First kiss

I started to regret the decision of telling her about Jun liking Nana. If she turns out to be a playgirl, what are the chances that she plays with Jun, if he had real feelings for her? I probably should keep him away from her. It's for the best.

Jun dropped me off at the entrance of NUS after visiting the museum. I went out with Joshua the whole week and I made a few friends in NUS, who helped me out. I fit in easily than expected.

It was 9:35 pm. I left my phone back in the room. I was taking a stroll in the cold, dark night outside my university to get something to eat.

I found an udon shop, and ordered on something which my eyes fell on. The shop was small and rusty, and there weren't much people sitting there. Opposite to me, sat several drunk adults. I didn't care to notice them much.

My order arrived when my stomach started to hurt and I felt dizzy. My mind went foggy and blank for a second, but I regained consciousness a few seconds later. Someone sat to the opposite to me and my brain couldn't focus as to who it was.

"Who- are you?" I managed to weakly ask.

I couldn't understand whether I was hallucinating this person or he was really there. The dizzy spell came again but more stronger. Everything turned black.


I woke up in a room, which had a higher ceiling than my room. The room gave off an unusual sweet scent, which I couldn't recognize. The house looked of high class. The person living here must even own a damn company. Where even the fuck am I?

The last thing I remembered was me fainting in an udon shop. I'm really messed up. I opened the door finding no one in the hallway. I stood in the center of the hallway, wondering whose house this was.

Behind me, a door clicked open. I turned around to see Jinyoung there slowly buttoning up his white shirt. His sharp collarbone was something that needed to be looked at.

"Good morning, darling"

"Why am I here?"

"You fainted. I think the udon guy added something to your food. You were out for a long time. Also, I didn't know your room number. So I could only bring you to my house."

"How did you know I was at the udon shop? Were you following me?"

"Too many questions, darling." He shook his head, putting on his tie. "You fainted when I sat with you on the same table. I carried you here."

"I'm-I'm just one of the girls, you- brought here. Isn't that- right?"

"What if I said yes? What will you do?" he started to approach me, taking each step at a time.

"W-wha- stay away-"

"Darling- I've been watching you. I want you. I want you all to myself. I don't understand how someone can be this-" he leaned towards me, and brushed his fingers against my cheek. "Beautiful." He murmured, looking at my lips. "Ask Jun to stay away, because- I'll really beat his ass if he doesn't." He whispered in my ear.

"I- I'm going back." I turned around towards the front door. Behind me, Jinyoung and pushed me around to the wall, pinning both my hands beside my head.

"First of all, being vulnerable around a guy is most definitely going to be inviting and he won't hesitate. Secondly, if you are going to act like this, then darling, I'll be the first one to attack you" He slowly raised my hands up, and held both of them with one hand, above me.

"I- have to-" . He pulled my head up, to face him, with his other hand and kissed my neck slowly sucking on it.

My heart beat rate became rapid. He slowly let go of my hands, pressing gentle kisses on my jawline. His hot breathe fell on my neck, giving me shivers.

I pushed him away before he could do anything else, with my face and body hot. He wiped his lips with the back of his hand, with a smirk.

"Jeez Yuna- you're too damn cute-" he let out a laugh. I knew I had to leave. I rushed towards the front door, opened it and walked out. He lives in a house all by himself. The house was huge. As huge as a mansion. I found my way out only searching for the exit for almost 3 minutes. Fortunately, my block was just nearby his house, so I didn't have to fear about not knowing the directions. I'm really really really fucked up.

I entered my room, grabbed my purse and my phone and walked to the convenience store in my college. I bought two bags full of snacks enough for almost a month, so that I never go out again. My stomach grumbled. I decided to forget that I even met a guy called Jinyoung and moved on. I'm having fun tomorrow is all, but Jun had his college reopening tomorrow while mine was day after tomorrow. I'm a real loner, I guess.

But who said I can't have fun? I walked to the nearby food place in my college. There was almost no one there. I walked inside finding Jinyoung, and 4 college mates sitting with him. I avoided his eye contact as soon as I noticed him. I knew I would find him smirking if I did. I ordered a vegetable salad along with a drink.

I sat in a place as far as possible, away from the bench he was sitting. I literally felt his eyes roaming around me. I tried to distract myself by replying to messages. My body started to go hot with an unstoppable rising temperature. I clenched my hands so tight I literally could've broken my phone with one hand.

I lost my appetite, so I grabbed the half-finished salad and walked over to the dustbin, to throw it out. Just when I was about to do it, a hand held my wrist, stopping me.

"What the fu-" I wasn't able to finish when Jinyoung forcefully pulled my head towards him and pressed his lips onto mine. His lips were soft and warm. He placed them perfectly on mine. My face grew hotter than ever when I started to sweat. He pulled away as quick as he pulled in.

"You should really eat. I'll go." He let go of wrist and left without his friends who were watching us with shocked Pikachu faces. I went speechless. He stole my first kiss too. Son of a-.


I lost my appetite even more after that, so I threw the salad box away. I met up with Jun after his classes were over ,who was in my room with a guest entry card given by the college department- I guess.

"Why don't you want to go out?"

"I'm not in the mood" I replied in the my-life-is-over tone.

"Whats wrong"


"You're not your usual self. Tell me about it." He asked me concerned as hell.

"I don't want to."


"I'm kidding"

"What is it?"

"Marry me" I said like a dead horse.


"I'm kidding. Ha. Ha" I said in a sarcastic weird way.

"You should be"

"I ain't marrying a dumbo like you" I shook my head, staring daggers into the floor.

"Seriously. We're drifting away from the topic. Fuckin tell me or I'm leaving."

"I had my first kiss, you ass" I stared into his eyes, like a maniac, waiting for his reaction.

"What thE FucK?" he asked. "ahhhh. Who is it?" he winked.

"You won't like it, boy-o."

"There isn't anybody I don't like" he flipped his imaginary long hair.







"Oh my gaaad. You're a girl" I stared at him with a serious face.

"Okay calm down. Now why did you kiss him?"


"Okay makes sense. I'm sorry for yelling."

"You better be" I muttered.

"So how was it?"

"His lips were soft. And warm." I muttered.

"oh mY GOD! I didn't ask how his lips were! You'RE IN LOVE. UGH!"

"EXcuze mOi- hE's hot. Unlike you."

"HallOu, a lot of girls are still in love with me. Ok. Now, listen. You're disgusting talking about stuff like this to a guy. You shouldn't do this, okay senpai? Now tell me. Was it quick or slow? I aint asking the details. Just answer the question."

"Why am I even telling this to you? It was quick."

"Background? Was it a sceneric romantic place?"

"CollegE Food cANteEN"

"Damn. That's a relief."

"Have you fallen in love with him?"