Her Weak Side

Alex stood up immediately which made Carlos' head bump on her shoulder. He let out a loud 'ouch!'.

"What's wrong this time? What did I do again?" Carlos complained.

Alex can't believe what she is hearing from this man. He is not only good in making fun of other people but also in acting. She acted to punch Carlos but the guy he wanted to hurt is smiling back at her.

"Please grow up. You're so childish. Don't pretend to be nice in front of others." Alex is now almost shouting.

"What are you talking about? Are you angry because I asked you to buy me sandwich? I will pay you tomorrow. I don't have enough cash now and I forgot my cards." Carlos still in his character.

The voices of the two woke granny Isabela up. She sat down on her bed and looked directly at the two.

"What's happening? Are the two of you fighting?" asked granny Isabela.

"It's nothing granny." Alex said. "We are just discussing about something."

"I'm sorry Granny Isabela. It's my fault. I should have been more patient to her. I promise it won't happen again." Carlos said which makes Alex feel so surprised. Her eyes widen with anger but she couldn't say anything.

"Alexa! Why don't you try to be nice to our visitor? We didn't raise you to be rude." Granny Isabela said.

Alex looked at Carlos fiercely. She wants to slap this man in the face but all she could do now is to apologize and accept defeat. Carlos is just staring at Alex, waiting for her next move.

'I'm sorry. I will be nicer next time." Alex said in a low tone. She cannot believe that she, Alex Lopez, will give in to a man like Carloz Mendez. She wants nothing now but to avenge him.

"The two of you should be more understanding to each other. I'm happy though that at least even though this is only the second day since you met, you are already talking like friends." Granny Isabela said smiling. She feels relieved now that her plan for the two is working. Having a minor heart attack is not so bad after all. Fortunately, she didn't die.

Alex approached her granny and kissed her. She still feels guilty for what happened to her granny. Carlos followed her and both of them are standing on her bedside. Granny held Carlos' and Alex's hand and smiled.

Alex held her hand back. After a minute or two, she tucked her granny back to bed and kissed her cheek to say good night while Carlos went back to the sofa and enjoyed eating his sandwich.

When Alex was certain that her granny is already sleeping, she approached Carlos angrily.

"We need to talk. Let's go out." She said.

"About what? I'm already sleepy." He said with the sleepy look on his face. Alex knows that he is just trying to escape from her.

"We have to make things straight. I don't want to waste my energy arguing with you." Alex said with certainty.

He stretched his arms towards Alex acting cute. "You have to drag me out if you really want to talk to me."

Alex can't help but laugh at him. How can he still act this way even though she is already angry at him! She can't believe that a man can be as childish as him. Between the two of them, Carlos seems to be the girl.

"I won't go out then." He lied down to the sofa and pretended to sleep.

"I'm not kidding. We really need to talk. And please know when to be serious." Alex said who sounds more serious.

Carlos opened his eyes then stood up. "Let's go then. There is a cafe opposite to this building. I want caffucino and since you're the one who invited me for a date, you will pay." Carlos is again smiling like nothing happened.

Alex didn't say a word. She just started walking and headed for the door. Carlos followed her without any complaints. Alex dropped by the nurses' station to tell the nurse on duty that her granny will be alone for a while and they will be back as soon as they can.

As soon as they reach the cafe, Carlos went to the counter and ordered two caffucino grande and three slices of cakes. After he finished ordering, he looked at Alex and signaled her to pay. Alex took her wallet and paid the amount. When she turned back to look for Carlos, he is already seated at the corner and leaning towards the table.

Alex tried to calm herself down. She has been in disbelief since this she left her place. Her impression towards Carlos last night is totally the opposite of who he really is.

She sat to the chair opposite Carlos. His eyes are now closed. If this happened in the morning, maybe Alex would look at him and admire his looks but after she found out who he really is, the admiration and confusion she had totally disappeared.

The device given to her by the staff buzzed signaling that their order is now ready. She stood up to get their order when Carlos grabbed her arm.

"Let me get it." He said and left for the counter.

Alex sat back. She told herself she would never be fooled by Carlos again no matter what.

Carlos came back to the table with the two cups of coffee and three slices of cake with one fork. He put one cup of cappucino in front of her and arranged the cakes on the center of the table.

"So, what are we going to talk about?" He said smiling.

"What do you really want? I don't like it when you make fun of me. We just met yesterday but you act like we are so close." Alex

He sipped his coffee and looked back at her smiling. He didn't say a word. He just stared at her like a man who is so much in love to a woman.

Alex can't help but to feel uncomfortable with the way he looks at her. She had to remind herself that Carlos is not the type of man she has to believe in. He is so good at pretending.

"I thought of what you said last night and I realized you have a point. I was already deternined to make an agreement with you but after what you did today, I am having second thoughts." Alex said. Carlos is still fixed looking at her. She can't figure out what he is thinking.

"I thought I could trust you but now, I don't know what to do anymore and the more you show your childish attitude, the more I become certain that I can't really trust you." Alex continued.

Carlos still didn't say anything. Alex can't distinguish whether he understands what she is trying to say or not. Alex can't help but pity herself. She doesn't want to make her granny feel bad again so she is willing to do anything, even it means she has to get married with a man.

With these thoughts in mind, Alex couldn't help but pity herself. She is still young and she has many things she wants to experience, many things she wants to try and places she wants to explore. She never thought she would be facing this situation. She felt so lonely and unconsciously, she startes crying.

Carlos' expression suddenly changed when he saw Alex crying. He stood up from his seat and went next to Alex and before she knew it, he is already hugging her tightly.

"Sorry." Carlos said while he taps Alex's back repeatedly. Alex cried more uncontrollably. She also couldn't understand why she couldn't stop crying. It is the first time she felt vulnerable and fragile. This is the first time she was able to show her weak side.

"I promise to always protect you. Stop crying." Carlos said and she cried more.