my treat!

Daniel: well let's go now I'm hungry too

Selena: are you going to see han today ?

Ces: No I will see him tomorrow i don't want to disturb them because you said they were busy...

Selena: okay~