All I ever need

Yuna's POV

I heard someone knock on the door.

"Yuna! Its Sakura!" I let her in.

"Jinyoung called me just a minute ago. WHAT HAPPENED?!"

"Wait. First of all, why did he call you?"

"Why do you ask?" she chuckled. "Your overprotective, sweet-ass boyfriend asked me to take care of you and look over you till he comes back." She winked. I made a shocked Pikachu face. "Now tell me why."

"Uh? Ah- right." I told her everything under five minutes.

"Um- I think I realized. THAT BITCH JIN-AE!"


"Do you remember she went out in the middle for a call, while we were in the mall to go to the station? I'm more than a 100% sure that she called that Woo-bin guy to tell him something."

"So to separate me and Jinyoung was her plan all along? To make Jinyoung confused about my feelings for him?"


"Well she partly succeeded with it."

"WHAT? Don't tell me Jinyoung asked you about your feelings."

"He did." I answered.

"Ugh- I want to strangle and choke that bitch now." She said. "Reminds me. Don't you think your boyfriend is really sweet to ask me to look over you?" she grinned at me, expecting a reaction.

"Um well- He's coming back tomorrow morning."

"WAIT what?! He's coming back for you?!"

"Yeah" I frowned.

"You should be happy! What's the matter? Prince Jinyoung is coming to save Princess Yuna. Wait the names sound perfect. You guys are honestly made for each other." she muttered when I blushed. "I wish that was the same case with me and Daehyun. It's been a while since I talked to him. God, i miss him"

Sakura and I ended up talking for the whole night, so she stayed over and slept with me at 4 am. While we were up I tried to call Jinyoung many times but he didn't pick up. Probably he was busy.

Both of us overslept but we were just in time for our Chemistry class. After class was over I found Jinyoung outside, waiting for me. He pulled me in, hugging me tight.

"Are you alright?" he whispered in my ear.

"Mhm. You really didn't have to come all the way-"

"I had to."

"Oh- I took care of her as you had asked for." Sakura said. "To the point of sleeping over in her room" she chuckled. Jinyoung smiled at that.

"Thank you."

"No problem, Prince asshole. It was for Yuna-chan."

"You didn't inform us about you coming back here and the first thing you do is hug your girlfriend and not us? We're jealous." A guy said, walking towards Jinyoung along with another guy and 2 girls.

"Sorry. Change of plans."

"Your girlfriend knew about it already?"


"I guess you cherish her more than us" a girl with brunette hair said, tilting her head.

"Speaking of which, you didn't introduce her to us."

"I wanted to but couldn't find the right timing. Meet Yuna and her friend Sakura. Yuna, these are my friends, Baekhyun, Taehee, Wonyoung and Hyerin." Baekhyun was the guy who first spoke with Jinyoung.

"We believe you met Nana. We were her friends." The brunette, called Wonyoung grinned.

"Oh. Nice to meet you." I smiled.

"Nana?" Sakura questioned. "Oh! That Nana!". Jun must have told Sakura about his crush too, I guessed.

"Seems you have met that girl too. Sad." Wonyoung shook her head.

"Eh? What do you mean."

"Don't tell me you don't know about her."

"I came here from Japan. How am I supposed to know?" Sakura tilted her head.

"You don't know too?" she asked me. I shook my head sideways.

"May I do the honor of telling them?" she asked everyone else around us. She sighed. "To start off, she's more like an unpaid prostitute. We were best friends with her in high school. She is known by everyone. In and out of her college. You must have seen her with Jinyoung, when you met him for the first time." she looked at me. "It wasn't because he fell into her trap. More like, she wanted him. She fell in love with him. Like he was her first ever love."

"Ehhh?" Sakura gave a shocked expression.

"Surprising, isn't it?" she laughed. "But it is true. She fell head over heels for him and she still is." Wonyoung shook her head in regret.

"Did she die or something? Y'all seem so sad." Sakura asked.

"Apparently that day she wanted to have sex with Jinyoung. He was the first person ever to have rejected her offer, apparently. However, she's been going on telling everyone that he did have sex with her. Which is absolutely disgusting. Well that's it. She continues to live to this day fucking every guy she meets. Soon she'll evade the whole world with her sex appeal."

"From which I assume, she had sex with the two of you?" Sakura looked at the two guys in front of her.

"Um- how more frank can you be with an awkward question?" Taehee asked.

"So you did?!" Sakura's eyes widened.

"Uh this is uncomfortable. Let's change the topic" he looked at Hyerin with slight hope that she would help him. She gave him a 'you-did-it-deal-with-it' face. 

"WAIT SERIOUSLY? My friend fell into her trap too!" she referred to Jun. "Were you a virgin before that?!!".

I giggled. "I'm sorry. I'm really sorry" I said. "Sakura- You're mean. We'll be leaving now." I smiled.

"Bye! Nice meeting you, wife of Mr. Jinyoung" Baekhyun winked. My face flushed tomato red. I walked away with Sakura.

Jinyoung chased and catched up with us.

"Hello" he hugged me from behind, with people all around giving us stares.

"Watch and learn. This is how protective you should be around Yuna." He said with a baby-like voice.

"Since when is hugging called protecting?" Sakura gave him a weirded-out expression.


"Hm." He sneered and turned his face to the other side, while I was literally dragging him behind me. "Sakura is mean."

"Stop being a baby." Sakura said.

"Excusez moi- She is my girlfriend. I can act however I want around her."

"Like I care."

"Yuna-chaaaan." Jinyoung called imitating Sakura. I laughed.

"You guys are so cute." I muttered with a giggle. Jinyoung gave a peck on my cheek.

"Yuna-chaaan. Tell me you love me even more than Sakura." Jinyoung said, still imitating Sakura. He looked at my face expectantly.

"First of all-" I pushed him off me. "You're too heavy." All of us went to the park undecided. Sakura and I sat on two swings while Jinyoung stood in front of us.

"HAHA! FAT!" Sakura laughed. Jinyoung flicked her forehead.

"I'm not fat. I'm fit. I go to the gym every day. You can see for yourself." He raised his shirt up to show his stomach with his rock-hard chest and perfect abs. Sakura let out a little squeal and both of us covered our eyes. He pulled his shirt back down and adjusted it, with a satisfied grin.

"You shouldn't do that with another girl around. Few homosexuals might not want to see it. Also, Yuna-chan will be upset."

"Who said so?! I don't want to see it too!" I flushed red, so I pulled my head down.

"So you're bisexual?" Sakura laughed, swinging her legs.

"Stop bullying my girlfriend." Jinyoung came and pulled my head against his body, petting my head possessively.

"Yo!" someone called out. I tilted my head to see Daehyun, walking towards us.

"Daehyun! Please take your girlfriend somewhere and never return her." Jinyoung said.

"Gladly. Let's go, hun." He pulled Sakura from the swing and was about to go.

"Noooo-". I ran and hugged Sakura from behind, leaving Jinyoung near the swing.

"See for yourself, Mr. Boyfriend. She loves me more."

"I think I heard a heart crack." Daehyun muttered. Jinyoung gave three of us glares. It made me giggle. Jinyoung walked towards us. He suddenly pulled me up by my waist and threw me over his shoulder.

"I'll kidnap only you."

"WH- ?" He walked away from the two of them.

"I feel sick." He carefully placed me down. "You're strong"

"Because I work out" he smirked. I closed my eyes before he did the same thing again. But he didn't.

"Aw- Sorry Yuna darling, next time." He ruffled my head. I punched his stomach, when I got the chance.

We fell silent.

"Does Daehyun like Sakura?"

"Mhm" he grinned. "I kidnapped you, so that they could have some time alone."

"Really?!! Sakura really really really likes him too!" my eyes widened.

"I know that" he smiled at me again.

"She would be so happy! But we shouldn't tell her. Daehyun should be the one to confess. Or her."

"Mm." he nodded. "Can you stay at my house for tonight?" he asked me.

"Maybe." I raised my eye brow at him.

"Oh so you're playing hard to get. Ill kidnap you really. "

"I'm sorry. For making you come here."

"Idiot. You were just so happy a second ago. Now you're sulking over nothing."

"It isn't nothing. What did your father say?"

"He found out that it was because of you. He knows that I'm in love with you."

"Which reminds me. I haven't told my mom and dad about you yet." I looked at him.

"Do you want to call them now?"

"I think so. Plus my younger sister is with them now." I dialed my mom's number.

"How old is your sister?"

"18. They're nice people, don't worry. " I laughed.

"Hello?" I heard my mom's voice.