
[AMs Ent.]


[Dressing Room]

Selena: Ces! Where are you going?

Ces: I'm going to see han

Selena: Can you bring me a coffee?

Ces: Yeah sure! I'm going now!

[Door Closed]

Ces: [I miss him so much] [Excited]

[Infront of the music room]

[Ces was about to knock but One of the staff stop her]

Ces: Hmm?

Staff: you can't go in they are busy, they're manager said don't disturb them

Ces: Oh~ [Sad] Okay [Walk away] [Maybe after work?]

[Door Open]

Ces: Here's your coffee

Selena: Hmm? already here?

Ces: Han is busy they said not to disturb them

Selena: Oh Just meet him after work

Ces: yes.


Daniel: Selena Aren't you eating lunch?

Selena: No~ i want to sleep

Ces: Okay we're just gonna bring you food here

Selena: Okay~

[Door Closed]

Selena: [sleeping]

[Door Open]

Changbin: Daniel? Manager what to gave this to you

Selena: [Changbin? omg] [Pretend to be sleeping]

Changbin: [Saw selena and came closer to her] she's sleeping, [Search for a blanket]

Selena: [peeking] What is he doing ?

Changbin: Found it [Turn around]

Selena: [Immediately close her eyes]

Changbin: [Place the blanket to her] [Then leave]

Selena: [Blush] he is not mad at me anymore right?


Selena: Finally we're done [Stretching]

Daniel: I'm hungry

Selena: Let's pack our things then let's eat to our favorite restaurant!

Daniel: Ces! Where are you going

Ces: [Running] just wait for mr downstairs

Selena: Okay!

[Music Room] [Same time

[Knock Knock]

Han: Come in

Jane: Hi Han!

Han: What brings you here?

Jane: are you still working?

Han: Yes, Is it something important why you came here? If not them please leave

Jane: [Pushing me away again?!] I just want to see you [Getting closer to him]

Han: What are you doing! Please back off

Jane: [Sits on his lap] No i don't want [Kiss him]

Han: Hey! S-top!

[Knock Knock]

Han: I said stop!

Ces: Hmm? [Knock knock]

[Door Open]

Ces: Han- [Suprised]

Han: Ces!?

Jane: Oh ces! Your back!

Han: Get off ! [Push her]

Ces: Sorry for disturbing [He closed the door and ran away]

Han: Ces wait! [running after her]

Jane: hehe~

[Infront of the building]

Daniel: Let's drink tonight!

Selena: Drink? we have work-

Daniel: Girl it's our day off tomorrow!

Selena: Ay jeez i forgot! Okay!! Let's drink tonight !

Chan: We like to join!

Daniel: Oh! Chan, Changbin? Aren't you guys busy?

Chan: Well yeah we're totally busy

Changbin: uhmm selena can i talk to you ?

Selena: yeah sure

Changbin: Chan hyung wait for me here, let's go there

Selena: So what ?

Changbin: You are pretnding that you are sleeping earlier right?

Selena: [Suprised] [How did he know?] Wha-t are you talking about?

Changbin: [Sigh] [Okay I'm going to tell her now] [Look into her eyes] I like you

[A noisy music pass]

Selena: Hmm? Sorry i didn't hear it, What did you say?

Changbin: I said I-

Ces: Selena, Daniel ! Let's go now [Holding her tears]

Selena: Ces are you okay?

Han: Ces! Stop [Grab her hand] Let me explain.