The Night They are Together

Carlos and Alex went back to the motel still very quiet. They can't help but to be awkward with each other and they also had to pretend like nothing happened.

For Alex, she regretted kissing Carlos. Her main purpose for doing it was to stop him from talking but she never thought she would feel something different. There was like an electricity that attracts her to do it again.

For Carlos, he respects Alex and he doesn't want her to feel awkward towards him. He wants the two of them to get to know each other more. He wants the two of them to help each other and be comfortable with each other. He hopes they can be bestfriends.

He doesn't want to fall for her or the other way around, that would make things complicated. He was happy at first to know that Alex is a lesbian so he thought it would be easy for them to pretend to be happily married after their wedding in front of their families. He has to make sure that everything will go according to his plans.

After arriving in their room, they both put their plastic bags of food on the table. Alex sat down on the bed while Carlos went to the bathroom. As soon as he entered the bathroom, she grabbed her hair and slapped her cheeks.

"What were you thinking?" She whispered to herself. "Have you lost your mind?"

When she heard the door knob of the bathroom door opening, she fixed herself immediately and took the bag on the table.

"Let's eat. I'm starving." She said. She is trying her best to behave normally.

"Okay. Do you want beer? I want to drink a bottle. I will go down to buy, how about you?" He asked.

"I'm good. I don't drink yet. I promised granny I won't try alcohol until I reach 18. You should have bought some on our way here." Alex answered.

"I forgot. Someone makes me stressed so I couldn't think clearly. I wonder what she really likes." He said. He started teasing her again.

Alex felt relieved to know that he is not that affected. She hopes they could just forget what happened and spend the night at peace.

"I'll be back immediately. Don't leave. I'm scared of ghosts. I will tell granny that you kissed me if you escape from here." He said smiling before heading for the door.

Alex can't help but smile to what Carlos said. At least now, she could feel relaxed. She started eating the burger she bought and decided to check her social media account. She is not the type of person who likes posting things about herself. She only uses her account to know what is up with her friends and to stalk women. This time she decided to check Carlos' account.

She typed Carloz Mendez on the search panel. She found his account immediately and was surprised to see the number of his followers. He has more than 3 thousand followers and he is only following more than 200. How can he be that famous? Alex don't find him handsome and he is not charming as well. She admits that he is cute at times but still most of the people she knows, even the most beautiful girl she knows in her school only has more than 1 thousand followers.

She then checked the pictures he posted. He has a picture of him topless, showing his abs in a beach. He also posted pictures of himself which Alex thought has been edited since he looks handsome in them. She got curious with the comments since almost all of his pictures have more than 100 comments. Most of the people who left comments in his pictures are girls. One said, "You look so yummy. Please marry me." This comment makes Alex feel sick. Women nowadays have a very low standard she thought.

She pressed the locked button on her phone immediately when she heard the door opening. Carlos is now back with a box of beer.

"What the heck is that? I thought you only want a bottle?" Alex asked.

"The seller in the convenient store is so pretty. I asked for her phone number for this box of beer." He said proudly.

"Childish!" Alex whispered.

"You should try drinking a little. You are already 17 anyway and I won't tell granny about it. It will be our secret." Carlos said.

"Forget it. I have to go to school tomorrow and besides, I don't trust you. Men make women drunk nowadays to get what they want." Alex

"You're not a woman though." Carlos said. Alex couldn't explain the sudden feeling of pain when she heard that statement from him. Yes, she is a lesbian but it doesn't mean she is safe with him. It is painful to know that Carlos doesn't see her as a woman.

Carlos opened two bottles of beer and handed one to Alex. "You don't need to finish it, just try. Do you want me to order other food? We can have pizza or how about chicken?"

"Never mind. I won't drink so I don't need additional food." Alex

"Up to you. I will order pizza for myself." He then used his phone and checked on something. Alex stared at the bottle of beer in front of her. She couldn't stop thinking about what Carlos said. She is not a woman. "What a jerk!" She whispered.

"You're saying something?" He asked.

"I'm talking to myself." Alex couldn't understand why those words could hurt her so badly. She grabbed the bottle of beer and engulped it. She didn't stop until she was able to finish the whole content of it.

Carlos didn't notice what she did since he was busy looking at his phone. When he was finished ordering, he looked at Alex and smiled. "So, tell me about yourself? What kind of women do you want? Have you tried having sex with your gf? Do lesbians have any positions?"

Alex felt embarassed with his questions. He got the bag of burger Carlos bought and threw it at him. "Too personal. We are not that close."

"Hahahaha" Carlos laughed loudly. His voice echoed inside the room. "I was kidding. You are so serious. Why are you blushing?" He said and continued laughing.

"It's not funny." Alex answered.

"Are you always like that? It seems like you always want to argue with me? I'm sure you also have male friends. I guess they are worse than me." Carlos

It is true that Alex has many male friends but no one among them asked her such vulgar questions. They respect her, maybe because she is famous in her school and the fact that she is a Lopez.

"Why is your face so red?" Carlos asked. He then check the bottle of beer he gave to Alex earlier and was surprised to see that it is now empty.

"When did you drink this?! I thought you are not drinking tonight? I told you to try drinking a little, not to get drunk." He said. His statements make Alex confused. He sounds angry but based on his facial expression, he doesn't look serious.

"The taste is not bad. It's actually not my first time to try beer. I had a sip before from my friends. I won't get drunk with just a bottle." Alex

Carlos smirked with what she said.He then started drinking. "I planned for us to go to a club tonight. I thought it would be more interesting to spend our night around girls, you know. But now, I think staying here is not a bad idea. At least we can talk."

"Whatever!" Alex got the bottle opener which Carlos used a while ago and opened another bottle of beer.

"Are you sure you want to drink more? You said you have a class tomorrow. Don't blame me if you got drunk." Carlos warned.

"There is a school event tomorrow so students don't need to attend our regular classes. I can skip going to school." Alex explained.

"Oooh! Let's get drunk tonight then. Deal?" Carlos

"Only if you promise to keep a distance from me. No touching and no kissing." Alex

"Hahahaha! You're the one who kissed me. We are bros, don't worry, I always keep that in mind." Carlos

"Bros." Alex repeated. She then looked down on the floor to hide the bitterness she feels. She got the bottle of beer and started drinking again.

"Don't drink too much. I don't want to take care of a drunken lesbian. If you're a girl, I would love to, but the problem is you're not." Carlos

Alex can't take it anymore. She got up from her seat and stood in front of Carlos who is now looking so confused. She touched his cheeks with both hands and put her face so close to his.

"I'm still a woman. And I also have feelings." Alex said and kissed Carlos. It was a simple kiss at first until she felt his lips moving. He is now kissing him back.