Playful Carlos

The ride going to the hospital was too long and annoying for Alex. She had to keep listening to Carlos' insults towards her.

"Look at how big your nose is in this picture? You look like Shrek's sister." (Shrek is an ogre from an animation movie.)

"Look at your forehead. Maybe an airplane can land on here."

"Why is your hair so short? Are you that lazy to wash your hair? That's why you stink last night when you were leaning on my shoulder!"

He was laughing the whole time which made Alex furious. She wanted to slap his face and kich his ass but she knows she can't win against him so she remained quiet. This silence of hers made Carlos enjoyed teasing her more.

Alexa felt relieved when they reached the hospital. She got off from the car immediately and headed directly to the elevator. Her granny's private room is on 4th floor of the hospital. Her granny is already transferred from the ICU since her vital signs are now stable and is now conscious. Carlos on the other hand went somewhere on his own which made Alex feel happy or maybe upset. She also cannot figure out what she feels finally not having him around.

Alex's parents are both in the room when she reached there. Her mom is feeding her grandma who still has a tube connected to her arm. A container of liquid connected to the tube is hanging next to the bed.

Her grandma didn't greet her when she arrived. She is sure that her grandma is still mad at her for not going against her.

"Where is Carlos?" her father, Miguel Lopez, asked her.

"I don't know. Maybe flirting with young nurses in here." She said coldly.

"So she came with you here?" Her granny asked, sounding excited.

"Yes, granny but I don't know where he went. Are you still mad at me?" Alex sat down next to her granny and hugged her. She feels relieved to see her granny now okay. She couldn't forgive herself if something happens to her.

Her granny didn't answer and continued eating. Her mom smiled at her. It's like a secret conversation between a mother and a daughter and she understood that her mom wants her to stop talking about what happened for now. They don't want her granny to be upset again.

Not long after, Carlos came with a plastic bag in hand. She went directly to Granny Isabela and kissed her in the cheeks which he also did to Alex's mom. He looks so sweet doing such gesture to her family. Granny Isabela and Mrs. Lopez look pleased with what Carlos did. He then approached Mr. Lopex and said hi then went to Alex and gave her the plastic bag.

"What is it?" Alex asked.

"I got sandwich for you from the canteen. You didn't eat anything yet." Carlos replied.

Mr. Lopez cannot hide the smile on his face when he heard what Carlos said. Granny Isabela was also smiling from ear to ear.

Alex didn't say a word. She was moved with what Carlos did but at the same time she is confused. How dare this man pretend to be so kind in front of his family when he was laughing at her the whole time in the car!

"You should eat something, Alex. Don't make the people around you worried." Mr. Lopez said. The smile on his face is now fixed. He can't help but like Carlos for being a gentleman to his daughter. This is also the first time a man shows such thoughtfulness to her daughter. He, as her dad, cannot do such thing to her since she always said she is not a baby anymore and she can always take care of herself. "Maybe it is time for us to go home. It is Friday anyways so the two of you can stay up the whole night. Or, since mom here is now feeling better, you can take a rest after her medicine time." Mr. Lopez continued.

Alex can sense what her father is doing. He wants the two of them to have more private time together. He is hoping that the two of them can have a chance of becoming a couple.

"Over my dead body," whispered Alex.

"You're saying something?" Mr. Lopez asked.

"Nothing, dad. I'm talking to myself." Alex

Her mom as usual, didn't say a word and just followed her dad.

After the couple left, Granny lied down on her hospital bed and said she would take a rest. Alex didn't force for them to talk and just helped her lie down.

"Why don't you eat? Don't you like the sandwich?" Carlos asked her when she returned seated on the sofa.

"I'm not hungry."

"I don't think so. I heard your stomach growling in the car."

"Stop making fun of me, will you? I said I'm not hungry!" Alex said who is now very irritated.

"I just don't want you to get sick. I'm worried. you know."

"Eat something!! Why are you so stubborn?! You like doing exactly the opposite of what people tell you to do." Her granny shouted which made the two surprised. She is now sitting on her bed and glaring at her. All along, Granny Isabela is listening to their conversation and maybe she can't stand not butting in.

Alex opened the plastic bag and pulled out a wrapped sandwich. She started eating it. After her first bite, her granny went back to bed.

Carlos laughed quietly looking at Alex. He then stared at Alex who looks like a pitiful child forced to eat by her parents.

Alex started feeling hot on her face which makes Carlos laugh more. She is now blushing! The charm of Carlos is working! Even the lesbian, Alex Lopez can't refused the charm in front of her.

Alex looked at the other direction to avoid Carlos' gaze. He seems to enjoy the reaction he sees towards Alex. He also finds her cute but he knows more beautiful women than her.

The night for the two was very long. They played at their phones and didn't talk. This situation is more favorable to Alex since she won't be teased by Carlos. She is now sure that Carlos has two opposite characters. He is sometimes so talkative and insensitive and the other one is very quiet and caring. She should not be fooled by Carlos and she shouldn't be confused with her identity. She has a girlfriend and she should think about her more.

She realized that she indeed has a gf which she didnt contact for two days now. She received some text messages from her but she didn't open them since her focus was her grandma.

She opened the messages and started replying to her gf when her phone rings. It is her gf. Carlos looked at her and gave her a suspicious look. Alex went out from the room to answer the call.

"Hi, baby. I missed you."

"Yes, my granny is in the hospital now. I'm so sorry."

"I will call you if I can see you tomorrow. I will try my best baby."

"I love you and don't forget your meals. Wear something sexy when we meet okay?"

"What the!" Alex almost dropped her phone to see Carlos standing beside her. He is now outside her granny's room and is smiling at her.

"When did you come out? I almost had a heart attack." Alex said.

"You don't have a heart disease. I already checked your medical records." Carlos answered.

"Don't do that again! And it is rude to listen to other people's conversation." Alex

"I was just standing here. If it is private, you shouldn't answer your calls in hospital corridors. This is a public space."

"Whatever!" Alex

"I'm hungry. I didn't have dinner yet. You have to pay for my sandwich. You ate it." Carlos

"Excuse me? You gave that to me. You even talked about it loudly so granny could hear it. Do you think I'm so stupid not to know that you intentionally spoke louder so grannny can hear you talking about how concern you are? Nice pretending, huh?"

"Is it too obvious? It worked anyway. Buy me sandwich, then. I'm also hungry." Carlos wrapped his arm towards Alex neck and started walking. Alex tried to escape from him but still can't get away from him. Carlos dragged her to the hospital restaurant and asked her to buy the same sandwich which he gave her. After buying, they went back to her granny's room.

Inside the room, Carlos sat next to Alex and leaned on her shoulder. Alex didn't do anything anymore since she knows that her strength is nothing compared to Carlos'.

"Can you open the sandwich for me, baby?" Carlos said loudly which she is sure her granny heard.