Episode 57

Selena: [Can i really love him]

Changbin: Selena-

Han: ah! ah! No no!!

Minho: just stay still

Selena: Huh?

Han: ah! no! It hurts!

Minho: Hey lower your voice!

Selena: Is that Han and Minho?!

Changbin: WTF! what are they doing!?!

Selena: I think they just in other room

[In other room]

Han: ah ! It hurts!

[Door Open]

[saw them cuddling]

Minho: Oh! Changbin, Selena?

Han: oh? Why are you two here?

Changbin: what the fuck are you guys doing!

Minho: I'm just treating han's wound on his back

Selena: oh~

Changbin: Wtf! I thought you guys are doing something weird Here !

Minho: something ?

Changbin: Well Han's voice is louder than i thought

Han: Wtf?! You thought we're doing that?!

Changbin: everyone will think it with your loud voice

Minho: well i can do it with with you

Han: Noooo~!!

Minho: [Pfft] I'm just joking

Han: is it loud?

Changbin: selena, Tell him how loud he is.

Selena: Well~ yeah it's very loud

Han: Omg.

Selena: Uhmm i'm going now,

Changbin: Wait! we're not done talking yet!

Selena: i think we are done

Changbin: okay but i'm waiting for your answer