I kissed him again



"I really meant it when I said I love you". I turned around to look at him.


"I got into a relationship with Shinhye only to make you jealous. I broke up with her as soon as you left the park. I knew you saw us. She was really upset, but I wasn't in love with her." Both of us ate together on the table, sitting opposite to each other. We didn't talk a word to each other.

"I'm sorry if I cried too much last night" I broke the silence.

"You apologized a lot of times already. Do you want to hang out today?" he looked up at me.

"I have two classes today, both ending at 4 and I made plans with Sakura at night"

"I have a class at 4 pm. Tomorrow?"

"Two of my friends are coming to Singapore tomorrow. They're visiting me on the way.

"Ah- Your school friends?"

I nodded.

"Can I come too?" he asked. "With Kiu and my other friend, since I'll be the only guy."

"In that case, I'll ask Sakura to come too. We'll be meeting at 9 am in front of our university?"

"Okay" he smiled. I left his house at 10:30 since I had a class at 11. He offered to come and help since the lock was broken. I told him that I could talk to the office nearby and fix it up. I took a hot water bath and finished my classes at 4. Jinyoung was really nice to me last night. He broke up with Shinhye because of me, and he said he loves me. Does that mean I should give him an answer? He didn't really ask me to, though.

I met up with Sakura and Shinhye outside my class. Shinhye was really moody.

"Yuna. Jinyoung broke up with me."

"Oh... Sorry" I muttered.

"It was because he loves you". F-. He told her?


"I really love him still but- I should've known. It's really pitiful I was in a relationship less than a day, literally."

"Yuna-chan. Are you sure you don't love him? I won't ask you this anymore." Sakura asked me.

It took me a while to answer. "I don't know."

"Guess she's in love." Shinhye said. "IM DEFINITELY SHIPPING." She ran away with Sakura.

I face palmed. "I didn't say so" I muttered to myself. Where are they even running off to?

I went out with Sakura and Shinhye (who decided to join too) to the club.

Jun's POV

I found Yuna, Sakura and some other girl I didn't recognize walking on the empty road, drunk, when I was taking a stroll outside. Geez, these girls. I walked towards them. Mainly towards Yuna.

"What even happened to you?-" I asked her.

"AssHole- geT out oF mY way" she mumbled. I rolled my eyes, and led her to her room, when Sakura and the unknown girl were following us like on a leash. Sakura told me about Jinyoung liking Yuna. At least it was good enough he wasn't near her right now. I could steal her for a while. I wanted her to love me back so badly, I would do anything. I brought Yuna to her room. I turned back and found Sakura and the girl behind us in Yuna's room, still following us.

"No no. You guys are going back to your rooms." I helped Sakura to her room, left them both there, coming back to Yuna's room. The security guard outside the block was nice enough to let me in, since he already knew I was Yuna's friend. I tucked Yuna under the covers after she said she was sleepy. This side of her is cute, I thought. Of course Jinyoung might've seen that side of her. Well, who cares about him.

I found her phone ringing inside her purse. I found Jinyoung's name on it. Perfect time. I answered the call.

"Hello?" I heard his voice.

"It's Jun here"

"Why are you picking up my call" He said in a weirded out tone.

"I'm with her right now, in her room. She's drunk after spending the night with Sakura and some other girl."

"I'll come over"

"She's safe with me."

"Fine. You're already done because of what you did. If you dare do anything with her, you're seriously dead."

"Shut it you ass" I cut the call before he made a comeback. I decided to stay the night over with her, so that I could take advantage of it.

Yuna's POV

It was 7 am and I found Jun in my room sitting on the edge of the bed, looking into his phone. What the fuck even happened last night? The last thing I remembered was going to a club. I sat up. Just that moment, a call came up on my phone from Jinyoung. Jun found that I was awake. I reached over and picked up the call.

"Hello" I answered.

"Did that asshole leave yesterday night?" he asked.

"Huh? How did you know-"

"He told me. So did he leave?"

"I-I'll call you later." I said.

"So he's there. Hand over the phone to him."

"What? No."

"I said give it."

"I- Ok." I gave the phone to Jun. He immediately cut the call when he had the phone.

"I don't talk to assholes like him" he said.

"What's the problem between - oh never mind." I mentally face palmed. Jinyoung surely must have gotten pissed. He already was when he knew Jun was there with me. Someone knocked on the door. It must be Sakura.

I opened the door, finding Jinyoung there. Wait how'd he come all the way here?

"Get out" he told Jun.

"Who even are you to tell me that?"

"Says the liar. Just fucking get out."


"St- stop." I said with a soft voice.

"You're fucking kidding me. First you act like she's your friend and you lie to her about me. I should actually punch you in your fuckin whore face-". How did he know about it?

"Stop." I managed to say, with my head aching from the hangover. "I think you should both go-"

"Mainly directed at you-" Jinyoung crossed his arms. Jun became pissed off so he got up and left the room without saying a word.

"I think I said you should go too" I told Jinyoung. He didn't listen to me still. He closed the door, and pressed his lips on mine. I pulled back.

"Darling- one kiss"


"Pleaseee- I missed you" he groaned. God, why did he look cute just now?

"I said no-". He pushed me to the bed, towering over me. I felt my heartbeats up to my head.

"Get- off"

"Mm? No." He leaned over and kissed my lips once again. "Did that ass do anything to you?"

I shook my head. I couldn't react or push him off. My body was numb.

"Good." He muttered, kissing my neckline.

"My- head hurts"

"From the hangover?"

I nodded.

"I wish you never went yesterday. That way you could've spent time with me" he brushed the hair off my face. "Jun wouldn't have come here.. And your head wouldn't have hurt. Anyway, stay here and go nowhere. I'll go buy you a hangover medicine and be back." He left the room. I breathed out, realizing I had held in my breathe all the while. I think I am falling in love with him.

Jinyoung came back as he had promised and sat on the bed beside me like an obedient puppy, with water and the medicine. I took in the pill and looked into the ground while he was staring at me.

"Thank you."

"Yunaaa." He called me. I didn't answer. "Yunaaaa" He was getting all pouty.


"Give me a kiss on my lips instead."

"No" I frankly replied.

"I went all the way and bought you medicine."

"I didn't ask for it"

"You did. You said your head hurt."

"Does that even mean-". I frowned. "You're kidding me"

"I'll close my eyes." He came closer to me.

"I'm not doing it."

"You are... Just one and I won't ask for one ever again". He ruffled his hair and closed his eyes. I think I'm going to cry here. If I do it, it'll be a lifetime embarrassment. That fucker. But I already still have a lot to repay him. He has done a lot for me. Ughhhh. I internally groaned. Just one. I won't die or anything, I told myself. I've already kissed him before anyways.

I slowly pulled my face closer to him, and closed my eyes. I went in and pressed my lips against his. He placed his hand on my neck and kissed me back. He brushed his lips against mine passionately and pulled me closer to him, making me sit on his lap. I placed my hands on his chest, when he hugged me as we kissed. My face grew hot as each second went by. His hand went under my shirt and he ran his fingers up my back. I started to shiver because of his warm fingers softly tracing up my back and turned weak.

I felt a sensation I've never felt before. He pulled me in more closer, pressing his body against mine, with my numb legs wrapped around his waist. I couldn't move anymore.

"I really can't stop anymore if you become weak, darling." He pulled back, looking into my eyes, with his hands still under my shirt. "Damn, I almost lost myself there."

I pulled back away from him, flushing more red than I was. I hugged my legs, covering my face.

"Good girl. You did as I said" he ruffled my hair and left the room. God, I'm really an idiot.