
Han: Ces [Grab her hand] Let me explain

Ces: let go of me

Chan: What's going on?Mr. Han?

Ces: [Shake her hand] Let's go!

Selena: Dan ! come on

Daniel: Okay!

Han: Ces wait! Listen to me!

[Walk away]

Han: Shit!

Changbin: Han! What happened?

Han: Nothing! [Walk away]

Changbin: han!

Chan: Don't follow him, let him go

Changbin: [Sigh] okay

[Selena/ces Dorm]

Selena: ces! What's going on?

Ces: Tha-at girl jane that-

Selena: What about jane?

Ces: I saw han and jane in the music room

Selena: say it!

Ces: [tears falling] I saw them kissing in the music room

Selena: What ?! Kissing?

Ces: Ye-s

Selena: What !!? han won't do that!

Ces: I s-aw it! Han was sit-ting and ja-ne was in his lap

Selena: Okay come here [Hug her and pat her head] [I think this is a misunderstanding, I'll talk to him next week]

[After hours]

[Ring ring]

Selena: Ces! he's call you so many times, you really won't answer it?

Ces: [Turn her phone off] No!

Selena: ces i think you misunderstood it

Ces: what I saw was what I believed

Selena: That's not always the case

Ces: hmmp!

Selena: You should talk to him first

Ces: I dont want to talk to him

Selena: [sigh] [This girl!] Okay I'm not going to force you, I'm going to sleep now goodnight

Ces: Goodnight

[Door closed]

[Selena's room]

[Ring ring]

Selena: hmm? who's calling in the middle of the night


Selena: Mom?

Shaira: selena, I'll just remind you of my wedding us near! make sure that to come!

Selena: [ ah yes! i almost forgot] yes mom

Shaira: there is a package coming for you later

Selena: What package?

Shaira: I bought you a gown to wear to my wedding


selena: wait a sec mom

Shaira: oh i think it's there

[open door]

DG: hello ma'am are you Ms. Selena?

Selena: Ah yes

DG: Here's a package for you, Just sign it here

Selena: Okay thanks

[Door Closed]

Shaira: Open it!

Selena: Okay wait a sec mom

[She open the box]

Selena: Wow~ It so beautiful

Shaira: You like it?

Selena: Yes mom thanks

Shaira: I will see you in three weeks

Selena: okay mom

Shaira: Okay bye ~

Selena: Bye Mom [hang up] wow~ what a beautiful dress

[ST KIDS Dorm]

Han: [Calling ces] ["Toot toot"] Argh! [Throw his phone on the side] [I need to explain to her what happened]

Felix: hmm? what's the matter han?

Hyunjin: yeah you seem quiet

Han: Nothing

Felix: Come on tell us

Hyunjin: yeah tell us!

Han: nothing just my gir- my friend and i had an argument

Felix: What happen?

Han: Uhmm just small things

Hyunjin: Really? just your friend ? i don't believe it !

Han: [Sigh]

[Ring Ring]

Han: [Immediately grab his phone] [it's mom] Mom!

Sana: Han! How are you my baby?