Lily: Jake ? where did he go ? what is this ?
"here it's a medicine, you said your head hurts earlier so i bought one, i also left my number here it's 09166607841. call me so i would know your number and.. it's because you ask me to play with games."
he didn't look like he cares because of his death stare but he is actually cute in some way.
Jake's POV
Jake: achoo.. huh ? i think someone is having some dirty thoughts about me. i better put my earphones on, since it's still new year there will be a lot of people in public and i'm going to commute.
come to of it, i was never being comfortable at sharing my past to just anyone, ever since i saw someone else's eyes looking away while i am talking about who i was, they even lie that they were listening but they don't really care. those who are only experience the same pain you experience will be the one who would listen to you or at the very least care about you, because there is no one who wants to know what they couldn't relate on.
maybe lily felt being alone as well, i'm kinda curious what she said last night. i'm kinda glad though, she listened about my story without judging me, i even punch hole at her wall without knowing but she didn't get mad.
Driver of jeepney: where at novaliches, bayan !! those who wants to go down, make it quick !
Jake: oh already ? that was fast. i need to go to my friend, this cuffs are embarrassing me.
Marvin!? are you there ??
Marvin: dude what's up ? wait, what are thooose ?? hahaha why do you have s** handcuffs, no way did you---?
Jake: oh God no dude, it's a long story, can you remove this ?
Marvin: yeah, of course i can, the real question, is do i want to ?
Jake: come on men, we were bestfriends since we were kids, we even take a bath together and eat lunch at canteen, we even graduated at highschool together, what about the parties we've been together, those wasted nights ? are you really my friend or did you forget about me ?
Marvin: dude why do you smell like shit ? johnny johnny ?
Jake: yes papa ?
Marvin: telling lies ?
Jake: no papa ? ok don't continue that.
Marvin: just wait for me here i'll get the tools so i can start removing that.
Jake: i knew i could count on you.
Marvin is my bestfriend, we met when we were senior highschool students, i was still anti-social who never communicate with anyone, he saw me playing league of legends and ask me if we could duo in a rank game, i said yeah, sure. i play as a support since he main adc, he's not that good but he's not that bad, he's like an average, while i play as good as i can to give a good expression, and he complimented me, "you play like a challenger but why are you ranked as a platinum ? is that your smurf ?" he said, but at that time i got a two accounts in a platinum and i'm kinda stuck in there. after that game i went to class and once again i saw him there, he is my classmate.
we always play before or after class, then one day he got a team and he ask me to join his team to play as a support, then we join countless of tournaments, sometimes we won sometimes we lose, but the main point there is if you have fun.
Marvin: hey what are you staring at ? you're thinking of something again, is it a girl ?
Jake: i told you, i'm not into relationship right now.
Marvin: booo, you are so boring old man.
Jake: just help me here dude, my hands are suffocating.
Marvin: yeah yeah, it's not like hands got some nose to breath on. here and here, done. easy peasy, lemon squeezy.
Jake: i can imagine you getting arrested by cops and removing the handcuffs that easily and running away from them.
Marvin: i'm not a thief, do you want me to put this back on you ?
Jake: hahaha i'm just kidding.
Marvin: you seem different..
Jake: what do you mean ?
Marvin: are you really the Jake i know ? you are so talkative right now, did something good happen ? is it a girl ?
Jake: oh come on you and your girls.
Marvin: by the way i'm going to stream at 12pm want to join ?
Jake: yeah sure, but let's go buy some food first so we can have snacks later.
Marvin: cool let's go.
~At SM Novaliches~
Marvin: do we still got cup noodles at home ?
Jake: dude it's your home, aren't you supposed to know about that stuff ?
Marvin: well you also sleep there all the time, it's like your home too plus you always take all the cup noodles away from me.
Jake: right... i think we already ran out..
Marvin: see.. you know about cup noodles. well i'll go get some chips just pick the noodles.
Jake: hey.. Marvin, can i ask a question ?
Marvin: well, you are, already.
Jake: then, what would you feel if i stop going to your place ?
Marvin: well, since the team is already gone because they got a job now and there is you and me now... maybe i can have a party now !! and with the girls you know hahaha. nah.. maybe i'll be lonely or maybe not, because the fans are still there, chat will still be there but after the stream, yeah i'll be lonely at home but i can manage. wait are you going somewhere ?
Jake: just curious hahaha
Marvin: then i'll take my leave weirdo !!
Jake: i hope he won't be alone.