Drunk once again

Jinyoung's POV

"You're kidding meee" Yuna said, heavily drunk. "Who caaalled you here?" she poked a finger into my chest. Yuna was the one who asked me to come. Sakura invited Daehyun, who called Kiu and Jin-ae over to the club.

"Yuna- let's go home" I said for the millionth time, almost yelling over the loud club-music. She replied with a flat 'no'. Daehyun, Jin-ae and I were the only ones who didn't drink. I asked Yuna to stop before the third glass. But I let her drink later. Yuna pretended like she lay unconscious on Sakura's lap. Jesus. How can I even stop the girl I'm crazy in love with, looking at me with those eyes like she would be happy for the rest of her life, if she just had that third glass?

I slowly sipped the water in my cup. Jin-ae got up and trapped me to my seat.

"Finally we're alone-" she smirked. She straddled my leg, sitting on my lap.

"I'm sorry. Please go." I stated looking directly into her eyes.

"Nah, loosen up. Let's have some fun tonight and let's- keep it- a secret, shall we?"

"Jin-ae." I firmly called her name.

"Honey, just for one night?" she pressed her lips on me before I could stop her. I pulled her away from me forcefully. She stood up.

"I'm serious. Yuna is the one I'm in love with. So don't you dare- Don't you dare try anything, anymore. I mean it." She let out a mocking laugh, placing her big ass on her seat.

"Let's see, honey. I've separated her and her ex-love or maybe her current love. She might even still be in love with him, don't you think? I mean, she's been in love with him ever since her childhood. Isn't it a possibility?" She winked, with a smile.

"Yuna, we're leaving." I pulled her up and slipped my arm around her waist.

"N-Nooo" she pulled Sakura's hand. Sakura let go of her hand.

"Bye-bye" Sakura waved to Yuna.

"Think about it, honey. Go home and think about it." Jin-ae said to me, with a smirk.

"Woah woah. How am I supposed to bring all of them to their homes?" Daehyun asked.

"How do I know? You were the one who brought them all along."

Daehyun sighed. "Fine. Go. I'll take care of it."

"Bring Sakura back safely. Don't you dare try anything." I told him.

"Yeah yeah- I'm not that bad as a person as you think I am. I care for her a lot more than you think."

I left the club and walked on the sidewalk. I sighed. This will not be of any use. I threw her body over my shoulder and carried her.

"I think- I'm going to vomit-"

"Fine. Vomit."

"Bring me back to Sakuraaaaa"

"We're going home."

"My home? To my dad and mom?"


"Then let's goooooo". I opened the door of my house.

"Is this my home?" I placed her down, still supporting her body with my arm. "Mom?! Dad?" she yelled.

"You should go to sleep first. Mom and dad will see you tomorrow."

"Okay." She said like a good obedient girl. I helped her lie down on my bed and tucked her in.

"Good night, grandfather" she said to me. Wait, what the fuck. It made me smile, however. I was about to leave the room, when she called me "Waitttt!-"


"I love you grandfather" she said shyly covering half of her face under the covers. Cute.

"I love you too, darling"

I sat on my sofa, and switched on the TV. How am I going to tell Yuna about what happened to me and Jin-ae? The worry about Yuna still loving her ex-crush wouldn't get out of my head. What if Jin-ae is just playing mind games with me? My head started to ache.

I took in a sleeping pill and a painkiller and soon drifted off into a deep sleep on my sofa.

Yuna's POV

I woke up with my head throbbing with pain. I groaned. Fuck. I must have drunk a lot last night. I sincerely regret my decision. I'm never ever going to a club ever again, I concluded to myself. Although I knew that I would get drunk again.

I found a piece of paper, with hangover medicine on top of it, on the small black desk beside me.

~~Rise and shine. Lol. I bought you hangover medicine. I'm in class right now. And yes, you're cutting a class. Don't go anywhere, wifey. I'll be back. xoxo~~

I blushed a bit at the fact that he called me wifey. Ughh. This guy is killing me. I took in the medicine and left his house immediately. I won't listen to him just because he called me wifey. I went over to Sakura's room to check up on her and knocked on the door.

Nobody answered it so I just opened it, finding Daehyun, Jin-ae and Sakura drunk on the floor, with the smell of alcohol all over the room.

"Wake up!" I called them, grabbing onto Sakura's shoulders. She didn't open her eyes. I smell like shit too.

"WAKE UP! DAEHYUN'S HERE! DON'T YOU WANT TO LOOK PRETTY?!" I yelled at her face. She woke up with a jolt, and clutched onto her hair, with both her hands. She groaned and looked at me, trying to figure out who I was.

"Get up. We missed two classes."

"Who cares."

"Do you remember anything that happened last night? And how Daehyun and Jin-ae ended up here?" I asked her.

She looked around. "What the fuck?!" she cried, confused.

"Okay you don't." I sighed.

"Where'd you, Jinyoung and Kiu end up?"

"Jinyoung and I were at his house. I don't know about Kiu. Did all of us drink?" I questioned her.

She looked at me like a dead corpse.

"Okay you don't remember. We gotta do something about them but my head hurts, so- I'm out."

"Nonono- you ain't leaving me here. Deal with Daehyun and I'll deal with Jin-ae." She grabbed my hand.

I groaned inwardly. "Aight. Let's get em out quick." I filled a cup with water.

"Oh oh oh- Let's do this to Jin-ae too." She said with a smile. We splashed the water on both of their faces, making us giggling like idiots at their reactions after they woke up.

"JESUS CHRIST YOU ASS" Jin-ae yelled. We turned serious in a moment. "Where's Kiu?" I asked them.

"I don't remember. Maybe he left home alone. I remember he was with us until I drank. It was after you and Jinyoung left. Jinyoung was the only one who didn't drink for the whole night-" he said. "Agh fuck. Why'd you have to throw water on me anyway?" He flapped his wet T-shirt trying to dry it.

"Do you have Kiu's number?" I ignored him.

"Yeah." He handed over his phone.

"Where's Sakura?"

"Ah. She locked herself up in the bathroom to avoid you seeing her with an ugly face"

He laughed at that, then groaned because of the pain in his head. I dialed Kiu's number and he picked up.

"Hello." He said with a sleepy voice.

"Where are you?"

"In my house."

"How'd you end up in one piece?"

"I don't know. I remember Jinyoung waking me up in the morning and then leave. I slept once again after he left."

"Good. Byebye."

"How abou-". I cut the call, before he could ask anything else.

I needed a good bath. I was really tired.

My phone rang. I woke up and answered it. "What?"

"Why'd you leave?"

"I don't know. Buh bye. "

"No wait. Listen to me." He paused. "You there?"


"I have plans for the whole of 2 weeks starting tomorrow. I have to go to China and visit my father, to sign an important contract. I also have to meet my grandmother in Malaysia who is sick. I'm leaving tomorrow so we won't be able to meet for two weeks. " Jinyoung sighed.

"When are you going to China?"

"It's still not confirmed when exactly, but my father has informed our university that I'll be taking off the whole two weeks. I'll be going to Shanghai directly from Malaysia. "

"Which- week?"

"The second week from now."

"Ok. "

"Will you be alright? Avoid that bastard Joshua, hm?"

"I- " I wanted to tell him something. "Okay."

"Will you have time today? Oh I forgot. I'm meeting my middle school friends. What plans do you have today?"

"I'm meeting up with Jin-ae again. She's leaving tonight."

"Oh um- okay. I guess. Bye then."

"Will you really not be able to see me this week at all?"


"O-Okay. Have a safe trip then."

"It's not like I won't be able to call you or anything, but I'll be busy for most of the time. I'll send you a message when I reach there tomorrow."

"Ok" I lowered down my head.

"Love you. Bye." He cut the call. I wanted to see him and talk to him. I met up with Sakura and told her about Jinyoung.

"He really has to fight more to see you before he goes. He's gonna get it in case I see him today. Also! Yuna."


"The time when Jin-ae and I spoke in the train. You remember?"


"When we were going to Sentosa Island!"

"Oh! I remember!"

"I warned her not to try anything with Jinyoung. She said something interesting after that." She tilted her head.


"She said something like, some guy- called Woo-bin?".

"It's Woo-seok."

"Okay whatever. It seems he is in love with you. After she knew about it when he was drunk, she broke up with him. He wanted her to tell you that he wanted to meet you. She also said that Woo-bin is-"

"Woo-seok" I corrected.

"Fuck the name. He is coming to Singapore just to meet you during the coming weekend."