Episode 58

[After a Month]

[Ring Ring]

Selena: Hello?

Shaira: Selena! Where are you?!

Selena: Mom I'm On my way

Shaira: Don't be late!

Selena: Yes mom I'm almost there

Shaira: Did you wear the dress i gave you

Selena: yes mom

Shaira: Great! Be careful see you later

Selena: Okay mom

[Hang up]

[Today is the wedding day of my Mom and Brian]

Ces: What did she said?

Selena: Oh nothing she just worried that we might be late

Ces: I'm super excited on their wedding and of course to see who is Mr. Brian

Selena: Hmm I only met him once

Mr.Driver: Here we are ma'am

Selena: Oh~ [Get off the car] Thanks Mr. driver

Ces: Wow! It's a beach wedding!

Selena: Let's go

[we're walking then suddenly we saw Mr.Brian]

Brian: Oh Selena!

Selena: Mr.Brian ! Hi !

Brian: It's great that you came! and This is ?

Selena: oh This is Celestine

Ces: Hi Mr.Brian! You can call me Ces for short

Brian: [Suprised] Ces?

Ces: Uhmm yes?

Brian: [So this is Ces]

Ces: Uhmm Nice to meet you Mr.Brian

Brian: Yes ! Nice to meet you

Selena: Uhmm Where is mom?

Brian: I think she's still At our hotel room

Selena: Okay we're going now

Brian: Okay

[Walking away]

Ces: Did you see his reaction when i said my name?

Selena: Uhmm Yeah he look shooked

Ces: He's weird

Selena: hmmm a bit? okay let's go see mom

[Door Open]

Selena: Mom?

Shaira: Selena! [Hug her]

Ces: Hi Tita!

Selena: Wow! You look ao beautiful mom!

Shaira: Really?

Ces: Yes! so beautiful !

Shaira: It's great that you came ces

Ces: How could i miss your wedding day Tita?

Shaira: Hihi! Okay the wedding will begin soon

Get ready

[After an hour the wedding finally begin]

[Now They putting they're rings to each other ]

[Their about to kiss but]


Selena: MOM!