Arrived at Singapore

I carried my suitcase, calling a taxi outside the Changi airport, the International airport of Singapore. It was just a month ago, that the much-awaited results from National University of Singapore (NUS) had come. It was a beautiful moment. Every one of us, my dad, my mom and my sister, who had come all the way from her college to see my results, became emotional. And then came the calls, congratulating me, after they had got the information.

I somehow convinced my parents that I'd rather go alone.

I asked the taxi driver to take me to Tampines, where the branch of NUS was located. The drive was peaceful and quiet. and I couldn't complain about anything. The sky, cloudy and

gray, a moody sight, darker than despair. Tiny cold droplets fell on the window, where I sat looking out, hoping for a new life, hoping that people would accept me into their territory.

The climate here, was far different than how it would have been in my country. The noisy horns could be heard right near the window of my room, with the dogs roaming around the city searching for something to satisfy them, the sky clear with nothing but the sun desperately trying to burn everything. It was the atmosphere where I grew up.

I didn't have much fun in the last two years of my high school. In my school years, I did have best friends. I later realized, they were actually desperate for attention and had been with me for that sole reason. Their names were Soo-ah and Jin-ae. Jin-ae confessed to the guy I've like for almost my whole childhood, when she knew about it and they got into a relationship. And damn, it hurt. Woo-seok is a tall guy, definitely the most handsome one in our school. Both of them broke up just a month ago.

During the time I've liked him, I was talking to a guy called Jun who was my friend, Nakajima's friend. He lives in Tampines and he was a part of the reason why I chose the branch at Tampines. We've known each other for almost a year and he is the only best friend I have, currently.

The taxi stopped right in front of my dreams. With my suitcases, I stepped out of the taxi after paying him. I asked for directions from a tall, young girl, who was about to walk right

past me. The block was right near the entrance so I was good. I turned right and walked about a quarter mile under the drizzling sky, where I found block C, as it mentioned in the documents. I showed all my documents to the man inside a building near the block and he gave me a few keys. I didn't really know which ones were for which, but I decided to just go.

I entered into the block, and trudged upstairs with my bags and suitcases to the first floor. It seemed that the elevator was currently in repair by the electricians, I heard from one. I fixed the room key into the lock and it clicked open. Finally.

The room opened into a small corridor, with a bathroom connected near the room door. I walked towards it finding, a small-sized bed, waiting for me to jump in and sleep under the soft, comfy white covers. Beside it, was a wooden desk, with a small bookshelf above it. I found a huge closet connecting the room.

As soon as I finished unpacking, I called my mom to tell her I had reached and also to make sure the signal works.

"Hello?" said a frail voice on the other side.

"Are you still working? " I asked, knowing that it was almost past 10 there.

"Yes. Have you reached?"

"I'm in my room. Its drizzling outside too. Why aren't you home yet? Don't overwork yourself." I stated.

"I'm going home now. When are your classes exactly? Don't go around too much. Buy some snacks and food. How is the room?"

"It has a huge closet. Hahh!", I smiled.

"I'm jealous," she let out a small laugh. "Ok. I'll call you later, love. Have fun while this week lasts. 'Cuz you know you gotta study hard when classes start. And make friends too. Buy something for your room neighbor and call us if you're lonely or something. Also, I forgot to tell you, don't hang out with Jun too much, he won't be around to help you in the university. Bye."

"Buh-bye." I cut the call.

I immediately called Jun.

"Hey boy-o!"

"Reached already? Damn my life. How's Nakajima by the way?"

"She's great. When can we meeeettt?"

"A week later"

"No. Now." I demanded.

"Fine, perv. Be there at the bus stop opposite to your university at 4"

"Gladly. I'll burn you down, if I don't find you there."

"I'll burn hentai down if you do that." he stated.

"You love hentai."

"You do too."

"You DIe. I gotta get my beauty bath." I declared.

"Is there even a thing called beauty bath?"

"Yes there is, dumbo."

"Huh." he muttered in confusion. "Fine. I'll see you there. Byee"


I hopped out of bed, and got into the shower, taking a long, hot bath. I slipped into denim shorts and a black T-shirt tucked in. Along with it, I wore a light-brown coat, which went below knee-level, and a simple black choker. I created waves with a curling iron, and added a tint of reddish-pink lipstick to my lips.

It was 4:04 pm when I left my room. I knew he was going to be pissed. I locked my room, and I was near the entrance when I found Jun standing there at the bus stop.

I walked towards him with a stupid grin on my face.

"As much as I'm happy to see you right now, why are you late?" he asked.

"I- got caught up by a kind, handsome guy who offered me a date tonight." I muttered, innocently.

"It's 4:15, senpai" he shook his head, crossing his arms.

"A'ight. Sorryyyyyy, the hot shower was just too nice. I'll make

it up to you. You're a good boy, aren't you? You'll forgive me." I smiled, petting his head.

He smiled slightly. "Let's go. The bus is here. It's no use to make you understand the importance of punctuality." He exaggerated, while getting onto the bus.

"Only guys should follow the rules of punctuality." I pouted.

"Fight me."

We reached a museum, opposite to a mall.

"This was the place you planned to take a girl?" I raised an eyebrow.

"Only because you aren't one." He snickered.

"Huh. You're a girl, why does it matter" I muttered. "Hey- isn't she- ?" I pointed a blonde, slim girl wearing a white T-shirt with denim shorts, talking to a really tall guy with broad shoulders, and black hair, far enough for us to not be seen.

"No shit, you're kidding." He said. "Fuck get outta the way. I don't want us to be seen together."

I giggled."You're jealous of the guy she's talking to."

"No I'm not"

"Yes and also, let's say, I go and tell her you like her."

"No- but wait- what?"

That second, I half-ran towards them, with him chasing behind me.

"Hey" I called her, whose back was facing me. She turned around, flipping her blonde, shiny hair, blinking multiple times. Oh jesus. Bitch alert.

"Yeah?" she said with a pretty voice.

"Umm- I'll come to the point. My friend Jun likes you and he's afraid to admit it. He's a really really nice guy so you must- ah, forget it, he's here."

"Nana" Jun wheezed, out of breathe. "She said nothing to you, did she?"

"Well, she did and so- can I talk to you? Privately?"

"Uh sure." He sent me a glare before they both left. I looked at the guy whom I didn't even care to look at before. Like wait a sec- Woah. How could I have not noticed him?

He is handsome, tall and eye-catching. He looks like the perfect, ideal boyfriend, a girl would look for. He wore plain black pants with a full-sleeve black buttoned shirt, tucked inside. His hair was taken back on the right side, so that his eyebrow stands out. He had sharp, dark eyebrows with the smoky eyes and jawlines, a girl could die for. He slipped his hands in his pockets, looking casually at me. He raised his eyebrow, when he caught me staring at him.

"Ah hello. I'm Yuna." I muttered under my breathe, looking into his dreamy eyes.


"I- I'm Yuna" I said more loudly.

He smiled. Fu-. "I'm Jinyoung". His eye-smile, was really cute. I shouldn't be noticing this guy's features too much. In the end, personality only matters in a guy. Alright, I admit. He is the best-looking guy I've ever seen, but no.

"What was that?"

"Huh?" My mind turned blank.

"What's up with Nana and that guy- who is your friend?"

"Ah- My friend has been crushing over her for a long time now. So I told her about it-" I grinned like a sadist. "If I'm not intruding in your life, may I ask about your relationship with Nana?" I asked politely, with a hint of innocence.

"Curious about my life, hunh?" he winked, making my heart beat faster. "We're just friends. I met her a week back outside NUS, so there's no need for you to worry"

"You're a student at NUS?", I questioned, ignoring his flirt.

"Mhm", he nodded

"Oh. I'm a student too. I'm studying Biology."

"Ah seriously? I'm in Biology too. First year, I assume?"

"Yep. Let's get along well" I smiled.

"Sure we will." He grinned, sweet and sour.

I found Jun and Nana coming back.

"We'll be leaving" Joshua said to both of them, and held onto my wrist, dragging me away, not allowing me to say even a

word to them.

"What the- I was gladly talking to that guy" I said with heavy sarcasm.

"Wait you have a crush on that- guy?!" he exaggerated.

"No but wait what do you mean? Is it a crime to have a crush on that guy?" I asked. "He's a good looking one though" I muttered.

"He's a playboy. Went on a date with every girl you'll ever get to know. If you like him, just say so, and I'll beat his ass up, so you never see him again."

"Shit- Should've noticed"

"So you fucking like him?"

"I didn't say so!"

"Fine", he crossed his arms.


"Yeah. Fine."

"What happened with you and Nana?" I questioned.

"It seems she hadn't really noticed me before. And-"

"Of course, since you aren't a guy-" I interrupted, laughing. "I'm sorry. I'm sorry. It's ok. You're a guy."

"Screw you." He leaned down and flicked my forehead."So, from now on, she'll try noticing and talking to me more. Right

now, she's on a date with that guy, basically" he sighed.

"Are you in love with her?"

"I don't know."